How to get rid of bad luck and setbacks


If you want to get rid of bad luck, misfortune and so. D. Follow the steps below:

in the date of birth at midnight, you need to light a wax candle to his left to prepare in advance and place blank sheets of paper,

scissors, chemical (if not. it with a soft pencil) pencil and an old purse, which you use at least 1 year.

Cut sheets of blank paper the size of a dollar bill (their number does not matter) and write on each its own problems: disease, lack of money, failure, and so forth.

Then add these sheets in a purse, and took him in hand and whispered to him:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, not my will, but by God's all folded into the purse, I give you. In the, enjoy, and I uzho it to anything. Amen."

Try to keep this purse was made available to a thief, he has to steal it from you within 3 days.

After the theft is done, the need to go to church and it put three candles:

One - Virgin Marin (without words).

Second - Jesus Christ with the words:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I forgive you, stole my wallet for the commission of theft thee, God will judge. Amen."

The third candle to put his Holy with the words:

"My angel, my preserver, help me, protect, because I gave that to have did not want someone else's bad. He took it, I was not asked, let him then glued me to depart for ever. Amen."

Rite in the love of others


Rite in the love of others, for the rite of self-confidence. Flower magic.

The forces of nature have always helped man for various purposes. And even in a big city you can use the legacy of our ancestors.

Rite in the love of others

Buy white paraffin candles. Make her 6 marks, which divide it into equal parts 7.

Buy a white carnation. Light a candle, looking at the flame and holding a carnation, imagine yourself surrounded by many friends and admirers. No need to present familiar. Let it be strangers. You have to feel their friendly attitude and love.

When the candle burns out before the division, get dressed and go out. Give cloves person of your gender. You can not explain anything to passerby. Do not tell anyone about what are going to carry out the ritual.

So do seven days. Every day of the burning of candles and giving one new nail passersby.

Carnations are needed to fly every day into small iron money. Surrender can not be taken.

Repeat the ritual a month. Its effect, you will begin to notice two weeks after the end of the ceremony.

Rite for the confidence.

Buy a white rose on Wednesday. Put it in a vase at the head of the bed. Every evening, peel off one petal. At the same time saying:

"The strength of the white rose, give me confidence. Beauty white rose, give me a charm. The fragrance of white roses give me faith in our own strength."

You have to be focused, nothing should distract you and worry.

And do this every night on number of rose petals. All plucked the petals to dry and hide. When the last petal fall through, remove all the dried petals. Sew a linen bag and put them there.

This will be your mascot strength and confidence. The pouch must not be seen by strangers. Keep it in a safe place at home. It is best to put it under my pillow.

The stem and leaves of white roses dry, and burn at the crossroads Wednesday. Thus it is necessary to imagine how burn your fears and problems associated with a lack of confidence. This ritual can be carried out every six months.

After the third rite should be presented with a strange girl with white hair nine white roses in one day.

Folk omens and superstitions, the prediction of events in the life


Since ancient times, people involved prediction of events on national signs and signs observed in the surrounding world. Folk omens and superstitions exist in order to explain and predict what might happen in the near future and to have time to prepare.

The right palm itches to profits, the left - a loss. The right palm itches - getting left - to give money. Elbow itch - to grief. The neck is scratched - to the feast or battered. Nape is scratched - to sadness.

At the foot of itching - to the good news.

The nose bridge is scratched - to the deceased, nostrils - a christening, a side - to the West, the tip of the nose - the wine. The nose itches - in a glass look.

Eyebrow itch - to the bow, to date, to tears. The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, left - a hypocrite.

The left eye itching to tears, right - to any look.

Cheeks are scratched or goryat- to tears.

Hiccup, to say: "Good, because, remember, and evil so full."

Sneeze on Monday on an empty stomach - to the present, on Tuesday - to the visitors in sredu- to the West, in chetverg- to praise, on Friday - for a date on Saturday - to the fulfillment of desires, on Sunday - to the guests.

In the right ear to the good news zvenit- in levom- to thin.

The ears itch - to the West, to the rain.

Roosters do not sing in time - new orders will be.

Itchy lips - a kiss.

Folk omens and superstitions

Soles itch - to the road.

The cat scratched - offers washed out (calls).

When leaving the house, zatsepishsya.- soon be there again.

In someone else's house poperhneshsya - next year there will be again.

Who's ear off, about to say. If the right ear off - tell the truth, if the left - a lie.

Language of bite - someone scolds.

The girl hurt his elbow - the idle man recalls.

After the departure of a man of the house does not sweep the floor for three days. If the sweep, then gone will not return.

If a woman sweeping the floor, obmetet someone with a broom, his people will dislike.

Precipitated the child milk tooth throw on the stove with prigovorkoy "Mouse, mouse, on your tooth bone, give me a radical."

Wandering lights in forests, swamps and cemeteries indicate treasures buried there. On the spot where the treasure lies, you can see a candle or golden rooster. Then you need to say, "Chur chur. holy place - mind you my God yes. " If you do not, then the treasure will go into the ground to a greater depth.

After umoeshsya, can not shake hands with water from the devils of this breed. How many drops of spray, so will the devils.

