Find enough time for yourself


Sometimes it seems that your life is no longer belong to you - work, family and other responsibilities so absorb it, that looking back at the last day, we do not understand where the time has disappeared! It is no wonder that many of us feel as if life is passing, and there is nothing they can do about it.

With these tips and a drop of willpower you can choose a time for himself and the world to meet face to face with newfound enthusiasm.

Use the time to travel

The obvious opportunity to find time for yourself - a trip for work. Of course, this time at a stretch be called a free - or your hands are busy with the steering wheel, or you're standing in the packed bus or subway car!

In such situations, we can say only one thing - that he may abide with you iPod: inspirational audiobook, meditative image or favorite music can give you just such a charge, which will help to get to work energized and refreshed. But even if you have nothing to listen to, this time you can still spend usefully.

Try a little "watch world" - keeping the mind absolutely calm, considering everything and everyone around for what they are, disable the filter of reason. Just a few minutes of this view to life every day may bring to the fore your inner self and bring you to a new and deeper understanding of the world.

Take breaks between tasks

Often we rush to do the next task, still thinking about just completed. This reduces our productivity, because mental processes are occupied simultaneously by two things. Why not make a conscious break between the current and the next challenge? Use this time - even one minute - to remind yourself about the most important (plunged into a routine, it is easy to lose focus).

Imagine for a few seconds, eliminating the entire mental noise associated with the fact that you did, and you create within ourselves a space of peace and silence. At the end of this quiet moment you will be able to direct all their attention to the next task.

Morning priceless

The best time for yourself - it's early in the morning. The atmosphere is more quiet and peaceful, and the probability of a phone call or other distraction is almost zero. Having time for yourself immediately after waking up, you become more alert at work on a variety of tasks during the day - it's something like the replenishment of the deposit in the bank.

In addition, many activities such as yoga and meditation is much easier and more enjoyable given before the outside world to declare itself. If possible, try to choose the time before breakfast - meal is a fun feature eat (forgive the pun) all the scheduled time.

Let your time will be yours

Today, the culture of communication means that we can often divert call or a request to go back and forth. Corporate mobile phone or smartphone at first may seem a gift of fate, and only after a few months you will notice that the opening hours have steadily increased since the boss is always in touch with you and wants to know the degree of readiness of a very important project.

If you want your time really was such, turn off all means of communication, and to do everything necessary so you will not be disturbed.

Having time for yourself, use it!

Often, getting a welcome respite from life, we jump for joy, then aimlessly fall onto the couch and look for the TV remote. Whatever it may be a relaxing pastime, it does not meet our original intention - to regain a connection with this stormy world.

But the use of time in recreation or creative purposes, contributing to our growth in personal terms, gives a strong sense of joy and satisfaction, which, in turn, will lead us to release life even more room for growth and self-discovery.

The way we use the received time is largely dependent on whether we will actively create the time in the future.

Sergei Biryukov

How to get rid of bad thoughts


Before answering this question, "How to get rid of bad thoughts," let us remember that the bad thoughts are considered to be those that predict trouble and unhappiness. For example, someone myself constantly winds like this: "I do not appreciate and do not notice me, nobody loves me no one is considered" Or like this: "Why try, I still did not work, because I'm on the fate loser. "

Of course, all these thoughts are very harmful. Not only do they prevent a person anything in life to achieve, they create a special energy around the human environment, tuned to negative.

To understand this better, we must remember that our thoughts are material. Any of them, both good and bad form around their host something like a cocoon, which has the property to pull a similar. That is, if the cocoon has a negative attitude, it will involve only a negative, namely, failures, troubles and losses.

So, the one who bothered to get out of life slaps and punches, should clearly understood the mechanism of thought and replace the bad into good. If you can not by itself, especially in the beginning, you need to do it in the form of an order, that is, to force itself. Everyday. Many, many times a day.

Start changing environment around them need not Monday, not on the first day, much less in the new year, but right from tomorrow, or rather tomorrow morning.

