How to stop being afraid of loneliness


Many girls subconsciously fear it and dream hurry to get married. And this applies not to all the girls, but only to individuals. Why is this happening and how to stop being afraid to be alone, you will learn from this article.

1. Education novels and serials

Almost all movies about love sets us that loneliness - it's bad, that women definitely need to get married, or else it will become an old maid. Especially this sin family melodramas and soap operas.

Modern movies about love more democratic in this regard, but they can trace a line that loneliness - is bad. Therefore, many girls are already at an early age begin to dream about a guy and at the earliest possible start to meet the first to offer, taking everything that happens for love and not wanting to notice the obvious things.

So many girls brought up on the one hand strict mothers, and on the other - series and films about the big and pure love, afraid of being alone and dream about a guy or a husband. The only thing that will help them in this situation, it is a reality.

If someone does not know very well live with her husband in the family there are fights and scandals, it may well be sober and pull the dreamer to the ground. But unfortunately, not all learn the lessons, believing that they would not be such, and only bad experience can pull them to the ground.

2. Self-pity unmarried girlfriends

This often happens in families where all is well. The woman starts to feel sorry for her unmarried girlfriends and urge them to get married. The girl perceives it as follows: "if I stay alone, then I, too, will feel sorry for all", and therefore tend to marry at any cost.

Get rid of the stereotype that only knowledge will help biographies of successful women who have been able to achieve much in life without a husband and children. And it does not necessarily have to be a great woman, and acquaintances.

More can help a fascinating job or hobby that will take a lot of time and fill the life of drive and adrenaline. Then there is no time to be alone to think about, nor unmarried girlfriends.

3. Education of a single woman without a man

Most mothers of girls are starting to work a lot, including the night shift, and the girl remains alone. And the firm decides that it will not be so. What she and her husband will never be the kids alone.

Therefore, it begins to yearn for marriage and family, fear of being alone in an empty apartment. To overcome this fear can only be a strong passion in some case, for example, cooking, sports, dancing or chatting with friends with whom you can go for a hike with an overnight stay or come off in full at the disco.

4. Fear of inferiority

It develops in adolescence, when the girl had formed a little, but no one even recognizes it's not. The boys pass by, men also do not indulge attention, and she thinks, as she is attractive to men. Suddenly her hanging some curse or damage?

Therefore, many girls start dating a guy just because afraid of feelings of inferiority. And it will help to cope with sexy and well thought-out style that will fit perfectly to your image.

How to learn to forgive and to get rid of resentment

 How to learn to forgive

Many modern women find forgiveness is not necessary. Why forgive the one who made you feel bad? In fact, forgiveness plays a huge positive role but, unfortunately, many consider it a manifestation of stupidity and cowardice, but it is not. And also need to be able to forgive.

What is the manifest forgiveness and how to forgive someone who has offended you?

1. Forgiveness does not mean that the relationship will be the same.

Many people think that to forgive - then start chatting again, as before, but it is not. Forgiveness does not require friendship with this person, although it may be the first step to it in some cases. You can generally do not communicate with him, but you will not be great resentment toward him for what he did.
Many think that forgiveness gives consent for such evil actions on the part of the person who offended you, and sometimes it is true, but it is important to first understand what made a person to do so.

Perhaps his bad deed became merely a consequence of inexperience, naivete, or frivolity, which is not worth a great offense, and it is possible that it really was deliberate harm you.

2. Evaluation of evil

This is an important step towards a relationship, or to the final separation from the abuser. Often we commit impulsive acts that could offend the other person or to inflict great harm, but not always, your abuser acted intentionally.

Therefore, to understand this question, you will be able to forgive him, let alone to interrupt or continue a relationship with him you have to solve. If we are talking about deliberate harm, then forgiving the offender, you just throw out it out of my head, without returning mentally to the harm that he done to you, and if he just made a mistake, or succumbed to passion, not thinking about anything, then, to forgive him you give him a chance to improve.

It is possible that he himself regrets what he has done, but does not dare to ask for forgiveness first. Sometimes it gives rise to a real relationship and friendship in the future, you'll both cherish and appreciate.

3. As can be forgiven

At the time of insult or harm difficult to forgive, especially if you have not yet assessed the size of evil, aimed in your direction. Therefore, a person can be sincerely forgive only when you understand and correct the evil, or insult became softer.

Then you can easily decide whether to continue the relationship or not you forgive him or ostentatiously offense, although everything is forgiven. And then forgiveness will be sincere and give a good result. You will be easier to live, to love and to breathe.

4. How to get rid of resentment

Resentment in itself does not give forgiveness to manifest. If you notice in yourself a quality, it is necessary to gradually get rid of it, if such behavior is not related to the manipulation of others.

First, parents of children being manipulated by using insults and causing them feelings of guilt, or, on the contrary, the panic fear to hurt the baby and it grows moody and touchy.
Therefore, from an inner need to get rid of resentment, if you do not want to lose not only friends, but also his private happiness, or even family. If you do not actually, but also psychologically.

1. Do not take everything to heart!
2. Do not pay attention to the opinions of others! Otherwise, I'm surrounded.
3. Limit contact with offenders!

4. Remember the old poem - a joke from my childhood:

Love yourself, sneeze at all!
And in life is waiting for you success!

Well, let it now be your motto in the difficult moments.

5. Always, every day, every waking moment all the most touchy people need to repeat a brilliant phrase:

"Only fools are offended, angry, upset, criticize, scold, and cry."

This phrase really helps to get rid of the resentment. Those who are smarter, above it all. Learn to be smarter and wiser.

6. Curb offense in the beginning, once felt uncomfortable.

Do not let her grow to giant size, do not twist the self to stress, nervous breakdown, tears.

Always keep in mind a couple of ready stock phrases such as: "All the same, I'm the best, etc." And Be able to quickly switch to them. Over time, these methods will help you learn how to get rid of the resentment.

Proverbs and aphorisms about the offense

Another reason to think, and whether to be offended?

• In the crowded people live and die in the offense.
• At offended carry water.
• Everyone Obidimo obidyaschemu goodbye.
• would not hurt small, do not you mark the old one.
• offend easily, but what is the soul?
• Self resentment, and do not hurt people.
• Poor offend currently no good desire.
• I love the one who would not hurt anyone.
• Resentment corrodes the soul.

• From all grievances salvation - into oblivion. Publilius Syrus

• A reasonable person can not be hurt; offended as much as a sense of superior intelligence. Frantisek cover.

• Do not remember the former offense. Menander

• Regardless of the reason why you are offended, it is best not to pay attention to the insult - because stupidity is rarely worthy of indignation and anger is best to punish contempt. Samuel Johnson

• Kohl caused you hurt the heart,
Pay oblivion - because pride tells us;
You can not forget - then at least pretend,
Do not humiliate yourself. Jean Baptiste Moliere

You know the real methods that can help get rid of resentment? Please share your tips with other readers in the comments.
