About folk omens and superstitions


Mourners, hand sting!

For national signs can be regarded as a superstition. Just think, a cat ran! "Ugh" to it - that's the whole conversation. And it is this "ugh" and serves as a subconscious protection from possible trouble.

People take a lot there, and in every culture - their own. Especially popular are the rituals associated with the wires of people in a long journey. After all, the road - it's someone else's space, unknown, tayaschee difficulties and dangers.

In Russia, it was decided to bless (cross) on the track, put on a scapular around his neck, put the amulet in her bosom. In general, we try to bring a thing - "memory", so that it resembled the house and helped to return.

As a souvenir of this girl can give your loved ones personally embroidered handkerchief or pouch, personal ornament or ribbon. And during the war years of the last century the main, the most precious memories of home were photos and letters to loved ones and relatives.

Seeing the army (recruits) appeared after the introduction of Peter the conscription into the army. Few of the soldiers returning home: twenty years of service, many were killed on the battlefield, died of epidemics and diseases, brutal executions.

Therefore, the recruitment of peasants perceived like death - as a departure into another world, almost to the grave, accompanied by lamentations wires. There the people and the special charms, which were designed to protect soldiers from bullets and arrows, to keep him alive.

"Flying Eagle because Hvalynski sea, scattered rocks and Kremnica on steep banks, threw thunderbolts in the damp earth. And as the offspring of flint and Kremnica spark from the thunderbolt frying pan, and been left menacing cloud, and as the spilled heavy rain, they obeyed and bowed nitrate, gunpowder, Smyrna smirnehonko.

As the rain water is not broke, so to me, this something, and my horse sparks and bullets did not break through, my body would be stronger than the white stone. And as the stones from the water and bubbles otpryadyvayut jump, so be on the martial guns pryadali past me arrows and gunpowder-nitrate. My word is hard! "

However, a beautiful language? Many of us today have their little rituals are performed. Kiss on the track, waving out the window - is not a ritual? If someone goes to another city, we ask to inform you how to get worried: Bioenergy noticed that the people for whom the present worried about their loved ones, more stable and powerful aura.

Our family can not only protect us from a distance, but also to put a sign of protection (a kind of energy amulets), if you ever think about us .   The adage "better safe than sorry" surprisingly accurate. But it concerns not only a cautious man, but one of whom think and care other people.

So do not hesitate to take care of their loved ones. Open to show attention, even if sometimes it seems that excessive vigilance of a burden to your family.

The main thing that was a concern from the heart. But keep in mind, and that concern has to be positive.

Seeing a man on a long journey not mourn for him, as if he was going to war, but simply heartily wish good roads and easy travel. Telling your child about how to properly cross the road, keep in mind the terrible pictures of car crashes.

Try to keep the child heard is not what awaits him on the road death, and that the traffic rules exist for all, respecting them, and pedestrians and drivers get home in time, where they were waiting for loved ones, etc.

In short, is formed at the little man does not fear, and positive attitude of compliance with the rules.

In communicating with loved ones, do not pass the terrible stories from the series "today in the newspaper read about a maniac", after any event, even retold with someone else's words, recorded forever remain in the memory and carries their damaging effects.

Remember that our life affects not only what we do but what we think.

And in the conclusion of this chapter I will bring some folk superstitions. If you do not know them - take note.

• Do not wash the floor until someone from the family is on the move - the way it "zamoesh", that is, he can not return.

• Immediately after the departure of someone from the family members or guests at a friends house not sweep the floor - all in pursuit dirty fly.

• Before you leave home, do not sew up - good luck will not.

• To stay in the rain - a good sign: the road will safely and in all cases will be successful.

• If you want to quickly re-svidetsya with departing, then returned to the threshold, look after the person leaves.

• Before a long journey all the people in the house should sit down for a minute, in a way not to obstacles encountered.

• Coming back if you forget something, you need to take another look in the mirror, or & lt; path is not & gt; and the house would be something wrong.

How to lose weight with the help of faith and prayer


"Faith helps move mountains" - so the saying goes. Because it is no wonder that prayer also helps to lose weight, get rid of excess weight. More than 4000 volunteers exposed themselves to experience: they turned to God in prayer three times a day, asking him good health and weight loss.

The results were impressive: almost all subjects lost weight 5-7 kilos in two weeks.

"They did not count the calories eaten and did not starve, - said Dr. Matthew Anderson, theologian and founder of the" diet plus a prayer. " -

They prayed and lose weight without much effort. "

Experts say that the loss of excess weight - is not the only positive result of this method.

Sincerely opening your heart to the Lord, you can also achieve lower blood pressure, increase the production of body chemicals responsible for good health.

"Prayer stimulates biochemical changes in the body - says Anderson. - It connects us to a higher power, which gives us a sense of security and confidence. "

What you need to do to lose weight by following a "spiritual diet," Dr. Matthew Anderson?

First of all you need to honestly understand their habits and determine what type of consumer you are.

Three basic types.

1. Dull consumer.

You sit down on a diet, determined to lose weight, but a few days cease to follow it.

2. An emotional eater.

Stress, frustration, sadness encourage you to have a lot and eagerly.

3. Member.

Have you ever seriously think about religion, and the need to pray constantly evokes in you a feeling of discomfort.

Now that you have determined what type of consumers feel about, you just have to follow the guidelines given below and wait for the result.

From the options, choose "their" prayer and chant it before every meal and when you feel that your desire to lose weight disappears.

1. FOR CONSUMER bored:

"Lord Jesus Christ, help me to treat your body as a temple and fill it with food that will not be superfluous. Give me the strength to fulfill my wish, and I will live happily ever after. Amen. "

2. FOR emotional eater:

"Lord Jesus Christ, help me to understand when I'm really hungry, but when I want to just drown food anxieties, strengthen my strength, that I can cope with their feelings through your mercy. Amen. "

3. For beginners:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I want to know your love. Forgive me for my mistakes when I eat more than required. I'm sure if I'll have just enough, just to satisfy his hunger, and not to indulge in gluttony, I will feel better and look better. Amen. "
