How to get rid of indecision and make decisions

 Indecision, how to get rid of indecision and decide

There is nothing wrong with indecision, on the contrary - it's good when the person before making a decision, weighing all the "pros" and "cons", analyzes, looking for the best option.

In the life of each there are moments when it is difficult to make a decision and the lack of options often prevents us from making the right choice.

However, one should be able to make their own decisions .

One of the main reasons for indecision is the lack of self-love, lack of faith in ourselves and in what we can make the right decision.

So often we ask the opinion of the people around us, what decision to take, and how to make a decision, it is important to their opinion, even in a normal case, as the purchase of a bottle of perfume.

- Is it too sweet smell?

- I is this dress?

- I buy this house?

- I change jobs, that is to say, my parents, my husband, my friends?

It is possible that these issues are familiar to you. Learn how to decide for themselves, it is difficult, yes. But you can start small and slowly move incrementally.

In the case of incorrect decision not to give up, learn from your mistakes, take note and ... continue.

We do not always know how to make the right decision, we err and miscalculate though the fear is big enough, we must be able to accept and understand their own defeat.

When you learn how to make their own decisions and learn from your mistakes, you will have confidence in themselves and each time will miss less.

5 tips to get rid of indecision:

- All items must be taken calmly, think, reflect: it is impossible to always depend on the opinions of others, take the time to calmly analyze the situation;

- Believe in yourself: indecision is the result of lack of love for yourself. You are able to make decisions, the women have a natural wisdom, and you are no exception;

- Do not be afraid to make a mistake: daily and hourly, we make mistakes, it makes us stronger;

- You can never be good for all: Whatever decision you have not, I am sure there is someone who will criticize him in the dust (in the case of correct solutions will be similar);

- Believe what you will be able to achieve the goal: in what will be able to overcome indecision, she will leave you once and for all, and in time you will be a self-confident woman.

You are a woman who unable to solve their own problems and get rid of his indecision.

You do not need anyone's advice about what to do today or tomorrow, but you know what you want.

Get rid of your own insecurity, why is it you?

Loneliness - the loss or freedom?

 Loneliness - the loss or freedom?

Article on personal development and self-determination

Loneliness ... How did you come to that word? ...

Freedom? Sadness? Losing?

In any case - this is another step to develop, to learn who you are and what you yourself can actually ...

I would like to talk about the loneliness that feels The one left ...

The one who had high hopes, but they collapsed like a house of cards.

The one who wanted to make it better ...

The one who still loves ...

It was as if someone opened his hand, and you are left in free flight.

Fearfully? Yes.

Try not to look down, do not scare yourself a horrible thought, because everyone knows that it is not necessary to look into the abyss. Much dramatize ourselves.

Look. Who do you see next? Do you have a girlfriend, friends and loved ones that you care about!

But what to do when so want to withdraw into themselves, give up and be one, calling all this destiny?

I know these people, but I know and those who do not leave everything to chance, and developed and tried to apply yourself in any field, set new goals.

One of my friends helped to change appearance, and I myself was started at a permutation to see that everything in this life changes, you can not sit and wait for manna from heaven.

The most important thing - go for it! And no negatives!

From the outset, it is difficult to force myself to start something, and let your "shazhochkami" on the way to your self, independent and unique personality will be small, but they are !!

We must want to, and may even bring myself to realize that loneliness - is not when you tear off a piece of the soul, and allow to spread its wings, to find themselves.

There will come a day when you wake up and realize that so worth living, without losing themselves, remaining cheerful, letting into your life less and less of the bad.

The choice is yours, and yet ...

Being happy it was not forbidden!

Is it possible to identify the voice of a lie, about the signs of fraud

 Signs of fraud in the voice of a man

Sometimes a person's voice is much more important than the words they uttered. Voice can identify the signs of fraud.

The most common of these are the breaks. It is either too frequent or too protracted pause.

Suspicious as a hitch in the speech, particularly when it occurs in response to questions. Raises suspicion and short breaks, especially if they occur too often.

The signs of cheating can be considered and common interjections such as "uh", "um" or "well"; and I repeat: "I, I, I think" or "I, I, I mean"; extra syllables: "I believe in", and the like.

If the liar is not thought out in advance a line of conduct, if he did not expect that he will have to answer certain questions, and then manifest themselves such pauses and speech errors. This is one of the main reasons for their occurrence.

A related cause of her speech signs of deception, when a liar too well prepared, and make mistakes it makes a very strong fear of being exposed.

He can forget his deliberate course of conduct. While this fear is valid and poorly trained fraud, compounding his error. When he hears incredibly insecure and his voice sounded, he lost even more and starts to stray.

Some experts believe that the tone of voice may also provide a liar. Increased tone indicates the manifestation of emotions. About 70% of the experiments showed that in such cases the voice height.

In particular, it is influenced by emotions such as anger and fear. It is believed that the height is reduced by votes manifestation of grief and sadness. However, this is not exactly proved. Little is known about the change in the pitch of the voice bitterness, disgust, contempt and excitement.

This area is still a wide field of research psychologists. Not so easy to hide the changes in her voice under the influence of emotions. If, during a lie is a major cover-up anger you fear, the voice will sound louder and higher, and the speech itself can be faster than normal.

It is believed that the change in his voice can also cause remorse and sorrow. But the experiment is not yet proven. It is not known as the voice of delight change the subject from a liar sell.

But any kind of emotion leaves its distinctive mark on the sound of the voice. However, the rising tone of voice and other changes under the influence of his emotions can not serve as an accurate indicator of a lie.

Any display of emotion in his voice is not always an indication of fraud.

The man who speaks the truth, the fear of testing due to the fact that he could not believe it can also raise your voice and avoid speech errors as a liar from the fear of exposure.

Not only liars are experiencing emotional arousal, but absolutely innocent people. Mistake in this case is very easy. And if you take into account individual differences in emotional behavior of people, the exact definition of lies voice fairly simple matter.

Lying about a person can say even, emotionless voice, inspire confidence and stand firmly on his. But someone may seem that such a person in excellent controls, which means that he has something to hide.

To prevent the error in the interpretation of detachment tone, you need to know whether the characteristic for that person such manner of speech.

Some people voice never show their emotions, so dispassionate voice is not necessarily indicative of truthfulness.
