Low self-esteem - the cause of many ills


Psychologists have found that self-esteem affects our perception of others. Man, deep down, do not respect themselves, who believes that he is not able to cause me serious attitude of others, he will hardly be able to respect someone.

Anyone who thinks that he is not worthy of love, never learn to love.

Low self-esteem - the cause of many ills, and chief among them - that people putting themselves low, will hardly ever be happy.

On the other hand, in the traditions of our upbringing since childhood to inspire your child that a good man is distinguished self-criticism.

But self-criticism implies specific deficiencies, which must be combated.

Low self-esteem is not noted some shortcomings, it denies the value of the person as a whole, it is akin to self-abasement.

Well, once I myself entirely bad, there is no need to deal with some disadvantages. This position is very harmful and dangerous not only for the individual but also for others. For those who do not appreciate their own identity are not counted, and with someone else.

A full man, active and useful to society, realize their creative possibilities that can come to the aid of neighbors, - a man with a somewhat inflated or self-esteem. To this extend, with friendly, this rather lucky in love.

Psychologists have concluded that there are words and phrases that seem harmless, but it can irritate the frequent repetition of nothing less than sheer rudeness or cry, even if they are spoken calmly.

And there are other words that can heal resentment wipe out mistakes, improve mood.

Among the expressions that reduce the self-esteem of another, and to be excluded from the dialogue between adults, adults and children include:

I told you a thousand times that ....

What were you thinking ...

Did you find it hard to remember that ....

Do not you understand that ...

How many times must be repeated ...

Can not you see that ...

All people (such and such, so it behaved), and you ...

You become so (inattentive, rude, boring ...)

What kind of friends you have ...

Well, who do you like (a) ...

What are you bothering me (a) ...

You are the same (the same), your parents, too ...

How to get rid of indecision and make decisions

 Indecision, how to get rid of indecision and decide

There is nothing wrong with indecision, on the contrary - it's good when the person before making a decision, weighing all the "pros" and "cons", analyzes, looking for the best option.

In the life of everyone there are moments when it is difficult to make a decision and the lack of options often prevents us from making the right choice.

However, one should be able to make their own decisions .

One of the main reasons for indecision is the lack of self-love, lack of faith in ourselves and in what we can make the right decision.

So often we ask the opinion of the people around us, what decision to take, and how to decide, it is important to their opinion, even in a normal case, as the purchase of a bottle of perfume.

- Is it too sweet smell?

- I is this dress?

- I buy this house?

- I change jobs, that is to say, my parents, my husband, my friends?

It is possible that these issues are familiar to you. Learn how to decide for themselves, it is difficult, yes. But you can start small and slowly move incrementally.

In the case of incorrect decision not to give up, learn from your mistakes, take note and ... continue.

We do not always know how to make the right decision, we err and miscalculate though the fear is big enough, we must be able to accept and understand their own defeat.

When you learn how to make their own decisions and learn from your mistakes, you will have confidence in themselves and each time will miss less.

5 tips to get rid of indecision:

- All items must be taken calmly, think, reflect: impossible always to depend on the opinions of others, take the time to calmly analyze the situation;

- Believe in yourself: indecision is the result of lack of love for yourself. You are able to make decisions, the women have a natural wisdom, and you are no exception;

- Do not be afraid to make a mistake: daily and hourly, we make mistakes, it makes us stronger;

- You can never be good for all: Whatever decision you have not, I am sure there is someone who will criticize him in the dust (in the case of correct solutions will be similar);

- Believe what you will be able to achieve the goal: in what will be able to overcome indecision, she will leave you once and for all, and in time you will be a self-confident woman.

You are a woman who unable to solve their own problems and get rid of his indecision.

You do not need anyone's advice about what to do today or tomorrow, but you know what you want.

Get rid of your own insecurity, why is it you?

How to get rid of the inferiority complex


One of the most common systems is shyness that prevents us to behave with ease in communicating with other people. Shyness is based on our internal sense of discomfort,

caused by a particular feature of our nature, more often - far-fetched.

The manifestation of shyness means that some of his characteristics, we do not tend to take entirely, and it makes us to believe that perceive and surrounding them with the same finality.

And it is also only a flimsy performance. When we are in harmony, we feel quite comfortable and interacting with other people. Many will be found, and friends, in an interview with whom we feel looseness and informality.

But we at the same time remain: all the same, the same, not changing during the transition to dialogue with others. What is it that is changing?

Only our self-image!

So stop paying attention to their flimsy inferiority complexes; Treat yourself to peace and quiet in the soul, which in turn will give you a looseness and fun when dealing with anyone!

Now look at yourself as a little girl sitting on a chair next to you. Look at her features. What does she look like? What shall we wear? What are her shoes? We feel at the sight of this child?

Overwhelms you emotions can range from feelings of deep sympathy to outright hostility or resentment about the inherent traits of this child. In any case, all this is quite a natural reaction.

But let's try to look at things differently. Try to understand their feelings towards the girl.

Now imagine that this child depends on your life. The girl is too young to be aware of the impression produced on the others.

It is possible some traits of her character really deserve our disapproval, but ... it is still a nice kid, is not it? And that is what we initially attacked at her? ... Come on, podzovite to his girl.

Tell her the words that were so important to hear from you. In the end, it is not such a bad kid.

All that is good in your life, it has become possible only thanks to her efforts.

She did a great job and deserves to make you proud of it. Tell her that you love her and never left alone.

Take her up and push themselves to the stronger. Let her into your heart. Let it always be with you.

The knowledge that this child - you are, is still the same tiny, defenseless baby who continues to live in your heart, sometimes allow her to speak, to communicate.

Take her to the beach, let her do what she could not do when you were little, thereby to experience a lot of good feelings and experiences, cherishing his "self-child" with the tenderness, which it no one but you not be able to donate. Buy her a balloon!

Follow her most cherished desire - and you will see what your needs are an adult will also be largely met.

I hope that old helped you realize that the most important person in your life - is you.

And how many more new and nice things for yourself you will discover that you will like the idea that you - delicious!

... You can only heartily envy!
