How to cope with irritability

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How to cope with irritability
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We go out of ourselves for coffee and lack of air

And why do we always quarrel over trifles ... Perhaps something in the atmosphere soars.

Most unexpected causes irritability [test]

Rips on trifles, growl and rush to close? It turns out that the basis of this behavior may not only be harmful nature, but also the most unexpected things - from contraceptives to smoked sausage ...

Character or illness?

There are people for whom irritability - an innate property of the person. But they are few - no more than one percent of the population.

In other cases, it is a sign of some health problems.

The reason may be:

chronic pain or discomfort (in diseases of the joints, kidneys, exacerbation of chronic cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries);

exhaustion of the nervous system with fatigue, depression, epilepsy; posttraumatic reactions (ie protracted experience after some heavy events);

30% of the blame for the "syndrome of the inner burnout." With him on the background of stress, a sense of "assembly line" of life weaken psychological defense mechanisms, and the person gradually loses control of his emotions.

It makes a person irritable patient thyroid. Specialists in psychosomatic point out that the lack of her hormones - hypothyroidism - is a tearful weakness and excess - hyperthyroidism - irritability, aggressive notes.

Irritability with a depressive tone, mood swings produce disease connected with infringement of production of sex hormones, such as uterine fibroids, breast.

Men adenoma and congestive prostatitis often accompanied by aggression, anger and depression.

Heart problems, asthma often cause anxiety, fears, general anxiety. So do not be surprised if the psychologist, after listening to your family problems and wishes of relatives to buy you a muzzle, will direct you to be examined by a cardiologist or endocrinologist.

When analginum becomes "ozverin"

Remember, in a cartoon about Leopold good kotyara, swallowing "ozverina" suddenly lost tolerance to mice?

Well, and "the truth" some drugs can produce side effects in the form of irritability.

These include:

heart - nitroglycerin, verapamil, isosorbide and derivatives thereof; hormones - corticosteroids (prednisone, hydrocortisone) and estrogens, which are part of contraceptive drugs and hormone replacement therapy during menopause;

pressure - captopril (Capoten), metoprolol, nifedipine;

NSAIDs - diclofenac (Voltaren), ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen.

If you feel the connection between the start of medication and the appearance of irritability, it is necessary to tell your doctor.


To cope with increased irritability, need a comprehensive approach:

a change of scenery or activity;

active, most different from everyday life;

an increase of physical activity (they also serve as a moral unloading);

normalization of sleep;

psychotherapy aimed at correcting the behavior, the construction of psychological protection and reducing aggression;

drugs, sedatives, relieves anxiety and resulting in the order of the autonomic nervous system;

development of techniques for relaxation, good as qigong, martial arts and yoga.

Paradoxically, the headache itself makes a person irritable, but the more you swallow painkillers, the greater the risk that they will cause new tantrums.

With frequent use of analgesics inhibit the body's production of "happiness hormones" - endorphins and enkephalins, - because of what man becomes more difficult to contain negative emotions.

I do not own after coffee and sausage ...

Powerful stimuli can become the most familiar products. One such - coffee. The alkaloid caffeine stimulates the nervous system. And if we decide in the fevered state of "calm down" some coffee, you can get the opposite effect.

Irritability often provokes a food additive - sodium glutamate. It is added to enhance flavor in bouillon cubes, soups and condiments. Some people are prone to food allergies, become irritable ... of sausage.

Sausages, smoked meats contain nitrite, which gives them a nice pink color (after all, simply cooked meat unattractive shade of gray). Nitrite in sensitive people can cause headaches and dysphoria (irritable, moody mood).

Team: the air!

At the office all the flies upside down? Maybe you just do not have enough oxygen.

Noticed this: come to work in good spirits, the day is normal, with no one to quarrel, and after a few hours you as a substitute - the mood is spoiled, I want to someone to snap, and colleagues around do not seem so nice. And the cause is not your bad temper, and "banal" hypoxia, that is the lack of oxygen in the air with an excess of carbon dioxide.

Office syndrome. By the way, the higher are your apartment and office, the less oxygen in the air. It is believed that hypoxic manifestations constantly observed those who live and work above the sixth floor of the standard.

