Self-esteem is important in all spheres of our life. If we underestimate their abilities, we hard to be successful in business, to build a partnership in marriage, raise children. What causes low self-esteem? Are there ways to raise it? This will be discussed in this article.
We know that our self-esteem is formed in childhood. But what if the parents do not support, does not inspire confidence, not allowed to make mistakes, love conditional?
American psychotherapists say, "Never too late to have a happy childhood, never too late to learn to believe in themselves and to value highly." Despite the past, negative experiences, each of us have the internal resources, the strength, the potential of which can lift us to the pinnacle of success.
It all depends on us
If we very much want to change and we have the willingness to act, the result of efforts not slow to happen.
12 real ways to raise self-esteem:
1. Every morning, wake up, tell yourself some resource phrase. For example: "What a wonderful life I have," "Every day, my life is getting better and better," "I live with pleasure." Imagine that these phrases are your psychological breakfast. What do you nicer "eat" vitamins, fills you with strength, breakfast or toxic, poisonous state of mind.
2. "Dismiss" from his life for all people, without authorization, invade your life, tell you how you live and you will inspire a sense of guilt. Among these people can be parents, relatives. Protect your personal boundaries and build their lives in their scenario. Only you and nobody else can live your own life. If you find it difficult to cope go to training or consultation.
3. Allow yourself to live with pleasure. Allow yourself to joy. Review your inhibitions, maybe some of them are already out of date? ...
4. there are often alone with nature. We the people - children of nature. Trust her, she will heal your condition.
5. Seek support from the unseen forces. For some it is the Lord God Almighty, or Mind, the Absolute, the higher powers.
6. With gratitude and love about your body. Take it certainly at the same time, do not cease to improve. Take care of it, cherish and obey him.
7. Determine the vital task mission. And stubbornly follow it. How do you know her? Very simple. What for you is interesting and exciting. Inspire and encourage creativity and have your mission.
8. Keep a journal of success and regularly write to all your achievements. Even the most minor. Our mind tends to focus on the negative. Records of their achievements will help to look at life from the other side.
9. Follow the principle: "All the failures, problems, and the blows of fate - it is an invaluable experience and lessons learned."
10. Any problem always has two sides of the coin, focuses on the positive.
11. Believe in yourself, and keep hvalite.Somneniya and samoedstvo the biggest obstacles to success.
12. How would you like to live in 5, 10, 20 years. Imagine a picture of your future, write goals. Make a plan and follow it consistently. The best way to predict the future - is to create it. 98% of the people live by the rules, and 2% of their produce. Who would you like to classify themselves?
Dear readers, if you plan yourself some achievements, but for some reason do not do and do not reach them, and you are overcome by a feeling of guilt and anger to himself.
Forgive yourself for all their mistakes and failures. Do not blame yourself and do not reproach - these feelings lead to a dead end.
Forgive yourself, learning and start over again. Winner of Jonah is characterized by the fact that he believes in himself and evaluates himself high, even in the moment of crisis. Trust yourself and the process of life.
I wish you success and achievements.
Margarita Murakhovskaya