If a person hiccups, then somebody remembers about him. To find out who is recalled to think someone of your friends, right hand little finger moistened with saliva and spend them on the right eyebrow; if the finger will hairs, then remembers the one to whom it was make come true.

Cuckoo - ominous bird. There is a popular sign of how many times she prokukuet so many years and live in the world. If the first time you hear the cuckoo in the year behind me, you will die.

Fall from the sky the star represents the demise of the righteous. Speak with the three "Amen" and be baptized.

To get rid of the hiccups, it is necessary to say, "Hiccup, hiccup, go to Fedotov, with Fedotov Jacob with Jacob at all."

About the things that was just under the arms and suddenly disappeared, saying: "Lukanka tail covered." If anything is lost, "bandage beard line": a table leg tied with a handkerchief, saying, "Damn, damn, play, but again, give it back! "

If small fish the angler will fall, he will cut down the market with the words: "Come father, come mother, went to his aunt! "And let into the river again, to have got bigger fish.

If the window is sitting forty, then, will soon be guests "and if the house is sick, he will soon recover.

If the roof will gather a lot of crows and jackdaws, then it will be a wedding.

If you kill a spider, forty sins forgiven.

If you look closely, you can see the moon image Cain kills Abel.

Aspen - damn tree Judas hanged himself on it. The leaves on the aspen tremble, tremble in fear as a Judas, and in the autumn blush that should remind the blood shed by Jesus Christ for the people.

Predicting life events

If a person has a mole on the body, especially those that he can not see (eg on the back), then he is destined to be happy.

Who coarse hair on his head at that angry temper. The man, whose eyebrows grew together on the bridge, according to national signs will not be happy.

Who like his mother, he is happy.

How many human wrinkles between the eyebrows above the nose so many times he was destined widowed.

If a person ticklish, then he is jealous.

Hair color crackle and sparkle - a sign of passionate nature.

There is a superstition, if a married woman does not wear earrings in your ears, then it is destined to become widows. Widows also wear earrings sin.

If she pricked her finger while sewing, so she is in love.

In May, you can not marry or marry. If you get married in May of life will suffer.

If idle sleeps a lot, then naspit currently Krivoglaz wife.

If one spouse loses engagement ring, then he is destined to an early death.

If two people at the same time say the same word, it means that guests will soon, or at least comes a stranger.

If four people, healthy or good-bye, served each other's hands crosswise, then, to be a wedding.

Who goes there, stepping on the traces of a person walking in front, one will choose the man force.

If a person is mistaken for someone else, then it will soon be some kind of profit.

If two people yawn at the same time, so they drink vodka together.

The guy who nedolivaet tea cup, will have a wife with thick lips.

There is a national sign that if you drop a fork or a spoon from the table, the woman comes, and if the knife is - man.

At the table, do not laugh, otherwise the devil makes a mess in the dish.

Do not eat with a knife, will angry.

If you leave after dinner on the table uneaten slices of bread from a loaf of her, then left there their happiness.

If any dish too salty, then cook in someone to love. If you put the knife on the table with the edge up, something happens something bad.

If a person who is waiting for dinner, do not come in time, it is necessary to shake the tablecloth on the table - and it certainly will soon come.

Who eats quickly, he quickly up and running, lazy, on the contrary, eating slowly. Experienced owners when hiring employees planted his first feed to get an idea of ​​his qualities, and only then to conclude treaties.

According to superstition, it is impossible to submit another salt, or quarrel with him. In order not to quarrel need feeding salt to laugh.

If someone gives you a different needle, you need to gently prick him not to quarrel.

Keys can not be put on the table, otherwise the family will quarrel.

If a girl during a meal shed something on the table, then it will be a drunkard husband.

If a husband and wife eat in the dark, their child would be a thief.

You can not spit, or in the next world will be licking a hot frying pan.

You can not spit in the fire - in the language of "ognik" (pimple) jump.

If saliva accidentally gets on the clothes to someone who spits, something about him will go some vain rumors, or he will have a new thing.

When you sit on a chair, you can not put the foot on the leg and foot pump - a trait swinging.

If you're going to whistle in the house, it will be empty.

Single men not necessary to sit on the threshold of the door - for it will not marry any girl.

On the threshold do not greet or say goodbye, not to quarrel.

If you go to someone for a visit, you need to sit at home and a little sit down to a well-accepted there.

When yawn, cross or cover their mouths to not penetrated through any evil spirits.

You can not sew clothes for the man, or zashesh his mind.

Who plays his hat, from him a headache.

Head not commemorate his often out of fear that he did not come angry.

To have someone to beg anything, that person must first get around three times around.

Giving money is not good in the evening, the money will not be driven.

On Monday, the money will not lend, so they will not melt like wax, for the entire week.

If you interrupt the reading of the book, do not leave it open, otherwise the devil will read the book and you'll forget all that I have read.

In the evening, the house can not stand trash to avoid a quarrel.

If a man on the eve of a great holiday fun and laughs, the festival he will cry and miss.

If you accidentally put on anything from clothes inside out, have you broken.

If you're going somewhere to go and something to wear clothes on the left side, it means that you expect any trouble.

These are the signs of the people there and most well-known superstition, let them help you to anticipate what might happen in the near future and take action .
