Lucky man and a loser


The lucky man knows exactly what he wants, has a plan to achieve the desired, believe in their ability to get it to the goal and devotes most of his time.

Loser has no particular purpose in life, he believes that any success is the result of pure luck, and takes the initiative only if it is compelled to do so.

The lucky man is a skilled salesman, who mastered the art of influencing others to persuade them to friendly cooperation to achieve its objectives.

Loser suffers failure in dealing with people and goes out of its way to the goal, to enable people to understand how it applies to them critically.

Lucky man thinks before speaking. He carefully weighs his words and stresses its sympathy to the people, the least or never showing them his antipathy.

Loser goes exactly the opposite way. He says first, and then think. His words brought only confusion and sorrow, and cause him irreparable damage because of the disturbance they cause.

Lucky people express their opinions only when they possess some information, so their statements so reasonable.

Losers speak out about things about which they know very little or have no idea. Successful people find the time, income and expenses. They live within their means.

Losers wasting their time and money to squander dismissive attitude to their values.

Lucky people showed great interest in people, especially those with whom he has something in common, and tends to strike up friendships with them.

Loser tends to be friends only with those from whom he needs something.

A successful person has an open mind and tolerance towards all phenomena and to all people.

The loser takes the limitations and intolerance, which prevented him to assess the friendly cooperation and provide him with opportunities.

Lucky man goes up with the times, and felt obliged to know what's going on not only in his own business, profession, or community in which he lives, but throughout the world.

Jonah's only interested in his immediate needs that it satisfies any means without worrying about whether they are righteous.

A successful man is always adjusts itself to the positive outlook on life. He understands that the place he occupies in the world, and the success that he enjoys, depend only on the quantity and quality of services rendered to others. He takes it a rule to provide more services than promises.

Loser always looking for how to get something for free, but if it fails, it starts to accuse the other of greed.

Lucky man with a deep respect for the Creator and expresses it in his prayers or deeds committed by them for the benefit of the people.

The loser does not believe in anything except his desire to have food and shelter, and, whenever possible, seeking these benefits at the expense of others.

Thus, there is a huge difference between words and actions of a successful person and a failure.

But for each person can say that he is, where is, and is what it is, because it is his moral attitude towards oneself and others.

Reflections about jealousy


Most recently, I was approached by a friend who was concerned about attacks of envy to specific people. She asked me to help her understand this, and we began to understand. It took a while, but concluded

which we originated, it was amazing for me.

We've got that envy is nothing but as a manifestation of resentment.

Insults to the people who fall into some categories according to special features. And the roots of the resentment, of course, rooted in childhood.

In the case of my friend, she felt jealous of any improvement in the lives of those people who were not alone, and quite happy.

That is, if a person is alone, and acquires, for example, some new clothes, my friend responds to it is quite normal and nothing.

But it is worth the same to buy someone who in her opinion is not alone, one, or family or other support, immediately manifested envy (they have and so all is well, why do they still do that?).

The reason we have found in the children's resentment at his mother when she in an effort to arrange his personal life, men often changed, and each time this happened, the little girl remained on the sidelines, as it were, and even intensified its education.

And as you know, on a problematic situation there are three ways to respond: aggression, avoidance and reasonable approach. In her case it triggered aggressive reaction - anger, anger that plagued her no less than the person to whom they are directed arrows.

Continuing the theme of jealousy and arrows, which then emits at us envious, I want to tell you more about my good friend who is not afraid of the envy.

In the same circumstances, if I prefer not to talk about their great intentions to someone jinxed it, on the contrary, says this to everyone.

As a result, on our way there are obstacles, but it all develops, usually in our favor. So, thanks to her, a lot of people jealous of our joint trip abroad. We walked double the cancellation and replacement of the air-tickets. :)

But, speaking about the dangers of Envy, I remember the words spoken by one day a friend of mine: "Any aimed at Envy you only reinforces your strength. I understood his words: envy is a stranger to us some training.

The more power we take up, the more your body makes the new reserve forces for future attacks. It's like a diet - if clumsily starve, the body will then dial, so even with the stock.

