The development of self-confidence

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The development of self-confidence
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Confidence - it is one of the key elements to achieve the desired goals in life. In turn, when you achieve what you want, you feel more confident and feel even more confidence.

It is a process that begins with the awareness of self. And often, when people are just beginning to any business, they do not feel confident, and this can cause difficulties.

Because when you do not feel confident in yourself, others easily break you the slightest criticism in your address or the fact that you are doing. Then, without a strong self-confidence, you can easily start to agree with them, and to give his views instead of objectively consider any criticism as an opinion about your behavior, not as a criticism of you personally.

The advantage of an objective view of things is that you can turn any criticism of the ability to change and grow, if you consider fair criticism, or not pay attention to it as to the statement with which you disagree, if you think the criticism unfair. When you do not have an inner sense of self-esteem, you will also find yourself a prisoner of perception you other people, and you can easily allow you to suppress those views.

In turn, this can cause many negative effects, for example, you will not get what you want to achieve at work. Then, too, if you do not feel confident in their merits, you will evaluate yourself below and will also receive less money, less profit, less prestige, less power, least of all anything in all spheres of life.

Conversely, when you direct your mind the possibility of force to build self-confidence and self-esteem, you'll not only feel better, but also much more likely to get what you want.

You will achieve this, you'll feel like you deserve it, and other people also agree. You will pass your position such thoughts, and when other people will catch your thoughts, they will have no choice but to agree.


I know many people who have been able to radically change his life and succeed in their chosen careers, starting with a change of position. At first they felt insecure, but gained confidence.

By concentrating on their good qualities, they are mentally seen that they have achieved success, prosperity and recognition by others of their efforts and achievements. The reason for the effectiveness of this approach is that if you believe in his greatness - you are great!

And above all, you should start with this faith, because this faith helps you to gain practical experience confirms this belief. For example, if you are confident that you will get a specific job or a promotion, you will radiate an aura of confidence and act as if you have the job, and then people will represent you in this role.

In addition, having this faith, you will be convinced that you can do all that is required, and you can do it. And soon you will discover that you have this job because you create a reality that reflects your belief.

Of course, external circumstances, and the opportunity to be successful in the right place at the right time can help you gain confidence in yourself. But if you lack this inner sense of self-confidence, any luck and favorable circumstances will not give you that feeling of their own strength, which you need to make the necessary circumstances to make you turn.

Think of the many people who received a promotion at work in the new position. They then discovered that they can not bear the additional responsibility. In fact, the following principle is valid, and it is that people are promoted as long as they do not reach the level at which they are incompetent.

However, the reasons for this principle of operation - it's old position, which some transferred to a new position. Consciously or unconsciously, they still see themselves in their old role, and they do not feel this confidence, to raise the level of the functions performed. They think they do not deserve a promotion, they are not worthy, and so on. D.

As a result, they are, after all, are untenable, and can be lowered to the position in which they feel relaxed. Conversely, when you feel an inner confidence, you think, 'I can do it, no matter how difficult it may appear "and you are ready to assume new tasks, responsibilities and ready to grow.

Do you believe that you can do it, so you can do it. Thus, everything is based on faith. You must believe that you have the power to achieve the desired success, then this faith will give you strength that you need to do this, as described in the following examples. As Svetlana translate their dreams into reality.

Svetlana worked as a secretary, although it is and depressing. She had a lot of creative ideas and a strong desire for freedom, but she was afraid to act. What she really wanted was to organize the business of designing clothes. But she kept thinking about the many obstacles that stand in its way - that she did not have enough money, no experience and did not have the equipment and staff to start.

All her thoughts on the obstacles were caused by the fear that it does not have the ability to do what she wants. Thus, for several years she continued to work as a secretary, but she felt dissatisfied and constantly harassed her desire to quit work.

Prev. - Next. "

Find enough time for yourself


Sometimes it seems that your life is no longer belong to you - work, family and other responsibilities so absorb it, that looking back at the last day, we do not understand where the time has disappeared! It is no wonder that many of us feel as if life is passing, and there is nothing they can do about it.

With these tips and a drop of willpower you can choose a time for himself and the world to meet face to face with newfound enthusiasm.

Use the time to travel

The obvious opportunity to find time for yourself - a trip for work. Of course, this time at a stretch be called a free - or your hands are busy with the steering wheel, or you're standing in the packed bus or subway car!

In such situations, we can say only one thing - that he may abide with you iPod: inspirational audiobook, meditative image or favorite music can give you just such a charge, which will help to get to work energized and refreshed. But even if you have nothing to listen to, this time you can still spend usefully.

Try a little "watch world" - keeping the mind absolutely calm, considering everything and everyone around for what they are, disable the filter of reason. Just a few minutes of this view to life every day may bring to the fore your inner self and bring you to a new and deeper understanding of the world.

Take breaks between tasks

Often we rush to do the next task, still thinking about just completed. This reduces our productivity, because mental processes are occupied simultaneously by two things. Why not make a conscious break between the current and the next challenge? Use this time - even one minute - to remind yourself about the most important (plunged into a routine, it is easy to lose focus).

Imagine for a few seconds, eliminating the entire mental noise associated with the fact that you did, and you create within ourselves a space of peace and silence. At the end of this quiet moment you will be able to direct all their attention to the next task.

Morning priceless

The best time for yourself - it's early in the morning. The atmosphere is more quiet and peaceful, and the probability of a phone call or other distraction is almost zero. Having time for yourself immediately after waking up, you become more alert at work on a variety of tasks during the day - it's something like the replenishment of the deposit in the bank.

In addition, many activities such as yoga and meditation is much easier and more enjoyable given before the outside world to declare itself. If possible, try to choose the time before breakfast - meal is a fun feature eat (forgive the pun) all the scheduled time.

Let your time will be yours

Today, the culture of communication means that we can often divert call or a request to go back and forth. Corporate mobile phone or smartphone at first may seem a gift of fate, and only after a few months you will notice that the opening hours have steadily increased since the boss is always in touch with you and wants to know the degree of readiness of a very important project.

If you want your time really was such, turn off all means of communication, and to do everything necessary so you will not be disturbed.

Having time for yourself, use it!

Often, getting a welcome respite from life, we jump for joy, then aimlessly fall onto the couch and look for the TV remote. Whatever it may be a relaxing pastime, it does not meet our original intention - to regain a connection with this stormy world.

But the use of time in recreation or creative purposes, contributing to our growth in personal terms, gives a strong sense of joy and satisfaction, which, in turn, will lead us to release life even more room for growth and self-discovery.

The way we use the received time is largely dependent on whether we will actively create the time in the future.

Sergei Biryukov
