Mankind has accumulated a lot of scientific knowledge on how to preserve health, including through the management of a separate food
However, when we satisfy hunger, then we do not think about what and how to eat.
Usually we strive to eat as much as possible, tastier, and after a hearty meal can varied with pleasure even eat cake or ice cream, washed down with sugary drinks.
Despite widespread promotion of different diets, many people are overweight, metabolic disorders, cardio - vascular diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, and others. In recent years, in many countries there was an increased interest in a separate food diet.
The theory of a separate food has its own history, supporters and opponents, but with excellent practical results of its popularity is growing even among gourmets, especially those who want to lose weight.
This method of power can hardly be called a diet, because it is allowed everything: meat, fish, eggs, cheese and other dairy products, animal fats and vegetable oils, bread, pasta, cereals and others.
It is only necessary to know how to combine them so as not to your body the extra hassle of digestion and absorption of nutrients.
The basic principle of the method of separate power supply is that in drawing up the diet is necessary to consider the compatibility of certain products during digestion.
Recommended unlimited quantities of environmentally friendly consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and limit their intake of canned foods of all kinds, as well as the refined product of industrial processing of sweet (sugar, candy, soft drinks, etc.).
It should be the most gentle way to spend cooking of fresh food to when cooking, stewing, baking or frying to preserve vital components.
Compliance with these conditions will reduce the energy cost of digestion, to maintain the acid-alkaline balance and create optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the digestive system.
In theory separate food products rich protein (over 10%) and products rich in carbohydrates (over 20%) is not necessary to use simultaneously and with an interval of time of 4-5 hours, but not less than two hours. It is very important for the smooth functioning of the digestive system and metabolism.
The reason is that for digesting proteins and carbohydrates body require different conditions and different times. For the breakdown of carbohydrates require an alkaline environment to break down proteins - sour.
Carbohydrate processing requires less time than the breakdown of proteins. So if we both eat food that contains a lot of protein and carbohydrate, that some of these substances will be assimilated worse.
Undigested food residue accumulating in the large intestine, in certain circumstances, may cause a number of diseases, including constipation.
Foods rich in protein include:
meat, fish, offal, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, nuts and others.
Foods rich in carbohydrates include:
bread, flour, cereals, pasta, potatoes, sugar and others.
A special group of the so-called "neutral" products:
animal fats, butter, cream, fat cottage cheese, fat cheese (fat content of more than 45%), dried fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits.
A characteristic feature of the "neutral" products is that they are compatible with foods rich in protein, and foods rich in carbohydrates.
Moreover, it is desirable that fresh fruits and vegetables accounted for more than half of the daily food ration.
When a separate feed is recommended about the following diet:
- Fruit, fruit salad, cheese, sour cream, a sandwich of wholemeal bread with butter or cheese, cottage cheese.
it is desirable to prepare of the foods rich in proteins.
Moreover, traditional meat or fish dishes - without the usual side dish of potatoes or pasta, they can be supplemented with a large portion of salad, vegetables, fruit. From soups - vegetable soup or vegetable soup, for dessert - unsweetened fruit.
cooking of foods rich in carbohydrates, as they are quickly absorbed by the body. This can be a potato or carrot casserole, macaroni and cheese, sweet fruits and others.
Go to the separate power supply is never too late, you can gradually, for example, start with one day a week. Over time, you get used to the new combination products and even feel the delicate taste of the unusual food.
The effect will feel after two or three months, or even earlier, if you spend cleaning the body and, above all - the intestine.
Based on the principles of a separate food, each person can adapt the diet to suit your individual or family habits.