The ability to live the life you want


In every man's life when something may come a time when the world begins to seem unfair and even crazy. Up to this point you may feel that the people around the world it is more tolerant than love.

Nevertheless, we are tied to his life and try to make it fills extraordinary sensations, refinement and sensuality, we strive to live according to their own way, most of your time while in search of a better way of life.

There is only one reason why everyone can not be famous, influential and rich. Remove from my life this reason it would be like to decapitate the army of hostile circumstances and kill one enemy within your own life.

One of the strongest characteristics of people who have already turned my life into one of the most beautiful, the most charming, the most romantic, the most happy and most financially secure is the ability to connect their own emotional energy with your mind.

Typically, most people manifestations of mind and emotions occurring at a time, separately from each other, resulting in a voltage mismatch between what a person dreams and what actually has in life.

I met a lot of people are very intelligent, well-read, possessing encyclopedic knowledge, which could ask the question, "You are so smart, but why such a deprived embodied in the life of your wishes, why not?".

I also met a very cute, powerful enchanting sparkling like champagne bubbles emotions of people who were alone with him, were filled with tears, because they are mentally getting very bad.

They could give joy to the people on the stage or in direct contact, and then dive into the depths of his consciousness, in which the desire to live absent or almost absent. For many people, because of the difficulty of execution of their desires life resembles the embers when the fire has not gone out, because the body still breathing, but not burning, which manifests itself in the inability to comfortably realize their desires.

The life of such people use other people, for example, at work or in an unhappy family, just as using the embers to cook juicy fragrant barbecue for their guests other people.

With the right combination of mind and the emotional world of the embers of life are transformed into nuclear energy, which is enough to get you more respect for you and other people for the realization of all your desires that may ever appear on the horizon of your imagination.

Collecting statistics, statistical agencies serving people often ask the question "What is most important for you in life?". The answer to this question is very important because it reveals the secret of how to unite the mind and the emotional world.

When analyzing these statistics clearly visible two groups of people, one of whom lives with every day more and more difficult, while others enjoy the best of what life has to offer. Just connect your mind and your emotional world, a person has the opportunity each year of his life to turn into the best.

By combining the mind and the emotional world, you are creating for yourself the opportunity to live the life that you really want. In time you can relax and keep fit.

Think about which model you like life?

To implement it, you start to get real pleasure out of life and satisfaction, because combining the mind and the emotional world, you will always be able to fulfill your every desire.

The fact is that in our world, people's desires come true.

To see this, we must first be honest with yourself and allow yourself to not only see, but notice that the people around you are trying to make invisible.

If you feel that there should be something bigger and better in your life, than what you have now, then in the face of all the signs that your mind may not sufficiently tightly interacts with your emotional world.

The art of living necessarily involves the connection of mind and emotional world. This compound is an essential component that ensures human happiness and pleasure, which he can share with those whom he loves and who loves him.

If passed by the cafe, you feel the flavors of chocolate and strong coffee while you do not have the time or the means to enjoy the offerings of the café, it is an occasion to reflect whether you are in life doing everything right.

If we do not have enough free time, money, a loved one, if your machine is not one model in which you feel comfortable, and your house is more like a house, which can only forget the necessary sleep, why do you think that tomorrow something what will change?

Only by changing something in your life, you can expect that life will change. But life can not be changed for the better, do not connect your mind and your emotional world.

If life is smoldering like a dying fire, then it can only slightly warm up, throwing on the shoulders of woolen plaid. Yes, it can be romantic. This many people are comforted.

When nuclear energy, due to the juxtaposition of the mind and the emotional world, the light fills your entire life, you feel all its receptors difference between the life that you live, and the life that corresponds to your inner perception of it.

Your life corresponding to your dreams, conquering its elegance. Your life is priceless, so be extremely attractive. It should excite rather than bore soul.

Try one weekend to give vent to his feelings and desires, and this weekend will be one of your loved ones and cherished.

Having started to implement their desires by connecting your mind and your emotional world, you are very good friends with the life that is primarily composed of a set of obstacles to overcome, and now her skillful touch every minute will bring you pleasure.

Victor Kubay
