Are we able to be yourself?


Buddha can correctly say that all human suffering stems from his desire. If the desire is not satisfied, a person is unhappy. You are fighting, struggling, sometimes suffer. And it does not think about what might be, it does not really ... your desire.

People do not come to psychologists, when they feel good. They come when they feel bad. They come with problems. And any problem - is unsatisfied desire. It is a conflict between what is there and what he wants.

"What is maturity? If you ask me about it, so I will answer; maturity - a clear understanding of what you have to be yourself and not someone else copy. Looking at myself, if you find such maturity? "You imitate others. Someone new machine starts imitation. Someone more of your house. Neighbors constantly test your nerves. They get it that it is, and you have to chase them ...

You can achieve the purpose of committing a dangerous journey, putting a lot of effort and spend the time and energy to result in a sudden discover: "I never wanted this! It was the ideal of another man borrowed me. " (Master Osho, "No water, no moon")

All of us are brought up since childhood on the principle that we must consider what we think about other people. This is natural, because man does not live on a desert island. The opinion of others may not be important for us - we are somehow dependent on others, while others depend on us, or else run the risk of simply left alone.

Sometimes, however, the impact of the outside world to us and our desires becomes excessive. In this case, the balance between "I want" and "want more" broken, and "I want" is transformed into "I want to." Media, cinema, theater, literature, magazines do not remain on the sidelines and imprint in our minds the images of life that we somehow now taking over. Something we like something - not very.

But - the model proposed, so we can get into the role, that come out of it becomes very difficult, if not impossible. We are so accustomed to these illusions about his life, he did not even ask "how do I know how I have to live? ". How do you know that the life that you have right now - it's your life, but not an idea imposed on you from outside?

"You know, now hang throughout the city billboards deodorant" Reksona ", with which we are smiling Zhanna Friske, and signature" Be perfect. Everyday". That every time I see this ad, telling her (Zhanna Friske): "Yes ..." (Anna, 22)

There is still time. Among the people taken not show a very close friend, that we are fine. We try not to show the people that we have a bad mood, and allow it to see only our loved ones who, from this mood, and most of all goes.

We are ashamed to be rude, tired, gloomy, dull, irritated at the people and hide all these feelings in his soul, and his face - smile. This approach does not bring anything except irritation and fatigue, because it is difficult to feel one inside and another outside. This disharmonious.

And yet there is a feeling that people do not understand our feelings. And how can they understand if we do not show their true feelings? Guess they say himself / herself. Actually, I would, of course, we have to understand at a glance, poluvzglyada, anticipate and apprehended our desires. This ability we call sensitivity. And we appreciate it very much.

But what if we wait for the understanding of the same, as we are, tired of waiting, and the understanding of man? If we do not cry when we want to cry and tried to restrain himself - perhaps our neighbor does the same thing?

We do not rejoice when you want to jump up to the ceiling, and a crooked grins myself and say something like "normal." OK. We are all OK. We are ashamed of their emotions, as if it were something dirty and inappropriate. What do we get in return? No wonder if the same thing. All OK polite aloofness.

Of course, we are defending ourselves. From others, which can potentially cause pain, and from ourselves, because we can feel that same pain. We know that anger - is bad, aggression - it is bad, so it must be fought, and this is in the soul begins a war between the anger and the desire to comfort her.

But anger is not going anywhere, and larger and larger spiritual forces are sent into battle. A huge amount of energy poured into this battle, and the anger of this infusion is reinforced because she, like us, does not like to put pressure on it.

Jealousy - it hurts, and here we are, to not feel the pain, trying to nip in the bud the jealousy, but this only increases its pressure. Love makes us weak, and we are beginning to struggle with love.

Our soul is always a war going on between the senses and our mind, which is trying to restore order. It is not possible - in a sense, put things in order, as we imagine. The mind can not control what occurs in response to the principles that are in him. It's just like we can not control your breathing, but can only hold him for a short time.

Like attracts like. If people believe in themselves, in their own strength and their capabilities, he will find in the world around him confirm his confidence, and will become happier and more confident.

Converse is also true - if we are insecure, any little thing can only strengthen our opposition. And we would be glad if this - "Well, things are bad, I thought so."

But ask yourself the question, "Why do I think" we try not always. We observe certain rituals dictated by our understanding of how to. We seem to create for themselves their own religion. But this religion - is it us? "Ritual - not religion. The ritual - the most anti-religious thing in the world.

You are unique, remember this! And something unique to happen to you, is what does not happen again, ever. Not only are your fingerprints are unique - your soul is unique. "

We have to constantly surpass themselves and their capabilities - so made our world today. But we are bound to fail if we do not know who we want to beat - if we do not know ourselves. What to do? How to come to himself? Listen to what is going on in you right now.

