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How to learn to manage stress
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Stress management, how to manage stress
What is stress and how to learn to manage stress. How to do so as not to stress to control you, and you manage stress? What to do in a stressful situation.
According to the research of Russian and foreign scientists, the causes of stress in 70% of cases is the work and everything connected with it.
Imagine: your project is almost finished - and suddenly demolish all contingencies.
You for no reason at all offended, or worse, slandered colleagues, boss. To claim victory in the tender, higher salaries, positions, but your expectations are not met. Some of the households in need of assistance, and you are immediately sent on a business trip.
So you can transfer indefinitely. All this will inevitably impact on health. Employment and dismissal - also a kind of stress.
Stress in the translation from English - "tension", "Pressure", now by that word we mean a blow to the nervous system.
Reaction to the incident in a person usually instantaneous. The range is huge - from "thrown into a fever" to ... myocardial infarction. Constant stress can not occur in a particular disease, they are remarkably similar to chronic fatigue syndrome: low performance, passivity, irritability, lethargy, insomnia.
However, in contrast to the stress syndrome can be expressed in increased business activity. Such a person acting under the fear of defeat in the competition, participates in the race for success and wealth.
It does not leave a feeling of anxiety, that sooner or later he would be fired for any blunders that behind an imaginary opponent literally comes on the heels, that can not cope with the tasks assigned, and so on. D. And as a consequence - high blood pressure, heart attack, stomach ulcer.
Alexei Petrovich worked all my life in a large enterprise, and always was listed in the advanced workers. He worked his way from the master to the technical director of the company, won the esteem and respect. But he was constantly dissatisfied with something, worried: the task exceeded by two hundred percent - little can do more ... and so on.
And one of such sorting Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack. It lies in the factory hospital, listening to the conversations of other employees who do a lot worse, and thinks, "What am I still lacking? ".
How to do so, so as not to stress to control you, and you manage stress?
Suppose there was a conflict with the leadership. Are you trying to prove a point, but you do not want to listen to and, moreover, threaten to dismiss, if the order will not be executed. Are you sure you can not do that (a matter of principle).
The first wish - to give up the head on the table a letter of resignation, but it is not an option. Scolds about leadership, and then begin to tear himself appears grudge against the world and the unfairness of life.
To be in such dangerous thoughts. Was overcome your personal feelings in the situation will not change, and will only lead to a dead end.
First try not to flog a fever, calm down any way you can: count to ten, get to fresh air, wash or drink a glass of water, take a sedative, to smoke in the end.
Then, calmly and rationally think about the situation, not burying its head in the sand, without delving into the experiences ...
Calm down? Here you have already begun and stress management, as made an effort and are willing to overcome it.
Be sure to monitor the progress of his thoughts. Do not be amiss to say to himself: "All that is done, all the better," even if everything seems to be happening a disaster.
Do not indulge in despondency.
Analyze the situation. You do not understand what is going on - demand an explanation, to draw conclusions and take action, action, action. Anyone who considers himself a loser in the end, after two or three conflicts sure they will.
It should mobilize to show strength of character. You can not focus on the question: "How did this happen? "You must find a way out. How often we hear the phrase in an emergency situation: "Do as anything! ".
I feel responsible for what is happening. Try to prove his innocence, do not select the position of the unfortunate victim: it is a losing. Based on the fact that this situation you will only benefit.
And for this we must work his head, as there is nothing stronger than reason, to subjugate the vicissitudes of pain and injustice. It is in the "storms of life is forged the character"
... In a large trading company sales fell sharply. Explain the situation could not, and the president has decided to fight back at the department of marketing and advertising. He gathered all the employees in the office and not a stone was left of their work.
But it was not taken into account that the money for advertising isolated few, proposed projects almost did not function, therefore, product very few people knew, of course, very few people bought.
After listening to the head with dignity, director of marketing and advertising said the following: "Of course, in the fall of sales is our fault. We propose the following measures .... " At this time, all the proposals were adopted by the department.
How to learn to manage stress?
Take it as a given, without losing respect for himself, it is sure to increase your ability to handle stress. It is important to understand why the "wanted the best, but it turned out ...." Our understanding of the work performed, as well as understanding of the world, unfortunately, is not perfect.