Learning to love yourself


Many of us realize that this is perhaps the most important thing you need to learn - it is self-love. But in practice, very often there is a serious question - how do you develop a love for yourself? Fortunately, it can be learned, but most likely it will take a lot of time.

But it is fair to say that as soon as you decide for yourself that from now on you will love yourself, you will find a pleasant change in the world, with respect to your loved ones.

Be kind to yourself

The first thing to learn - is that you must be kind to yourself. This means that you should not ever blame yourself for no reason and details. You should not blame yourself for the mistakes committed in the past. Even if you have committed some gross and unforgivable mistakes - think of it as a lesson that allowed you to grow up and become a little wiser.

Learn from your mistakes, and do not use them as a rod that you are torturing yourself. Needless to say bad things about themselves, even in jest. The fact is that our subconscious mind is endowed with a sense of humor, and it will operate one of your beliefs. Self-love is not talking about permissiveness. You thus allowing yourself to make mistakes, learn from them and move on.

Communicate with only positive people

In the second step, try to clear their world of the people with whom you do not want to chat. It will not happen minutely, but give yourself a goal. Refuse to communicate with the people that you destroy not bring joy into your life, maybe even take up energy, and to some degree is set to a negative wave.

Often people are afraid to be outside the social circle, losing control over certain situations. At the same time they are trying to cling to the people that they, in fact, not necessary. Discard it and you will notice how slowly next to you there will be people who are open to you and think the same categories as you.

Communication with such people have a positive charge and helps to develop. Choose your environment and yourself if someone will accuse you that you are changing, you are not the same as before, think first about their own interests.

Do what you want

The next step is to protect yourself from those things that you do not want to do. But here it is important to distinguish between routine that you pretty bored, and you do not want to do it (for example, do not want to get up at 7 in the morning to work or do not want to wash the dishes after dinner), those things that are contrary to your life's beliefs .

For example, you have good plans for the evening. Suddenly, a friend calls you and offers to accompany her on some little interest in your event, and you agree, just because you do not want to deny it, so as not to offend. But you insult yourself. Such actions greatly undermine the self-esteem and self-respect.

Accept yourself for who you are

And, of course, self-love is not possible without making yourself today for what you are. The more pressing question for the women making their body, most are accustomed to regard their body as something imperfect, requiring constant improvement.

Women forget one important thing - you need to take care of the body and it should be like this for what it is at the moment. Try to change the attitude to your body and remember that you are already perfect just because you are unique. Love yourself!

A few simple steps to womanhood


What does it mean to be a woman? What qualities distinguish women from men? How to start your way to the attainment of womanhood? We all know that good to be real women, but do not always understand what it is and how to use it to become.

In fact it is not so difficult. Femininity - a great power that was given to every girl by birth. But with age, some of the girls, for whatever reasons, are beginning to stick to the male type of behavior - they become stiff, perhaps even imperious, eager to solve all the problems and keep everything under control.

Usually a woman is difficult to attract into your life a strong man. If a woman is happy with everything, and she agreed to see next to a weaker man, over which it will dominate, the reason for concern.

But if a woman feels with the discomfort, if she wants to see next to a companion who can take care of it, in which case she needed to work on yourself. Fortunately, the feminine in themselves can be developed.

It is easier and more pleasant to start with appearance

If at this time a girl or a woman prefers comfortable clothes of dark tones, it's time to go shopping and buy a few dresses and skirts of bright cheerful colors. You can diversify your way of various accessories, grow long hair, choose a light playful fragrance.

In this way man's qualities appear to be much more difficult. For example, a woman in a long skirt is unlikely to be to climb on a stool to get something from the top shelf, it is likely to ask about this man. And believe me, they will be happy to help!

What are the reasons preventing to be feminine

It is worth remembering that the change in dress and appearance in general - is only the beginning. The next step is to understand what causes a woman forced to be masculine qualities.

These reasons may be different, and their roots are, as a rule, leave in childhood. There are cases when the mother unconsciously jealous of her daughter, she may even be jealous of it to her man - the girl's father. In this situation, the girl instinctively trying to avoid conflict and trying to suppress my feminine qualities.

Or another case where a girl does not like his father, or he does not like her mother. Then a girl from an early age would feel unworthy of love on the part of men, respectively feminine qualities in it will be blocked.

As a child, girls tend to be very influenced by the mother and if a girl brought up in a family where the mother was the main, it is likely that a child will try to dominate the relationship already in adulthood.

In short, the reasons may be many, the main thing to find and develop them. This can help a variety of meditation. With a variety of spiritual practices can learn to fill ourselves feminine energies.

This is very important because without a female Energy, a woman can not share them with others. It is impossible to see or touch, but the woman being in the right energies, literally shines from within.

Ambient, especially men, are very sensitive to notice it. In addition to spiritual practices, it is very useful to learn to notice the beauty around you: the beauty of nature, beautiful pictures, pleasant music.

A few simple steps to womanhood


What does it mean to be a woman? What qualities distinguish women from men? How to start your way to the attainment of womanhood? We all know that good to be real women, but do not always understand what it is and how to use it to become.

In fact it is not so difficult. Femininity - a great power that was given to every girl by birth. But with age, some of the girls, for whatever reasons, are beginning to stick to the male type of behavior - they become stiff, perhaps even imperious, eager to solve all the problems and keep everything under control.

Usually a woman is difficult to attract into your life a strong man. If a woman is happy with everything, and she agreed to see next to a weaker man, over which it will dominate, the reason for concern.

But if a woman feels with the discomfort, if she wants to see next to a companion who can take care of it, in which case she needed to work on yourself. Fortunately, the feminine in themselves can be developed.

It is easier and more pleasant to start with appearance

If at this time a girl or a woman prefers comfortable clothes of dark tones, it's time to go shopping and buy a few dresses and skirts of bright cheerful colors. You can diversify your way of various accessories, grow long hair, choose a light playful fragrance.

In this way man's qualities appear to be much more difficult. For example, a woman in a long skirt is unlikely to be to climb on a stool to get something from the top shelf, it is likely to ask about this man. And believe me, they will be happy to help!

What are the reasons preventing to be feminine

It is worth remembering that the change in dress and appearance in general - is only the beginning. The next step is to understand what causes a woman forced to be masculine qualities.

These reasons may be different, and their roots are, as a rule, leave in childhood. There are cases when the mother unconsciously jealous of her daughter, she may even be jealous of it to her man - the girl's father. In this situation, the girl instinctively trying to avoid conflict and trying to suppress my feminine qualities.

Or another case where a girl does not like his father, or he does not like her mother. Then a girl from an early age would feel unworthy of love on the part of men, respectively feminine qualities in it will be blocked.

As a child, girls tend to be very influenced by the mother and if a girl brought up in a family where the mother was the main, it is likely that a child will try to dominate the relationship already in adulthood.

In short, the reasons may be many, the main thing to find and develop them. This can help a variety of meditation. With a variety of spiritual practices can learn to fill ourselves feminine energies.

This is very important because without a female Energy, a woman can not share them with others. It is impossible to see or touch, but the woman being in the right energies, literally shines from within.

Ambient, especially men, are very sensitive to notice it. In addition to spiritual practices, it is very useful to learn to notice the beauty around you: the beauty of nature, beautiful pictures, pleasant music.
