Willpower and a strong-willed personality

 Willpower and a strong-willed personality

How to create a strong-willed person? What is a strong-willed person?

Many of us are strong-willed person who can appear to (or have the ability) to overcome various kinds of difficulties during his aspiration to the goal.

Strong-willed qualities of the person

Many such strong-willed person sees a bold, decisive, so that does not lose composure in critical moments. It is assumed that if a person is strong-willed, strong-willed it around. Unfortunately, such views held by many. And even some experts in the field of psychology is also inclined to think so.

Social matured person is considered a person, but not everyone is strong-willed person will be socially mature. Strong-willed person is one who is successfully implementing its high, socially significant motives.

The height of such motives, their substantive characteristics differ according to Leontiev identity from fanatics, drug addicts or criminals.

And how then to shape identity?

If you go on the basis of Soviet times: "You Komsomolets, you are obliged to," that is the way of compulsion and coercion itself. For some time such manipulation own motivation work.

Various arrangements of himself, reasoning, intentional giving meaning to some extent act. But their influence on the overall scope of the individual motivations of doubt. An example may serve as a warning facts "bred disgust."

How diligent students of music schools, ending her perfectly, lay in the direction of a musical instrument, in order to never approach it.

But before they had for many years diligently, "strong-willed way" engaged for several hours a day! Winning in a small loss in the big turns. And suffering, especially the scope of the individual motivations. Therefore, the problem of willpower or lack of will of the person occupied and occupies the minds of mankind.

Authoritarianism in the education and training cause enormous damage to the individual. If a man have a constant pressure, coerced or threatened worse, it performs the desired behavior from him without regard to their own interests, goals and desires.

These behaviors do not assimilate a person. The predominance of the installation "I" means the appearance of the inner court, and tight control of its own compulsion.

Home energy is thus consumed in an internal struggle with their own desires and wishes to overcome themselves.

Many psychologists have identified willpower with the authority's own compulsion, thus raising doubts about the value of this force manifests itself in action "through gritted teeth."

The prevailing development of the same court leads to the formation of a set of character traits, which are referred to in many sources as "rigid character".

And then during the formation of the individual need to be guided, first of all, that it is interesting, what it needs, that it is not clear at the moment, the fact that due to the musicians reach the top performing arts, and athletes of high records.

Are such individuals should be forced myself everyday committed to satisfy the existing interest in the case or the need for it.

It is impossible to carry out each case on their own compulsion, but without it, in most cases it is very difficult to succeed.

Therefore, not without reason in the people considered to be strong-willed people who are able to coercion itself.

Communication within the family

As modern technologies facilitate the life of women

 As modern technology make it easier for women life: audio diaries

Indeed, why all the benefits of technological progress are mostly men? A woman offers a master mixer, washing machine and vacuum cleaner?

Frantic pace of modern life causes him to obey speed and at full speed to rush him. Just think how much you need to do in order to be beautiful, successful and beloved ... In the 18-19 centuries the main aspiration girl was advantageous marriage, acquisition of status in society and regular garden parties in the secular salons ... And now? XXI century has transformed the concept of the interior: now it's "Beauty Workshop" - haircut, styling, manicure-pedicure, solarium ... And all this takes time and money ...

And in order to opportunity is always ringing and "evrstvovali" in fashionable leather purse or securely hide under the gloss of a plastic card needed work ... work ... a lot to do, a series that is slowly transformed into a "mental assorted", confused and mixed in my head - and it is not surprising , the head of a pretty, pretty, girlish ... And memory is the same ...

Now, if it was possible to insert the flash drive in the head and throw all the information, or at least to announce that it is necessary, and then listen ... Now if ... STOP! And the second part of my wandering mind makes sense: to say ... listen ... I urgently need a VOICE RECORDER!

And now I realize its plan to improve the girl's memory at the storefront art ... Sea products attracts my eyes ... Everything would it bought, if I could ... Right still say, "that the woman's mind, the man can not afford" in principle, and I can not afford all this variety, but one of the recorders, I think the master ...

I want it to be very tiny, so do not have to always carry a radio sample 80s that, in spite of the minimal dimensions, it was the most functional ... All his seemingly incompatible demands and wishes I expressed consultant and received that ordered: in my hands glistened tiny digital voice recorder «Edic-mini Plus».

"One! Two! Three! Check the microphone! "- I said happily, put on the headset, hear my new digital" one "clearly reproduced those words. Still, I came up with great! Now ... Oh! Dictaphone fell from his hands. Well I'm so clumsy! "Alive"? Broken? Works ... Consultant also spoke about shockproof metal body and the 'minibronezhilet "saved" life "my recorder!

And I learned that it is an elegant "digital technology" has a unique "capacity for work": a single charge it can operate up to 210 hours! I imagined his fortune after continuous "working day", almost equal to ten days ... Yeah, it's a real "perpetual motion"! And if we consider it an inexhaustible potential write to the flash drive (up to 1200 hours!), You can become proud that you live in the XXI century and have access to this technology!

Pretty shopping I went to the office. A series of instructions from the boss not long in coming, "to solve the problem ... call ... clarify ... write ... send ... book ..." - the head began to spin, but now I can listen to all of this a few more times - after coming to the boss, I prudently pulled the treasured button!

