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Reliable protection from hurtful words
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Hurtful words confront us every day when we are least prepared for them. Critical attacks are varied and defy classification. It seems that the worst quality seen in people everywhere: at peak times, in line, at work and at the festive table.
Hurtful words confront us daily - often when we least ready for it. And, it seems, are everywhere: on the road during rush hour, when people are shown the worst quality; in line when we end the patience; at work and at the festive table, where people considered rude almost permitted.
Critical attacks are so diverse that defy classification. Here and "light", daily injections (congratulations, finally!), And such resentment when it gets dark in the eyes ("I see you're busy with what you do best - eat again"). Sometimes words just give insensitivity.
Gathering her courage, the son told his mother that his wife left him, and the answer was: "How long is it going." It is believed that in the family, we can hide from the world. And in fact, the relatives say to each other such that they never would have said a stranger, often adding excuse: "You know, I say this because I love you."
One woman recalled how once, when she was 12, she stood before the mirror and her mother suddenly said: "Do not worry, dear. If the nose is still to grow, it will be possible to have an operation. " Until that day, the girl and had no idea that she is not an ideal nose.
Particularly "good" veiled insults, which are called "constructive criticism", although they do not have any relation to it. They are easily recognizable by the accompanying phrases, such as "I hope I can speak to you frankly," or "I'm telling you this for your own good."
It turns out that you have to almost admire the sincerity of criticism and assess its care, while you hardly come to himself after hitting the pit of my stomach.
Defending himself against insults, easy to be in a vicious circle of attacks and counter-attacks. Fortunately, there are ways to fend off the oppressor, not dropping his dignity.
The next time you will become a target of criticism, try our advice.
1. Try to understand.
Anyone who criticizes the other, often very crowded offense. If you can not understand what is really bothering you offended person, ask him about it. Remember offense is not always intended for you personally.
Look at the situation from the outside and look for the cause. The waitress was rude to you, not because what you tell her something did not like - just on the eve of her favorite cast. The driver of "undercutting" you, does not want to annoy you - he is in a hurry to the sick child. Pass it forward, keep it. Trying to understand those whose words hurt you touched, you will suffer more easily offended.
2. Analyze said.
In his book "The subtle art of verbal self-defense" Suzette Haden Elgin offers expanded offended you comment on the parts and to answer the unspoken rebuke, not Sacrifice. For example, hearing "if you loved me, you would have lost weight", you can answer this way: "How long have you decided that I do not love you? "
3. Turn to face the abuser.
Resist the abuse is not easy. It helps, in particular, straightforwardness. Remove the negative charge, for example, this question: "why do you need something to hurt me? "Or" Do you realize how may be perceived these words? "
You can also ask the person to clarify the meaning of the comments: "What do you mean? "Or" I want to check if I understood you correctly? "As soon as your critic feels that his game is solved, it will leave you alone. After all, when you were caught red-handed, it is very embarrassing.
4. resort to humor.
My friend once had to hear: "You have a new skirt? In my opinion, a cloth upholster chairs. " She did not lose her and said, "Well, sit down on my knees."
The mother of my friend for life jealously watched over the purity of the house. One day she found her daughter cobwebs and asked, "What is this? "" I spend a science experiment, "- retorted daughter.
The best weapon against abusive criticism - laughter. Witty answers will help you to cope with almost any offender.
5. Think symbol.
One woman told me that her husband criticized certainly in humans. Then she began to carry a small towel and whenever husband told her something offensive, cover head with a towel. He was so ashamed that he got rid of his bad habits.