The path of harmony, start work on a


Eastern psychology. In order to achieve internal and external harmony begin to work on yourself, because it is an ideal environment for the development on the path to harmony.

In the East, man is compared to the horse-drawn carts. Boss embodies our inner observer, the driver - Um, horse - Emotions wagon - Body.

A person who is at a high stage of development,

host (domestic observers) only aims (spoke to the driver where to go) and oversees the process;

driver (d) analyzes the situation and create a plan (selects the optimum route) and manages a horse (emotions);

horses (Emotions) - our ability to get things done (the driving force);

wagon (Body) should be healthy and strong to the wagon did not collapse on the way.

In the life of the ordinary man everything is completely different.

The wagon creaks, constantly breaking down, and if it goes, it is very slow.

Horses do not want anyone to listen and jump to where they will climb.

The driver can not control the horses and generally busy with something else (so to speak, its "own" problems).

A host or absent.

Therefore, the flexibility of the physical body itself does not make you a harmonious and prevents development.

Where can move the cart, if you are a horse, or trying to move in opposite directions?

To achieve inner (and hence and foreign) harmony is necessary to work with the physical body, emotions, mind, and work on the awakening of the inner observer!

Hatha Yoga and Pranayama strengthens our physical and etheric body, Bhakti Yoga provides emotional health of the body (vital and astral bodies), Jnana Yoga works with the mental body. Tantric Raja Yoga integrates these areas, and complements them, giving the greatest development!

Only enlightened masters really see that right now we need. And now we know that in any case must be approached with full attention and awareness:

Domestic observers puts the ultimate goal, and oversees the process to achieve it, mind controls emotions and control the process, but the body, being strong and flexible, gives us mobility, is the way of harmony!

No need to go to India to there for two weeks "to gain the truth."

Begin work on yourself right now and right here! It's an ideal environment for development!

Progress towards Harmony!

Without love, everything - nothing


Love that saves and rescues necessarily save the whole world!

Love gives finesse, charming and a good upbringing. Do not talk about love, truly love - this is the way.

Sincere love brings the greatest joy.

Light of Love so pleasant, so beautiful, so delicious, so is big! You can feel the confidence that light - the light of pure love, pure relationship, pure understanding (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga).

Responsibility without love makes inconsiderate person.

Truth without love makes people cruel.

Education without love makes a person kritikanom.

Mind without love makes one two-faced.

Friendliness without love makes one hypocritical.

Competence without love makes a man unyielding.

Power without love makes a person a rapist.

Honor without love makes one arrogant.

Wealth without love makes people greedy.

Faith without love makes a person a fanatic.

There is only one great power on earth and in heaven - love.

Psychological suffering


Or how to steer the boat of mind

One of the main causes of human suffering psychological - the inability to switch their attention to the problem and redirect the flow of thoughts in a different direction. In other words, the suffering - is

preoccupation with thinking on the issue. This can be a regret about the past, fear of the future, samoedstvo, jealousy, mental trash, failure to satisfy the desire, etc.

Most of the suffering that a person experiences in life it is the mental nature and are in the inability to control his mind.

For instance the mind can draw a terrible picture of possible future failures and fears, and then when the time passes, it turns out that nothing terrible and horrible happens or something to that projected these fears is a mere trifle.

The big joke is that most of these fears never come true. We are creating a picture of a nightmare, they suffer on their own, but in reality nothing is happening - all is quiet, as always.

When a child obsessed with pain and crying, she gives him a pacifier or object that may distract him. Then, if you're lucky, the child brings their attention on this subject, forget the pain and calms down.

Why should not we also learn to control his mind, because he is the same rebellious, moody and shy as a child!

In fact, we are in the depths of the soul and have remained children who need attention, care and love. We like to please and surprise, as it was then, as a child!

If your mind is pessimistic orientation, all the time saying, "What I'm stupid, I did not come out, life is a failure, and the like", such a mind can lead you straight to hell.

We must nourish the heart of the cooled lifeless humor and love. Go to the cinema for a new comedy, change the atmosphere in the room, relax in nature, buy a new light clothes.

Inferiority complex - it's just a product of hard daily suggestion. You program your body, your cell, "I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm bad" - every day, it is not surprising that it can affect the health.

Try instead to see things around and say inside: a beautiful flower, it is a nice girl, a warm sun today, why not buy soap bubbles. You will see that when your mind is filled with positive mental images, it can no longer settle suppress negative thoughts.

This new consciousness is automatically attracted to you good people and situations.

Like attracts like. Protect your castle from the parasites of consciousness, your thoughts-eating enemies! Do not let them dissipated awareness and replaced with a new fresh positive flow. At first it will be hard, because you kept thinking the old years.

The world around was much more colorful and harbored a lot of amazing features, but those old thoughts were not given to you to see this, to see that it is so simple that everything is possible, that in the world there is a beauty that you have the strength to do what you like, power to implement his dream.

It was just a mental flap and everything! And what happens if she one day away? Kuda suddenly go away most of your unhappiness? They were only thoughts and everything! Maybe you want to laugh, it was just a joke, just a voice in my head.

But your mind - a radio that you can set yourself on a particular wave. And you will live on the wave that is configured. You can program the computer for happiness and unhappiness, boredom and adventure, care, and narrow-mindedness, etc.

And you hold the switch capable of managing this magical mechanism and change your life!

Point the boat of your mind right in happiness, imbues the light, humor, love. Opens toward possibilities.

If you are very sick and you can not get rid of the burden, try to throw the pain is like dynamic meditation, weep, beat cymbals, potopochite, tear pillow!

If you really want to be happy, you can, you will succeed, and life is sure to help you and will send the good helpers and friends.

Good luck to you!
