How to learn to manage stress

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How to learn to manage stress
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Yet we are committed to ensure that everything was done correctly, at the highest level. The discrepancy between our desires and reality creates stress. With this in mind, take the given philosophically.

Manage stress interferes not only idealized attitude, but also to colleagues. Around the living people, take them for what they are, not what they should be. Can you make excessive demands on others?

It is not necessary that every colleague should love you, obey you, or certainly come to the rescue if you do it once helped. Look for support in themselves, not in their colleagues and superiors. Never confuse friendship and professional ethics. Corporate party - this is not a friendly meal.

Your stress - your problem, learn how to manage stress

In order to subdue this "wild animal", learn to control their emotions. Keep the negative, will be examined in the situation change, if necessary, their opinions, assess developments and outlook for the future.

Be flexible: life changes, and you change with it. Check your beliefs, views, do not be lazy to analyze - it is a kind and very helpful hygiene mind. After all, you take away the table, make sure the machine is working for.

Throw irrational thoughts: they do not contribute to a constructive solution of problems. Dreaming, of course, is not bad, but hardly empty dreams to help in the production process. It is better to think about how you can make a reasonable offer to improve performance.

After cooling in the hotter their nature, do not forget that the body a stressful situation may falter. For example, if an external calm the skin rash or constantly pulls into the room with the acronym WC.

Olga loved his job, but the boss in every possible way to find fault with her. The constant nervousness has led to the fact that Olga began to suffer from terrible migraines. Surveys and medications to no avail.

A friend persuaded her to meditate. At the first session, she felt better. Finally cured constant meditation ten minutes in the morning and evening. Olga ceased to respond to the accusations and the absurdity of one of them broke down and laughed to tears. In the end, the boss stopped her look down.

In order to manage, you need to look after their health. If you are constantly on their feet, perform mechanical work, then come home and try for at least fifteen minutes to relax, lie down with your eyes closed.

Use any version of relaxation massage, sauna - everything that will disconnect from the negative thoughts. If the time passes the computer, go to aerobics classes, make an evening jog - in short, to move.

You always do not have time to regularly stay when the working day is over? So you are not well organized. If so, we recommend you allocate urgent business, and those who suffer. Distribute them as urgency and importance.

Reduce the time talking on the phone. Communicative ask colleagues not to disturb, and gradually get used to your surroundings that you do not have to tear off on trifles. And do try not to be distracted.

Remember in your best interest to leave on time by doing some work. No matter how difficult, no matter how tormented problems leave them beyond the threshold. Do not make the home office, do not take the rest of the work on the house (this does not apply to people with a free schedule of work).

Fresh from the problems you are easier and faster to find a solution, no wonder they say: "Sleep on it."

It is necessary to mention another control method, if all the talents and skills you still failed to win the circumstances.

There are moments when a man is humbled, but at heart still uncomfortable: either lost faith in himself, or something else.

Try to express themselves in something else that is not related to your business. For example, try to lose weight or quit smoking, go with what then can be proud of.

Life on this defeat does not end there - we are hitting, and we grows stronger.

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Love addiction?

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Love addiction?
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His death was a surprise to me and a terrible blow. In a coffin I cried, somehow I could not cry, then I do no longer feel anything .... Long sick .... We had to raise a daughter, and I began to work, achieved a lot.

I have a prestigious job, a lovely apartment, my daughter really loves and respects. But nothing brings joy. Relationships with men are not obtained. Maybe not such a man, that would be mine. I so want to be happy, so I want to marry. "

Gradually, in the course of analysis she felt strong, wise and attractive woman. I start having fun and joy to their professional success, to travel, to communicate with his daughter, friends. I woke her sexuality, which is as if it never was, she surprised herself and enjoyed sex with men.

At work, colleagues constantly make compliments and tried to look on the street started talking and trying to meet. And one day she said with relief at the session: "You know, two days ago was the birthday of my late husband. I usually always go to church, put candles, remembrance ordered, and this time I had forgotten all about this day, it seems that I finally let go of him. "

"That, my friend, when her husband changed, he immediately arranged a terrible scene and kicked out of the house, so he then went under the windows day and night and asked for forgiveness, it can be and to behave? "'Why men love bitches? When they trust completely, give everything, they grow cold. It turns out that they can not show their affection and love. " These words now and then hear from the women.

But men, though more "secretive" in their male company are doing very similar conclusions: "Will you show a woman you love her, and she sits down your neck, you will become" henpecked "cloth. It is necessary to keep women "black body." Is there any truth in these conclusions? Absolutely. Only this truth applies not mature love relationship of man and woman, neurotic and dependent relations based on domination and subordination.

Love addiction can still be called love-slavery man usually drawn like moths to a flame.

The reason is that this attraction is rooted in the feeling of inferiority. Forty-year woman, after the departure of her husband, said: "Only when I have m of the second man, I feel confident, I feel like a complete person." It is clear that it lacks its own sense of personal integrity.

Her love can only love addiction. A very common example of a relationship union all remember the film Danelia "Autumn Marathon". Schemes characters very common. Man, rushing between the two favorite women, one of which is perfect wife and mother of his child, and the other lover. Women know about each other and suffer from this situation.

He himself in his devotion to fluctuations between one and the other woman looks unhappy and confused. This situation is painful for him, if only because it is beyond his control, he can not make a choice, since by reason of his psycho-sexual development is not able to connect to a woman he needed a wife and a mistress.

In a specific interaction with each of them, love prevails, but his sadistic behavior, because it can not fully love one woman and leaves alternately both. They masochistically attached to it and each time to forgive her tormentor. The same case can be seen in women who become depressed if she does not have the same time two or more fans.

One will be in such a relationship "above" the other "from below", sometimes they can change roles, but both are dependent, both free and not have to play the role, but not love. As a result, women have been known to speak of the injustice of life device to them. "All men are its. ...." But as men of the same opinion about women: "All women are ste ...".

It is usually assumed that the affections of love suffer more women and men are easier to love. I agree that outwardly, indeed, a woman suffers more from the affections of love, and seems to be more exposed to the perfidy of men. I say "apparently" because the woman is allowed to show their love of suffering: to talk about them, crying, "roll up" hysteria, and it's all natural.

A man who behaves in this way, usually does not cause sympathy rather contempt. The man who came for the first time at the reception will never say that he is madly in suffering because it threw the beloved, he may not realize that it was after this break had disrupted sleep, no strength to perform the usual duties at work, longing for alcohol, lost zest for life, sex has become random and leaves only emptiness - this is the typical symptoms of love addiction in men.

The appearance of these symptoms is due to unconscious psychological protection against hard feelings, and treat men for help to a psychologist or a psychotherapist is much less likely than women as for men - it is like a sign of weakness.

But today's emancipated woman is inclined to behave in this way, trying to be strong. Not experienced feelings turn sometimes devastating consequences for human, from the collapse of a career, to loss of health and even their lives as a consequence.

Only after a psychologist or psychoanalyst established deep relationship of trust, a man begins to realize and admit that he is lonely and as it lacks love. The need for love and the need for it - a common human, but apparently they occur in men and women differently.

You can imagine the way to a harmonious love is a journey with many obstacles, risky and difficult test, as vividly portrayed in fairy tales. However, to your fairy tale has a happy ending, perhaps it can not do without clear guidelines to again and again "bump into the same trap."

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, these guidelines for each person on your own. It can recognize them, and to find a confidence and force them to move in a life in the analysis and the associated personal growth. In love addiction, it can still be called love-slavery man usually drawn like moths to a flame.

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