How to treat yourself and to the people

 Addicted To Me

If you want to, that life smiles at you, give her her first good mood (Spinoza)

Which is better - the self-negative or positive? Which is better - a negative attitude to people or positive? What person is easier and more pleasant to communicate - with positive or negative? ... There are many more, and many of these questions can be asking yourself ...

If you think positively, to do with yourself and the people too will be positive. The word has great power. So, never criticize, do not condemn, do not blame yourself. Do not do this, and in relation to others.

Our thoughts are like seeds that we plant in our garden. Our beliefs - this is the soil in which the seeds fall. Everything we do, say, depends on our attitude - positive or negative. From our mood depends on how we will be treated to the relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues.

Everything in life starts with a thought

External consequences of our thoughts are our experiences. For example, if you think "I am a bad person," this idea is hatred that we suppress. Were it not for the thought, the feeling would not have arisen.

Thoughts can be changed. Change the thought - and the feeling will change, too. If negative thoughts for positive change - the attitude to people and to himself, will also be positive. Every thought we think creates our future. Change the sad thoughts, and sad feeling will disappear.

All we have is now. What we like to think, what we believe, we speak today, forms what will happen tomorrow, next week or month. If you focus on the past, did not have enough strength and energy to this.


If you hold on to the past sadness, resentment, feelings - we suffer. Then the situation, which had been in the past, dominate us. To break free from past hurts and feelings need to forgive all. Mentally forgive and let go of all that was in the past. Just do it is very difficult, but if you try, then a week or a month you can get rid of the "slavery" of negative thoughts.

Once a person gets rid of the negative attitude towards the world, step by step, the world is changing around it. It is not immediately noticeable, just gradually we begin to notice how the people around us are smiling, things are starting to do is slowly getting better and faster.

You begin to understand that we need to love ourselves, to love their loved ones, as they are and not try to change them, or make people think like us. After all, everyone thinks differently, and always believes that he is right.

Praise yourself as much as possible

Look around and fished from the world around you the positive aspects of your life. And then you realize that you are loved, that love will spread to all areas of your life. The more positive you will see every day, the love for you will be magnified.

Everyone has their own happiness quotient, which is based on a positive attitude towards yourself and the people. Happiness is a state of mind. Happy is he who has learned to think positively. Negative thinking people think differently and make your life miserable. If you keep telling yourself that you are unhappy, so be it.

Positive people - winners in life

They are the ones who create a good home, a good industry and the good life. Anyone can be positive if it is set up on your thoughts.

Love yourself to yourself!

If you are positive in relation to themselves and the people around it and love you for what you are! Love yourself and your life ....

How to treat yourself and to the people

 Addicted To Me

If you want to, that life smiles at you, give her her first good mood (Spinoza)

Which is better - the self-negative or positive? Which is better - a negative attitude to people or positive? What person is easier and more pleasant to communicate - with positive or negative? ... There are many more, and many of these questions can be asking yourself ...

If you think positively, to do with yourself and the people too will be positive. The word has great power. So, never criticize, do not condemn, do not blame yourself. Do not do this, and in relation to others.

Our thoughts are like seeds that we plant in our garden. Our beliefs - this is the soil in which the seeds fall. Everything we do, say, depends on our attitude - positive or negative. From our mood depends on how we will be treated to the relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues.

Everything in life starts with a thought

External consequences of our thoughts are our experiences. For example, if you think "I am a bad person," this idea is hatred that we suppress. Were it not for the thought, the feeling would not have arisen.

Thoughts can be changed. Change the thought - and the feeling will change, too. If negative thoughts for positive change - the attitude to people and to himself, will also be positive. Every thought we think creates our future. Change the sad thoughts, and sad feeling will disappear.

All we have is now. What we like to think, what we believe, we speak today, forms what will happen tomorrow, next week or month. If you focus on the past, did not have enough strength and energy to this.


If you hold on to the past sadness, resentment, feelings - we suffer. Then the situation, which had been in the past, dominate us. To break free from past hurts and feelings need to forgive all. Mentally forgive and let go of all that was in the past. Just do it is very difficult, but if you try, then a week or a month you can get rid of the "slavery" of negative thoughts.

Once a person gets rid of the negative attitude towards the world, step by step, the world is changing around it. It is not immediately noticeable, just gradually we begin to notice how the people around us are smiling, things are starting to do is slowly getting better and faster.

You begin to understand that we need to love ourselves, to love their loved ones, as they are and not try to change them, or make people think like us. After all, everyone thinks differently, and always believes that he is right.

Praise yourself as much as possible

Look around and fished from the world around you the positive aspects of your life. And then you realize that you are loved, that love will spread to all areas of your life. The more positive you will see every day, the love for you will be magnified.

