Spring depression or seasonal affective disorder as a condition doctors call it - a thing unpleasant.
The sun is shining, the nature is renewed, and the soul - impenetrable darkness, no appetite, aching all over, is not a dream, himself is not nice. The reasons for this paradox argues science for many years.
Hypotheses are many: winter fatigue, vitamin deficiency, hormonal changes the body for the summer, the lack of oxygen, an excess of light after the dark winter ... One thing is clear - to put up with the spring depression can not, we must resist with all means available. And if he did not deliver - to call for help medicine.
Suffering soul, and stomach ache
Depression is often hidden under the guise of other diseases. The person experiences pain in the heart, stomach, intestines, discomfort, back pain, skin problems, hair loss, etc. Detailed examination shows no abnormalities, start to treat it, but nothing helps. He goes to another doctor, third, fourth, often goes way over the years.
Experienced doctors believe that up to 10% of regular clinics patients did not suffer bodily ailments, namely depression. On the other hand, depression can be a symptom of serious diseases. Recently it established, for example, that older people's growing depression can be a precursor to a stroke or heart attack.
By sex and age
The weaker sex depression affects nearly twice as likely strong. Whether it's a mystery woman's gentle soul, whether the reason is simple - men are less likely to seek help from a psychologist. At risk - the new Russian wife. Many of them do not work, devoting time to yourself or with a solution in the interests of her husband.
Gradually, their world is reduced to the size of the fitness center, beauty salon and own property, and the spouse becomes the sole focus of attention. Because the slightest conflict with him the world collapses, negative emotions overflow. The second group of risk - young mothers caring for a baby. Hard work, great emotional stress, a constant concern for the baby - just a small reason for the world to be painted in black.
Two more risk - divorced and single women over 40 years old. Young people account for depression peaks 16 and 19 years old. But if the young man at this time increasingly drawn into anti-social behavior, the girls are often driven into the problem, surrendering to despair completely.
Then the genes to blame
Whether or not a person is suffering, and determine the genes. One is in charge of output of two major hormones - noradrenaline and serotonin. They are responsible for the delivery of the neural signal in the brain that are involved in the formation of emotions, behavior and neural regulation. A mutation in this gene by 80% reduces the production of serotonin, which is also called the "hormone of joy".
Moreover, on these people almost do not work, and antidepressant drugs. Another gene "manages" transport serotonin in the brain. It can be different: a long version of the gene prevents the development of depression, as delivers "hormone of joy" quickly and accurately. But short - mutated - gene does not work well, such people develop depression twice as often.
9 of the rules of peaceful war with depression
1. Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half with a vertical bar. From left to write down everything that worries you the points. Right - the reasons for this. For example: I do not sleep. The reason: I did not leave the thought of ... Find arguments why this is wrong and write them down.
2. To change the priorities and come up with new, interesting, but a feasible goal. For example: "go on holiday to a friend in another city" or "buy a new track suit." Describe in detail all the steps on paper how you will implement it.
3. Spring depression - it's time to start "all over again." Change the schedule: start of the swimming pool, include a routine evening stroll in any weather, etc.
4. Try every day to deliver yourself and loved ones a little fun: movie ticket, a new book, a good manicure, cooking new dishes, etc.
5. In a day, allow yourself a "holiday laziness" - a good night's sleep, take a fragrant bath, go to the hairdresser.
6. Try to change something in the apartment: move the furniture, curtains or buy a new rug for the hallway, transplant flowers.
7. On the evening write down a detailed plan for tomorrow, trying not to leave him free time.
8. Invite a close friend in a cafe or to his home - and a good complain to each other for all their troubles, even, perhaps, weep together, while you yourself will not be funny.
9. Remember that mood swings cause some drugs, such as contraceptives. Maybe they should change. If these measures do not help, it is necessary to address to the psychotherapist.
Salad vivacity, juice fun
If the attacks of the spring blues more often, pay attention to your diet. Be sure to include a multivitamin. Try to avoid as a low-calorie diets, and heavy, fatty and sugary foods.
Limit yourself to strong tea and coffee. Eat more foods containing iodine - color and sea kale, sea fish. Be sure to prepare salads with fresh vegetables, herbs (parsley, celery, leeks, etc.), Garlic, nuts. Uplifting dark chocolate, dried apricots, bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits.
Good and oriental spices - they can be seasoned as a ready-made meals and fresh salads, desserts. Do not forget the freshly squeezed juices - not only fruit, but also vegetables: carrot, cabbage, beet. Add in a juicer or blender a few sprigs of parsley.