From now on, the recorder has been my faithful companion, I included him, even when doing a report on the meeting: analyzing the speech, I realized that I too often say the words "like" and "here" is not doing expressive pauses between sentences, for some reason I say "do'govor," though I know what is right "dogovo'r" ... "It is necessary to follow the literacy of his speech! "- And now I have decided to start the voice recorded all my wins and losses in this difficult field!

And my "digital press attache" recently recorded the most important three words in my life ...

After listening to them a few times, I realized that not only beautiful and successful, but also loved ...

How to keep romance in marriage


Romance "before" and "after"

Marriage - is always a joyous and exciting time. The decision to create a family - a responsible and serious step. Psychologists divide 2 period in the formation of the couple: pre-marital (until the marriage) and peredbrachny (prior to the conclusion of marriage).

The premarital period, a very important factor in the development of relations, is a courtship. Courtship - expression of interest to the person of the same sex with the opposite purpose to win. The romantic courtship, the better the chances of success at conquering the subject.

In ancient times, concepts such as "grooming" and "romance" does not exist. Promiscuity prevailed, ie group marriage. Nobody cared for anyone else, but simply entered without ceremony in an intimate relationship. Then they all had children together. Then gradually people were divided into tribal communities.

Encouraged the marriage of young people from different communities and not in kind. Then there were the first elements of courtship, which were necessary due to the fact that the basic form of marriage is a marriage between two spouses. Then there was a need to choose one person to secure the union, and it was necessary to attract his attention.

Of course, there were still some places there are polygamous and monogamous marriages. But the basic form of marriage, more widespread and institutionalized, is a marriage between a man and a woman. With the development of civilization becomes mandatory courtship ritual.

Men devote their beloved songs, poems, give flowers, is dating. Rendezvous could start a serious relationship, which later develops into love. So first date always had a major role, carefully prepared.

Like hundreds of years ago, and now a date is an attribute of courtship, when everyone is trying to show themselves in the best light in front of another.

In the classic version goodbye man presents flowers to his lady. The ritual of giving flowers for centuries brings joy to women.

A rare woman would not be happy beautiful flower. Flowers - a symbol of love, a symbol of celebration and joy. According to legend, when one person teaches another color - together with them, he passes on the soul.

When there was this kind of entrenched and creativity as the verse, he also became an element of courtship. There is hardly a poet who in his work has not even one poem about love. For example, a well-known Petrarch immortalized the young Louise in his sonnets.

In verses to pour out his love - it was, is and will be very romantic. Now there are many ways okoldovyvaniya and conquest of a loved one.

Romance - one of the attributes of relations between subjects of the opposite sex. The word "romantic" means anything emotional, sublime. They liked each other young people trying to surround each other's attention and make it beautiful.

Romance in the first place, something unusual, personal and infinitely enjoyable. For some, romance - going to the movies on a night session for someone - a walk in the moonlight or dinner at an expensive restaurant. Peredbrachny period in relations must contain certain elements of romance.

The man is a native earner who won the woman, although sometimes it happens and vice versa. Marriage sometimes regarded as the ultimate authority, with the advent of which all possible courtship becomes meaningless, since the conquest has already occurred.

Sometimes it suits both of them. But it happens that this situation does not suit one of the spouses. Joint life bears the responsibility for each other, coherence and patience.

Family - a single organism, a single unit. Employment of both spouses and routine often leads to a gradual or abrupt cessation of the provision of certain tokens, which they enjoyed before marriage. It may subsequently harm family life.

What can be fraught with such behavior? The fact that a family member might be lack of attention on the part of a spouse, which can lead to conflicts and betrayals. If a man is a woman attentions before the wedding and abruptly stopped after the marriage, the woman would miss it. Lack of attention can be a reason to change.

All nice when cared for, so often marriages fail due to lack of proper attention, which is located on the side.

In his heart, each of us is romantic, and, consequently, everywhere there is a temptation that some impact on us and subdue the behavior and actions that we see in the family, from which we simply lost the habit.

Therefore, despite the current problems of employment and, though sometimes you need to set aside time at each other. Spousal relationships to periodically refresh. Invite each other out on dates needed and being a married couple. Romantic date is not only refreshing, but also to strengthen the relationship.

The best gift for your loved one - in a good mood, especially if you already know that can bring him joy. Keep in mind that people in love tries to capture only the best to the selected object, remember the best moments of time spent together.

Without the update, these points are erased from the memory of the spouses. The outcome can serve as mutual claims and tired of each other. Sometimes, the couple may not be aware of what they lack. But not enough, maybe just a night walk in the park or something else like that, as in "the good old days."

So do not weaken attention to each other after the wedding. We must always be alert. Not for nothing the first year of marriage is considered to be difficult for the newlyweds, who are at risk of domestic problems to lose the weapon that conquered each other, they attracted.

Well, if the pair and after many years of caring for each other, not having lost in life fervor and imagination. By good, as you know, get used quickly.

The main task - to maintain and develop the love and attention to each other.

Author Marina Kulakov.

Communication within the family