Everyone has their own happiness quotient, which is based on a positive attitude towards yourself and the people. Happiness is a state of mind. Happy is he who has learned to think positively. Negative thinking people think differently and make your life miserable. If you keep telling yourself that you are unhappy, so be it.

Positive people - winners in life

They are the ones who create a good home, a good industry and the good life. Anyone can be positive if it is set up on your thoughts.

Love yourself to yourself!

If you are positive in relation to themselves and the people around it and love you for what you are! Love yourself and your life ....

How to beat the stress, ways to prevent stress

 How to beat stress

Each of us wants to succeed in life, to be an active, healthy, cheerful, delight your other flowering species. But in order to live in harmony with oneself and others, we need to understand that violates your harmony. Most often prevails upon us the burden of care and unsolved problems. We fuss, nervous, experiencing, not knowing what to begin first, what to do, and the only concern is amplified. And now poor body driven into deep stress.

What to do, how to beat stress, 9 effective ways for preventing stress. First you need to catch your breath and take three 3 easy steps:

Three stages to overcome the stressful condition

1. Try to identify the problem We need to understand what exactly makes you nervous. It is sometimes a difficult task, because not always possible to clearly identify the problems caused by stress. But when you still determine the source of trouble, stress levels begin to decline immediately, as you will no longer be afraid of the unknown and begin to look for ways to solve problems.

2. Consider all possible solutions to the problem situation Rate "the scale of harm." Consider how to avoid negative consequences. Consider all possible options to solve the problem. Determine which ones are more and which - less effective.

3. Begin to act When you realize that you need to do to resolve the issue that are active or, conversely, inaction, if the situation is more appropriate.

Every time you feel a sense of anxiety, use this little scheme. Arrange all "on the shelves" and the stress state will cease to be an attribute of your daily life and will help you overcome. Prevention of stress In order to be successful and happy, and to have "a strong immunity" to all sorts of trouble, you must know how to prevent stress.

Methods for the prevention of stress:

Sport and physical activity

To the body "right" to react to stress, it needs to be healthy and strong. For this fit all proven methods to strengthen the immune system: hardening, regular physical exercise and sports. The body needs movement, the daily load. By training you "overclocking" blood saturating it with oxygen and nutrients, which are then delivered to the muscle tissue and internal organs. Especially helpful are the training of heart and vessels. Muscle pain should not be afraid. In the process of training produces endorphins ("hormone of joy"), which blunts muscle pain, being a kind of analgesic.

Nature & outdoors

With the development of industry and industry in the current urban environmental situation became simply terrible. Exhaust fumes, smog, noisy and harmful vibrations, hazardous household elektroizlucheniya can not but affect the health of modern man. Passive way of life, coupled with a constant oxygen "starvation" and the above harmful effects lead to the fact that the body's defenses do not have time to recover, and we begin to experience stress and sick. Therefore, it is important not to miss the opportunity to get out of the city, closer to nature, and to remove accumulated tension.

Pure water

The human body is made up of 4/5 water, so its role in our lives is huge. Water cleanses the body of toxins, pollution and negative information. In this regard, it is useful to take water treatments in any form: to go into the pool, swim in the river, take a shower or a relaxing bath. It is important to drink clean tap water. It is easier to penetrate into the tissue than other beverages. Useful herbal extracts and green tea. Many people like to "relieve stress" liquor. However, the impact on the body of their insidious: they inhibit the nervous system and aggravate the depression.

Proper nutrition

Each of us knows that the food should be varied and balanced. The daily diet should be present vitamins, minerals and other nutrients contained in vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, grains and dairy products.


Laughter normalizes the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, originally "trains" our abdominal muscles, ventilates the lungs, improves cardiac function. So smile and laugh more often!

Beautiful music Listenable music enhances brain function, relieves stress and improves mood.

Pleasant smells Remove the irritation and help to improve the mood of the flavors of chamomile, basil, patchouli, lavender, rose, sage or geranium. Citrus flavors (orange, lemon) cheer you. Focus will also help the smells of tea tree, rosemary, cinnamon, coffee and vanilla. Conifer odors neutralized the negative.

Touching and cuddling

Massage can help relax the body and touching and cuddling with loved ones will benefit both them and you. Remember that children are experiencing stress. The child, which parents experience love and affection, always more successful than its peers neoblaskannye. Do not forget about pets. Tender and devoted, they too are capable of causing us affection, give joyful moments and fill the house of appeasement.


An interesting hobby, occupation for the soul to distract from worries and give a good mood. Rejoice and live in harmony with yourself and others!