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Shyness is treated?


Shyness is treated?

Shy people are very unsure of themselves, which often becomes the cause of various problems.

Is it possible to deal with their major problem, in fact shyness?

Scientists noticed oxytocin, the natural "hormone embrace", which is released into the brain during sex.

For a long time, doctors have used it to induce childbirth and stimulate the emergence of milk in new mothers.

Now it is believed that this hormone can be used as a medicine that helps to change some traits, such as shyness.

Additionally, oxytocin is also able to help with depression and autistic children.

According to electronic media.

To think or react?

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To think or react?
Page 2


"I'm trembling creature or the right have? "

How not to feel sorry for what had happened? What do we feel when we can not forgive yourself? How to deal with disappointment over the fact that he had done wrong?

Sometimes in problem situations it is necessary for some time to think as you do,

or what to say at the moment that is both consistent with \ "draw \" own image, and avoid the psychological trauma.

Typically, these points require an immediate response, otherwise the effect is lost. And then, after a while, when you start to drive again this case, you know how and what should have been done.

Here then comes shame, I want to go back and repeat, only to have the right to remain not insult or some other negative.

Is it possible to learn how to react in such uncomfortable situations at the level of reflex (which is said to be oneself) "This is a letter I found in my daily mail. And along with the author tried to investigate the problem.

To think or react?

The biggest problem of modern man - it overcontrol. The inability to trust yourself, your body, a situation and a desire to find the right solution. Of course, right from the point of view of reason. Quite often, the mind lies. Having built a complex system of protection and create the desired image, it "pulls" a man on him like a suit on a mannequin.

And that person is not strongly objected to, come up with completely objective excuses - it must be for a successful career, making a good impression, just be because Dad felt so right. Desired manner requires to be constantly on guard, lest, God forbid do not burst forth the true nature. While the standard situation and repeatedly worked out - no problem.

But should a person get into an unusual situation or a little more aggressive environment and comes screeching halt. The man knows how to want to respond, but prohibits itself. But control does not know because he has for such a situation there is no template, script, and just in case all blocks of the reaction. And the man did not seem timid, swallows tongue. And even worse, it is experiencing a mad fear.

How does this happen?

In terms of bodily therapist explained to a screeching halt just primitiveness. For bodily reactions - real, live, spontaneous - meets our intuitive sense-start (in part, the right hemisphere of the brain). And for analysis and control, ie, assessment of the situation - the rational.

At the time of high stress or a situation close to the threat to the life, the body takes over command of the mind (these are the cases where the sight of a bear-rod hunter climbs up a tree on the smooth trunk) and leads a person to the most correct from the point of view of protection psyche - decision.

So, no matter what you did when you were committed, say, the psychological attack - uttered nasty, good-naturedly laughed or corny escaped - for you it was the best solution, if understood by the release of no moment "fight", and the result for the next many years, and well after.

Things get worse when in a critical situation the person decides to suppress the spontaneous response in favor of controls. Here and begin these senseless questions, "What do I do, what to do, how will I look like? ". Relax, the body has already decided everything for you! You need only to release its momentum!

Where does this control?

It's very simple - from childhood we are taught to control his emotions, forgetting to explain that the emotions are different. And between, say, hysterical child in a toy store, and taken away the tears of resentment for older children bike is a huge gap.

And if the first is often no more than a reflection of promiscuity and hysterical parents, the second - the first collisions with human good and evil. Which later formed and the ability to react spontaneously and sincerely.

I will say more - the body and the unconscious is always better than we "guess" how to deal with the offender. Very educated girl Tatiana was in love with the elder Anton course, impregnable handsome heartthrob, the proud. The secret sighs and weary look passed two years until the end of the course Tatiana is called "went through" alcohol.

Anton released after rocking a pair of demure mocking expressions. Normally Tanya would be kept, and then the blood rushed to his head, and she swung splashed in the face of a loved champagne. And I almost fainted with horror, instantly sobered up and realized that I did. And an even greater stupor she fell when she saw that Anton smiling.

It turns out that the girls he most valued the disobedience and "chertovschinku" that suddenly manifested in Tatiana. From that day already, Anton gave Tanya a passage, and in the third year they were married.

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