The woman and the age, the benefits of mature women


Woman and age: unity and struggle of opposites.

Age - a terrible word, is not it? Each letter in it breathes threat: because in our infantile world's indecent to grow and become more intelligent. The natural life cycle disgust and denied by all, including ourselves.

But let's look at the problem from the other side: you can remove the wrinkles, the hair - dyed, stomach - pull.

These visible eye troubles - a trifle compared with the benefits that accrue to a mature woman.

1. You learned to walk, but never wear supershpilki and megaplatformy. You do not want to look taller than you actually are. And the length of the legs you too, perhaps satisfied. And anyway, you now do not think of how to rearrange the legs when walking. And it helps the process.

2. Confidence. You know that everyone in the world - unique. And this fact means to you much more than the opinion of a neighbor, girlfriends and gossip columns in gloss.

3. Intelligence. Most likely, you have a higher education. Maybe even two. Or maybe you have a present and a dissertation. It does not matter. You just know how to be silent, to speak and to think. And to combine these steps in the right proportion.

4. Do you know what to ask Santa Claus. And besides, now you know how it is correct to ask: so that Santa Claus clearly heard all the recommendations. And besides, you have learned to accept any gift so as not to fail the hand of the giver. Or to return so that the withered little hands ...

5. You do not confuse the gas pedal and brake. The last time you scraped a wing machine five, no, seven years ago.

6. Now you do not care about symbolic ring with a diamond. And the march of Mendelssohn's already five years old you do not think riding musical culture. If you are offered a marriage, you are curious possible dividends. And, most likely, considering the deal unprofitable.

7. You do not sit on a diet. Now you so live.

8. You do not lose weight in the gym - you are there to move and support the body in good shape. And anyway, you do not lose weight or gain weight - you do not balloon to inflate and deflate with or without cause.

9. You do not dye your hair at home in the sink.

10. You do not wear false eyelashes, false nails and false breasts. Everything you wanted to increase, you have long been increased, all that would reduce - reduce.

11. Are not you ashamed to admit that you feel bad, do not know how to choose wine for the dish and does not understand the digital divide. What complexes? You have to have that specially trained people.

12. The question "What to wear? "No longer stands.

13. You have got from the far corner of all the photos that "I'm so scared! "And plant them at a decent place in the album.

14. At twelve you're sleeping. And let the whole world wait.

15. You visit a gynecologist and a dentist twice a year, cosmetologist, manicurist and masseuse - twice a week. You go to the hairdresser, when the soul is calling. Maybe twice a day.

16. You can not stand Turkey, Egypt and MAIL SAVE. Cheap - always a bad thing.

17. You make decisions and bear responsibility for it. What could it be otherwise?

18. Have you ever broken nails.

19. Do you remember how much you have sets of underwear, but I do remember that in the last ten bought designer boutiques in Milan.

20. You are listening to a man first, and then look at it. Sometimes - on the contrary. But only for a strip show.

21. In men and you are interested in), perfume, and b) the idea c) potential, d) citizenship. With the rest of the men themselves undecided. Therefore, you do not particularly interesting.

22. Do you accurately determine the attitude towards people. Those who disliked you, you do not communicate.

23. No advertising, which will convince you to change your preferences.

24. The concept of "style" and "fashion" is now for you to have meaningful content, not just a bright picture. You do not buy this shirt, despite the fact that she "squeak", simply because her cuffs. And you hate them since childhood.

25. Some of the things you do for yourself.

26. The last time you raised voice ... Yes, in the past year. Hailed in the street an old friend.

27. You may not download ringtones from the Internet.

28. You do not believe fortune tellers, do not put candles and are not afraid of black cats.

29. Do you consider yourself a young and know that all life is yet to come.

30. Now you are smiling.

Laughter is the best medicine


Laughter as one of the best cures for stress and depression

Have you at least once over that role in our lives plays a laugh? Certainly not everyone was asking myself this question. But laughter plays a significant role in people's lives. Through laughter is very serious and intractable problem at first sight

suddenly are not as big a deal, a bad mood disappear by itself, it stops and depression on the horizon reappears some hope. In the bustle of everyday life, we often have to combine work, family and solve problems.

As a result, so little time is left for fun and relaxation, which leads to the accumulation of stress and deterioration of our health. In order to improve our emotional and physical state, psychologists around the world are urged to greater joke.

It is clear that just like yourself from laughing himself not "squeeze", especially in cases where it seems that the worst is already impossible.

In order to lift themselves mood, we recommend: Most watch comedies or films that cause you only positive emotions.

Try as often as possible to watch comedy (as has long been your favorite and new), and to laugh was more, call your friends and watch a movie together. If possible, go to a comedy in the theater KVN comedy performances. In a large audience, we often will laugh than sitting watching TV at home.

