Penetration in Greek female wisdom

 Women's Psychology

Have not you noticed that in some cultures of the past, as nowhere reflected the most successful model of life for different statuses of people in the country? Of course, we'll talk about the self-assertion of women in aggressive conditions. We invite you to analyze the take, for example, the Greek culture bloom and see in what way a woman could win the respect and honor, not as children of kings and nobles.

Of course, the translation of the original Greek texts we are not too tough, but there are people among our fellow citizens who are able to open up for us the curtain of time .  So the author was and will remain science fiction Russian Soviet generation Ivan Efremov .  In the book "Thais" describes several interwoven stories that can connect to a single work only thanks to the talent of the author .  The author holds invisible analogy between Greek antiquity and the modern world .  For example, the Greek character - Thais Thais, undergoing through the pages of the establishment, the flowering of their personality, and old age .  Soak up the full flavor you will certainly help some stay in the Greek people, and observing the behavior of women - it has not changed priorities .  To do this, you can take a ride in this beautiful country .  Pre-selected hotels in the center of Santorini, for example, for more viewing habits of representatives of the country .

Thais - is an educated woman, owns a variety of arts, designed to marriage with a rich man in fact agreed on a contract for the maintenance of her and her children .  Unlike most of the other women described as a rare combination of erudition, logic, beauty, ability to entertain her man women sport kinds of arts, discussion of political and social order philosophical knowledge of all current schools and trends of thought .  The duties of a wife was not administering to the man - it was a slave .  Children from her husband inherited the mother's privilege in its content, but major decisions are always taken my husband, public affairs are not subject to adjustment on the part of women, and in relation to education of children and .  In addition to these rules of behavior and skills for the modern woman is priceless recommendation of the author on behalf of the Greek characters on the choice of sport .  For example, women were those sporting art, which developed femininity and female organs maintained in a healthy condition .  For example, with respect to the waist - the book describes the mechanism of training was internal oblique abdominal muscles, which gives cherished 60 centimeters in girth .

So - that ancient knowledge can greatly facilitate our women's fate.

Communication in the family from the point of view of psychology, features and styles

 Cheerful family

No doubt, the problem of communication takes place in the main family relationships, whether the relationship between man and woman or between parents and children. In this article you will learn about communication in the family in terms of psychology, the main features and styles of communication in the family, the characteristic types of families, the altruistic and the corporate type family, democratic and authoritarian family

Quite often, the inability to hear properly express their feelings and emotions are the reason for divorce, deep resentment and even trauma. Psychologists have long been interested in this issue, because it is so important for every person. Exploring the issue of communication in the family, psychologists have traced certain trends and certain communication styles.

Characteristics of types of family and corporate altruistic

If the sign of characteristics to take communication setup, all the family can be divided into two main types: the altruistic and corporate.

Features and communication styles in a family enterprise

In an enterprise, in other words pragmatic, family communication is carried out in partnership. All family members are trying to agree among themselves. There are rules. Thus, charges are carried by one of the members only when they are executed and the other members.

Parents for educational purposes using the method of "carrot and stick", are motivational condition of behavior. Typically, values ​​and interests of the members of the same corporate family, but their own interests for the sake of the common good is unlikely someone will donate. The value of each member is determined by its contribution to the good of the family.

Communication in a family quite frank and Free of tension. Nope unrest regarding the grievances of the other. A positive aspect of communication in such a family is no secret. Family members are sufficiently independent in their choice, not only criticism, and therefore free to talk about his personal and intimate experience. Always spoke his own opinion, there is no so - a taboo.

Members of a family can be easily adapted to the environment, there is enough open. Pragmatism in relations between man and woman, between children and other relatives, promotes education "selfish" nature. Children who are brought up in such families, choose "life for myself."

Features and communication styles in the family altruistic

All members of the family used to worry altruistic and care about others. All efforts are directed to the common good and the well-being of each member. If you have a question about the choice of their own interests or the interests of the family, a member of the family choose altruistic interests of the family, because he lives on the principle of "living for others."

Although in such a family, and set mandatory rules, a person who does not do them, does not become an outcast, as well as the support of relatives. Speaking of family members felt love for each other, warm relationship. Truth often have secrets, as the members of the family do not wish to offend others or disappoint them.

Not all topics are discussed, but in the case of serious problems, the decision will be made jointly. The conversation is dominated by gentle and caressing words, often family members have their own special names used in the family circle.

Democratic and authoritarian type of family

In accordance with the distribution of power, families are divided into democratic and authoritarian. Communication in such families also takes place in different ways. Particular attention is paid to the authoritarian families.

So, school psychologists, psychoanalysis, claimed that the development of personality, its formation, sex life and relationships with others, rather strongly influences the degree to which the family of a man brought up.

Thus, the "natives" of democratic families are easily adapted to the outside world, less likely to suffer from neuroses and have fewer problems with sexual life than the "natives" of authoritarian families. In a democratic family can discuss any issues, each member of the family is perceived by others as a person with their own point of view and their worldview.

The authoritarian family, as a rule, there is a cult of his father (rarely cult mother). Head of the family is highly respected, it was his opinion is the most important, and it is able to influence the choice of others. Communication takes place only within a framework that established the principal term.

The formation of different types of families, and as a result, different types of communication is influenced by many factors, including the financial viability of each member of the family, traditions, religion, culture, intellectual development, etc .. The main criteria should be the love of his mother and the ability to take responsibility for others.

Causes of female loneliness


Women's loneliness

"Why is there next to me a man?" - This question is often asked of women who come for consultation. Women of different ages, professions, appearance, destinies ... But combine them similar emotions - despair, coming from the depths of the soul and the fear of being alone forever.

Some were married, but for various reasons were alone, others know about the family life only by hearsay.