It becomes simple. In the morning, opening his eyes, you tell yourself something like: "What a wonderful day today come! Outside, the sun is shining (the rain, snow sweeps), and it's wonderful! Because that's what this day was wonderful for me. "

The words may be different, the main thing that they predetermine something good. Repeat this "conspiracy" needs a lot of times a day, especially before the mirror, because it absorbs all the energy that it reflects, refracts, and many times it throws back.

Sometimes bad thoughts are somewhat different, for example, a person thinks that with him or his loved ones should something terrible happen. For example, my husband went on a business trip while his wife winds himself that his car gets into an accident. Or someone leaving home, always thinks that his apartment was definitely robbed. Or something else.

It is sad, but what someone is afraid, really could happen, because the man himself mentally simulate the situation created in the space of its energy matrix. With such a matrix, any event more likely than those without it. So why create it?

Is it not better, even worrying about themselves, their loved ones or their property, think about a favorable outcome? If by itself does not work, you need to force itself and, as described above, repeated several times, that everything will be fine.

But sometimes words alone are not enough. Especially if uttering them do not believe in what he says. To enhance the effect of the words, you should try to mentally beat desired favorable situation. For example, you are afraid that your husband will happen something bad.

Try very clear in every detail to see how the husband returns home unharmed. Try to see his clothes (even the buttons on his shirt, even a stain on the pants, etc.), to see his face, every wrinkle, every pimple, if you want to see how he entered the house, I started to undress.

Thus, you will create the energy matrix in the space of a favorable outcome. In order to make it work, you need a little practice, but the results are worth it. Additionally, such matrices can create not only to return home husband, but in any event life.

Well, in order to get rid of bad thoughts, banish from itself unnecessary, negative fleeting little thoughts that arise suddenly, as they say, for no apparent reason, you can simply say out loud or to myself, "Come out! "And spit over his shoulder.

Psychology of family and relationships, mistakes women

 Family relationships

Women strangely guilt often take on and look for a cause. And is it necessary? Now because of the large number of divorces every woman tries to have her family is not included in this number, making every effort, with all failing to notice that it may harm family relationships!

Psychologists suggest that the problem of family relations is in the form of relationships themselves. Fear of losing all that was acquired by overwork, family home, forcing a woman to be overly careful, that can directly lead to the opposite result from that which she expects.

The fundamental error of the women in the family is its behavior towards the man - starts to behave like a mother with a child completely forgets himself and puts her husband's first priority, she hides their abilities and skills, and when she needs something behaves like a little girl.

In general, wherever possible, and sometimes you have to be weak and defenseless woman exerts a force, citing her husband how to do anything, and where necessary seriousness and tenacity, often if a woman is transformed into a little naughty child. It is not right!

Needless something ("Do not forget to pay!"), It is better to ask her husband about it, he did not forget what? Excessive guardianship and care of the woman, can provoke a man to behave "like a child", despite the fact that men can quickly accustomed to this, but the reverse process is much harder to organize.

The origins of this attitude of women to men is her childhood. It is prepared to motherhood, praised for these qualities, and a prime example for the girls around a mother. Her attitude to children, her husband can form in the girl and secure even already being an adult is the wrong attitude to the man.

Most also have the mistaken assumption that if it is to fulfill all the desires of men, it is without it anywhere. At first, this may, of course, and will strengthen the Union, but with time, when a man begins to bore it all, it will look for ways to escape.

The feeling of uselessness - is another factor affecting the relationship.

When a woman takes on too much, that all the cases, a constant reminder of what you need to do to her husband, a man cause an inferiority complex that leads to a feeling of uncertainty.

Thus the woman gives him to understand that she can do everything, and as a result all the feelings - love, passion, gradually fade away and lost interest in his wife. Similar feelings can also occur in the woman, the yield - to cease to treat a man like a child. He needs to feel that he - a man, in need!

We must learn to be loved. Give the opportunity to resolve and do everything the man himself, and noticing that something is not right and send it gently in the right direction.
