Evil art of manipulation

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Evil art of manipulation
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"Manipulator - circus artist-magician, skillfully manipulating various objects" - defines the concept of interest to us Dictionary of foreign words. Manipulator in life, not on the stage, at least skillfully manipulates - us. "Different things" for him we are. The magician turns the cylinder upside down and from jumping mouse. Whether you like to be a mouse?

Yet one does not once, not twice turned into a not too smart these animals under the attentive gaze predatory cats - manipulator. Apparently, it is worth a closer look into this phenomenon, to understand the basics of the "evil art of manipulation."

Players of cat and mouse

Remember, and "Autumn Marathon" incompetent interpreter asks talented and conscientious colleague to help her with the translation? And he unfailingly ruled strangers helpless doodle - rather, rewrite again. Time he and his life is not enough, but he got his head in someone else's business and does not notice how dull eyes mountain - interpreters, watching him turn into two huge, glittering triumph of cat eyes. Mouse swallowed - the job is done. Proxy.

Home sage

He is, as befits a wise man teaches. In the absence of a wider audience - home. Thinking difficult because true specific and in each case it is necessary to re-extract the light. "Oracle Home" pull it out of the darkness of his lazy mind once and for all. On all occasions he has one comprehensive formula: "What did I say! Play it!" This manipulation thinner above: it provides "sage" intellectual superiority without any effort on his part (and of course, without any reason).

Alien wing

Who has not had to endure a colleague - the eternal child? Being professionally untenable, he got used to the amazing art of roles timid, indecisive, do not always understand what was wanted of him, waiting for a friendly tips (OPEC). Appealing to the eternal craving generous people - taking under the wing of the weak, the unfit - he arranged for someone else's wing as cuckoo in the nest of robins: comfortable and thoroughly. There is no doubt - the "foundling" survive and peresidit (podsidit) all of its talented and promising colleagues.

The child in the family

"And so all on me, and even a man all day lying on the couch. Were laid off, and while it is not expected", - the catch phrase of the sample 90 other women pronounced not just sadly and sympathetically - pitifully. Why is that? Resentment would be more natural. But it is not and will not be, because the hocus-pocus was a success, "the man on the couch," settled on him a long time. Why bother, to move, to think about their daily bread? My wife likes to water-feed, to care, to sympathize. She twisted pair - look how cleverly driven home by WHO.

But another type of fans to "hide the mice in a cylinder":

As you have not heard? (Not seen?)

Employee habitually late for half an hour, ran into the office with a view of shocked, "Well, as you yesterday?" People raise their heads, angry Chief forgets everything that was going to put "this hussy." Next is presented yesterday telesensatsiya with pereperchennymi and salty details. All eagerly incorporated into the discussion, and latecomers slips quietly behind his desk. When the passions subside, violators of peace so already hard at work that make her remark would be the greatest faux pas ... Reception rude, but works perfectly.

Or a situation very familiar to everyone:

Not with your wallet!

We are facing the counter, meticulously examining table lamps (pots, bags, vacuum cleaners - does not matter), most of which we can not afford. Having admired plenty to please show the one that is easier. "Or maybe this one?" - And the saleswoman, seeing us through and through, with a slight smile nods to orange-abazhurnoe miracle made in France. "Why not? Show!" - We throw back, swallowing the lump in his throat and trying to figure out from what would have to give for the sake of the overseas gizmos ... It's all right. We bought into the subtle, prudent rudeness - bought the thing, not the most necessary in the house.

This is in general mechanism underlying any manipulation manipulator sees and instantly calculates our weaknesses.

They also have a "product", "buying" and "selling" the manipulator who settled in life. Why we are so permeable to them, then they are for us - the "thing in itself", a "black box"?

The answer is that manipulyatorstvo generally speaking - human nature. Why make the effort yourself, if someone else would take it on yourself? Children, for example - model manipulators. What father would not sweating over the equations, instead of the young idler who first requested supporting formula, then "forgets" how to use it, - etc. etc.

Rummaging in the memory of anyone remember how many times he drove the nose well-wishers, forcing them to go to the bones, where he was too lazy to move my little finger. But we grew up. One day reached us that relying on others is not only shameful, but disastrous: man degraded by refusing to bear the hardships of life on an equal basis with everyone else.

Personality discolored. Because it erodes something without which neither respect nor esteem. There is a boundary that you can not cross. Manipulators have overlooked it - and dropped out of the circle of people with whom you can and Met case.

What do those who do not wish to join the ranks of magicians and tricksters?

It can not sell something that is not subject to sale: compassion, pity, sympathy, affection? - To know a few simple truths. And first of all realize that we are letting themselves be manipulated. What it is not cheap curiosity pushes us in the tenth fall for lovkachki? ("What, you have not seen?")

Prev. - Next. "

How do I get my laziness to work for themselves


All of us in varying degrees, are lazy. If you suffer from laziness, it is being said around the famous advertising, then we go to you.

You can and should make their laziness to work for themselves.

It's time to stop criticizing yourself and understand how laziness can be useful.

Obey psychologists.

They say that the most resourceful and intelligent people at the same time and the most ... lazy!

These people have always come up with a way to make your life easier.

Thus was born a lot of truly great inventions that bring comfort into our lives. After all, no wonder they say: "Laziness - engine of progress"

Build barriers to laziness.

The work is much easier to do if you have no choice, do it now or postpone for tomorrow. Hide yourself from him the TV remote close entertainment sites, and you will see that the work will go much faster, no matter where you may be doing it: in the office or at home.

Put laziness in the way of obstacles.

And now deliver on its head the previous council. The basic principle is that in order to avoid the performance really hard job, you are ready to do a bunch of other no less useful, but less difficult cases - according to the principle "of two evils choose the lesser."

Your productivity will directly depend on what you lazily perform the most difficult task, and instead as a kind of compensation you redo a lot of other useful things, but would not proceed to the most difficult ones.

Make a list of their cases by placing the most difficult task in the top of the list.

Now tell yourself that you are in, no matter what was the need to do this very difficult. If you are a couch potato, then first you will take in less complex tasks.

Over time will come and other things, and one of them is sure to be more important and more complex than "the worst" that you put on top.

Put work on someone else's shoulders.

Practice shows that most often become lazy managers

Automate workflow.

Instead of regularly performing the same actions you can automate the process of applying all the resourcefulness of mind, which is so characteristic of lazy.

Find a program for processing mail by keyword, create a table with the formulas for the daily calculation and score data into it (she says she will), make your own dictionary to translate commonly used word ... you have plenty of options!


If the job that you need to perform complex and difficult, try to find a way to make it more simple and easy to perform.

Break it on the stage. Look at what stage can be skipped, which - to automate, what - to convey to someone else.

Use lazy as a reward.

Say to yourself - if I do this set up, I can how to be lazy. This works!