And apparently - conscious woman wants to start a family, and even taking some steps to implement their desires: use the services of marriage agencies, met with other men, and so on, but for some reason it does not work - you get the "wrong" men a rapprochement with those who like it is not happening.

She throws his hands in despair and looking for a consultant - Like, what do you want? I did everything as you said !!! And there went and visited here ... and changed her clothes.

In a conversation with a woman you hear only the words, but behind them do not see any independent actions or decisions not see an urgent need, if it is for a consultant doing all this just to get rid of. And heard her inner cry - Oh, leave me alone !!! Which translated means - alone.

Why is this happening?

Yes, because subconsciously woman is not ready to change in my life, it all NOW satisfied. In fact, she does not want to change anything.

Causes of female loneliness lies in the moral impossibility of marriage, psychological unpreparedness for family life.

A single woman ZHIZNENNONEOBHODIMOY NO NEED either married or in a family. Family takes liberty with the appearance of her husband will have to change their way of life, to adapt, to change the habits of her husband and now it is necessary to take care of everything for two.

The husband must love. But what about the old life? When everything for me? And there is a series of excuses - I'm not that, I'm not beautiful. I'm not smart. I'm not good enough. I have no time. I have no money. They are bad. They make me sick ....

Often added to the negative parenting patterns - if the parents are divorced or their relations were far from ideal, if the father drank, engaged in physical abuse - in the soul of a woman from childhood comes the disappointment in men that carry into adulthood and does not build a happy family and harmony personal relationships.

Sometimes negative program brings to life the fear - and suddenly ceased to love, suddenly gone to another? As in the song, "If you do not have a dog, it does not poison the neighbor ... And other will not fight if you do not have a friend."

In this case, we must remember that negative thoughts lay the negative programs. What do you think - so be it. Is not it better right now tune in to a positive result?

So, if you do not arrange her personal life, do not rush to blame fate, but just listen to yourself and ask yourself: "What prevents me from being happy? What am I afraid? What do I really want? Why am I alone? And maybe I want to be alone ... Referring certain amount of time? "

History of AA

The record of a psychologist by training, talking to me, open up, that life does not add up with men. She married a second time, but somehow unhappy. The first time, when she married, she says she has mixed the love and friendship.

All was well with her husband, until the case came to intimate relationships. In the bed and stood out the full horror of the situation. She did not want to. Divorced. The second marriage. Immediately after the marriage decided to move abroad. First I went to get her husband.

She had to go after him. It has been 5 years. She's here, he's there. My husband calls, but it does not go, is justified by problems with the documents, visa circumstances. I as a consultant issue was highlighted very clearly what I told her and pointed.

Honest dialogue with AA has meant that she has realized that she is beneficial when it is away. It is convenient to have so far, and she had her second husband, too, "he does not want and fear" like a man. She was about 40 years old, they are 5 years apart !!! Have no children. While abroad, they had to go together, by mutual agreement ...

Conclusion: There is a lady "unconscious desire", "DELETE" the beloved of life. Consciousness can not understand the subconscious mind does not want to close, the circumstances are such that he is always away from her.

As a result, astrokonsultatsii woman realizes his problem has clearly sees the way out of this situation, realizing that the whole problem in itself and its desire (reluctance). A. So far decided to wait, unhappy as themselves stopped feeling guilty, too, stopped to look.

Why afraid of physical intimacy with their husbands? - Subject of a separate consultation. So why is not there men ??? Women SUBCONSCIOUSLY Its just do not admit to himself. A man away from you physically (or already has), if in the shower you do not let it close.

Single women do not have the need to be with a man. They want it but it is not necessary. They want because everyone wants, and she also wants. If a person has a need, for himself begins to do something in this direction. If you do not have, he invents a lot of reasons and circumstances why he would not succeed ...

You must realize this and understand why it is so in my life? What are you afraid of?

Women alienate themselves physically, spiritually, mentally and his men out of life. As a result, they do not have them at all, or not have, or are far away or separated insurmountable circumstances, or they are sailors or they walk, or drink, or the ever- ... Man in the life of a woman dissolved.

History M.

(History astrokonsultatsy E. Melnikova. All astropokazateli omitted)

Moscow- young beautiful girl. He lives in a civil marriage. Partner - a good guy. But her constant fluctuations are not allowed to live in peace. Fluctuations in the subject - and if he was, the one true? Here she looks around, shoot eyes, thinking about the Prince that finally once met him, another, much better than the present.

She was unaware that he was already there. But the problem is compounded. He began to lose his job recently, he often hangs on the Internet, drinking a lot of beer. A recent work - it's terrible - the whole day to watch !!! And how much attention to her? But in the eyes and soul of M. silent joy - at last I will be one !!! Indeed, in her heart she had already pushed myself as unworthy.

And seek the ephemeral Prince. Conclusion: MS is not aware that the problem is there. What it is in the illusions. And it is beneficial to hover there. If you have a number of good men, it's interesting to think about fictional characters.

Why is that? Topic separate consultation. For this AM should realize that she herself creates its own problem. One awareness of the problem is already half saves from it.

And your fear is blocking your path to happiness, then it is necessary to convert them into positive knowledge, to stop being afraid of rapprochement with the man, develop the enduring confidence that you all will be exactly as you want - it is necessary to clearly imagine all the details, think , work out - to any relationship you seek, what a man should be with you next.

Do not be afraid of mistakes! Learn! We all come into this life to learn by solving their problems ... And do not rush things, everything will come a time when you really ripe when you are ready when the psychological blocks are removed and mental harmony restored.

Why be afraid?

With you always (all year) is the same man who you want. If you really need it.

Larissa Muraviev and Elena Melnikova