Try to ask yourself, "three questions the Buddha," What do I feel? What am I thinking? What do I want? Right here and now. In every moment of your life.

Stop for a moment. Look in the mirror. Do you think this person really deserves attention? The only thing you deserve, so it is to be yourself. Of course, if you do want it. Right here and now.

The article contains excerpts from the book "Zen Buddhism" V. Petrova,

Alone ... because they know what they want


When we meet a lonely man who has no obvious reasons for solitude, we wonder, and begin to build a variety of assumptions.

But it happens, everything is much easier than we had imagined ...

Obvious reasons for loneliness

Stereotypes always say that loneliness there for obvious reasons. For example, an incurable disease, extreme poverty, unattractive appearance, evil character, excessive demands on mate, quarrelsome disposition, self-doubt, and many others. The presence of one or several of these factors contribute to the fact that men and women can not be a partner in life.

I just know what I want

And yet the reason for the loneliness can be a clear idea of ​​what kind of person, what kind of life partner you need. But, alas, in your life, it is not. Not because these people basically do not exist. And the reason that until fate brought you to this person.

Over the years - getting worse

In the 18-20 age do you think you would be happy with different young people. For example, with the soul of the company classmates Lёshkoy or porch neighbor Dima enterprising, and maybe a gallant brother or your friend Vadim brunette handsome son of friends of your family Vitalik ...

In other words, you like very much. Sometimes you can not even choose - so these two (three or four) good! Over the years, much narrower range of choices. And because almost all Acquires own families, and build happiness on someone else's misfortune is not as easy as a "scratch", when everything - bachelors.

And because the requirements for the chosen one becomes more clear and crisp. And the day before yesterday the boys are personalities - each with its own "cockroaches" in the head. Some stubborn and categorically so that you do not want to waste time and effort to dissuade. Others are not averse to live at the expense of women carrying on a "family of WHO", while they are staying up late every night watching «Discovery».

Still others are not willing to go against his mother, showing her that you are not the kind of bitch that she (my mother) to see you.

And over the years, you do not want to tolerate someone close, simply because not to be one.

The main thing - do not love and respect

It is said that the main thing in the family - not love and respect. But, sorry, scratch respect is simply impossible. A person must show, for which he can be respected. And if that is not a single reason ?! Of course, the people will always find the reason why it is possible to award a medal.

For example, I took (first two years) the child from kindergarten! What is not a reason? Or delivered trash. Or (a miracle!) Washed their dishes! Or the classic "let you look at the other - the other is even worse - alcoholics and drug addicts."

I want to be behind him, like a stone wall

- Maybe it's trite, - says the 27-year-old Julia, but I need a reliable man for whom I will like a stone wall. From my first husband, this has not turned out - he ran to the left in search of new adventures and experiences. So it was not mature enough, not ready for marriage, not developed, can not be responsible for the obligation to be faithful, to be together in sorrow and joy.

I was most impressed by the responsible and required men who are not so often seen. And to the extent of self-confident (I can not stand arrogant, "pontovyh" cynical upstarts). Alas, among the free men are not caught me and take away someone else's husband, making sure that he left his family, left his wife and their children, I do not want to.

The men - the same problem

- I am 32 years old, - says Dima. - I consider myself a successful man. I have a prestigious job and an apartment in the city center. I achieved everything in life itself. Friends and wonder how such a successful and attractive man can remain celibate. And I can quite explain why.

Because I can not find a girl that I need. Firstly, I do not want his wife bitchiness emansipe that would disappear for days at work, pulling at the heads of department and deputy director of the company. I do not need it at home nervousness and reports (which it will finish at night), fast food, she will feed me for the very busy at work.

More God forbid she announced that she does not want to have children, because it is now, you see, the peak of career. Or come to work a month after giving birth, and will leave the child to strangers, instead of taking care of it myself. I sit in these gras business woman, with whom I occasionally encounter at work. I want a relaxed, homely wife without ambition unseat the Lord-God.

I wish it was your wife, not the Lady business that dinner would talk to me about the prices of stocks, exchange rates or inflation rate. However, I wish that my future wife was a clever woman and has been able to maintain intelligent conversation. I am also against the fact that she was sitting at home and around my neck.

Let it work, but without the burning zeal that always hurts the family. Today, many women are striving for independence, and the contrary, I want to marry the one that will not be a burden to financial dependence on me. And why should it be a burden? I'm not a stranger to her will a person.

I do not know, you're lucky if my heroes, they will find those looking for? .. Hope so. After all, they say, the main thing - to know what you want.