Laughter can help you at least for a time to forget about your problems, get rid of negative emotions, in any case, a beneficial effect on your health. Allow yourself more likely to stay for the duration of the child, have some fun, take a ride on a swing in the park, ride downhill on a sled, eat something sweet, play children's games.

Childhood always causes us a warm emotions, joy and laughter, so allow yourself time to be on the children. Most joking at themselves and others (only with kindness, without sarcasm). After all, surely you had to get into ridiculous situations, so often remember them and mess with your colleagues and friends!

You can also make fun of certain habits of the people around you, the main thing that is not to offend anyone. Regularly check the site with jokes. Jokes of all people with a sense of humor only cause laughter, enthusiasm, good mood.

Read the most funny jokes to your friends, acquaintances, friends, laugh together. Pamper yourself: Make a bubble bath and put on a tray next to some coffee with a delicious cake or ice cream.

In general, less likely to deny yourself in small pleasures. Try out new areas that you are attracted to. Everything is new in our lives brings only positive emotions, joy, laughter, interest. In general, what we need in order to feel happy.

For this reason, we recommend to try out new areas to attend courses, to find a new hobby. Most raduyte other nice gifts, meetings and surprises.

After giving joy and laughter to others, in return we get a double joy!

We play psychological games


Psychological games: through life. In the middle of the last century lived a good American psychiatrist. His name was Eric Berne. During his long medical practice, he has helped many patients, and left for posterity an amazing strength and remarkable accuracy observation. People thought he was playing a game.

And not only in childhood, and not only in chess, and not just for the money. Great psychiatrist was confident that the game - an integral part of our communication with the world ... Playing manipulate people - and others, and themselves. After all, the player often forgets about its nature and constantly in the role. But the people around him see the only way - and do not know what really lies under the guise of a successful actor.

Times have certainly changed. Anyone who has read the immortal creation wizard now, notice that there are new types. Look around, what do you see?

I will marry an oligarch. Somehow, among adolescents it is assumed that the oligarchs - it's such a prince. A prince should be the fate of every little bit self-respecting girl. From here and silly, but a genuine belief in their ability of these same oligarchs in yourself fall in love with it in batches. Here, by the way, it should be noted that in different areas oligarchs - different.

In Moscow, the oligarchs without exception, all of them know, each runs a flock of home-grown predators. In the cities oligarchs have high-class cars, a penthouse on the roof of the tallest building in the city and a factory for the production of socks. In cities nemillionnikah oligarchs are automatically those who drives a car last model year and holding slot machines throughout the city.

In settlements tycoon - he is an honorable man, he has a car on the move, it is necessary, and throw to the hospital, it is necessary, and the wedding motorcade will pass. If you do not disdain, of course. Well, and, finally, in the villages, hamlets oligarch becomes representative of any male under the age of 60 or older than 15, who does not drink methylated spirit and responds to its own name.

The girl, who lives this game will not be a woman - it will remain forever in the infantile stage of the search. She is eager to listen to advice, to shape their body and mind at the desired size fits all - and her mind usohnet left without power.

Here we need a residence permit. Yes, the infamous institution of serfdom in the post-Soviet space has not yet been abolished. And if the employer is looking in his eyes, he said to him that you approach, but without a residence permit, he can not take you. Any more or less stupid person does not need good people, not residence - it is, after all, is not the passport office. And all that is connected with registration (by the way, you can add here the experience, skills, education and stress) justification - either for you or for him.

And a great way to acquire and moss periodically poplakivat over bitter fate. The game is played avidly not only girls. All sexes and all ages find a convenient explanation for their failure. And then such a luxury failure - absolutely nothing beyond his control! I do not have a residence permit! And that's why I'm sitting here and not flying there! Although, if I had a residence permit, I would have shown ...

I'm too fat. Do not get too thick or too thin people. There inappropriate standards. If they were all the same - for example, all as one, with a figure of Cindy Crawford - would need to assign people to the sequence numbers, just to distinguish them from each groomsman.

Look at the serial actresses: figures all have the same makeup - too botox in the forehead on - one syringe was filled, clothes, they seem to change too. And that someone knows them all by name? Or is distinguished for his roles? Being overweight is certainly not a reason for pride. Diseases of all sorts may accompany it, complexes with clothing shortages, with furniture.

But excess weight - not a reason to build up their lives for him, he algorithm. There is nothing that can not make fat - well, except that the window to climb. If the person does not like his body, a person in the hands of all the levers to change things - to love yourself or in any form or change its appearance beyond recognition.

Everything else - an explanation for themselves and others. Only now the "guilty" is not evil people around who are oppressed and not allowed to develop, and congenital bad luck. Fate, that is.

This, of course, not all types of modern games, which people live .   They were a hundred times more. And I saw this, just look around.
