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Conspiracies to attract money into your life
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Meditation for the realization of its involvement in the cosmic abundance.
Take a comfortable position, turn on soft music, relax. Completely turn away from all the usual thoughts enter into a state of complete comfort and safety. Say to yourself, "I am beautiful, immortal, free and divine being. I accept the divine abundance now."
Feel the emotional lift, joyful anticipation of a miracle. Now imagine that you poured the golden ray directly from the depths of space. Open up to him. Feel like a part of the universe. Perhaps at this point you will hear the music of the heavenly spheres.
Trust your feelings. Then imagine how cloud descends from heaven - a bundle of energy beautiful turquoise - and envelops you. And another cloud descends from heaven - this time purple - and also envelops you. Now you are in the middle of a light, caressing power three colors - gold, turquoise and purple.
These are the colors of cosmic energy abundance. Feel your security in the center of this energy. Imagine these colors gradually melt away, but they should stay in your aura. Feel the deep gratitude to the sources of cosmic abundance and confidence that is now an abundance of always with you. It is advisable to conduct a meditation in the morning or in the evening before going to sleep two or three times a week.
Affirmations - it's positive statements to help change our way of thinking and create the future to which we aspire.
Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve happiness, love, inner peace, health and prosperity. Work with affirmations at least ten minutes a day, saying them aloud or silently, and you will see results.
I radiate success and prosperity at every step;
I choose those thoughts that make me happy (th), and lead to abundance; Welcome, prosperity and abundance are constantly coming to me, so I can relax and enjoy a new life;
I am absolutely calm (-on) and I am sure (s) in the future; So, what I choose to think and speak today - creates my future;
I - a powerful creator of his own world; The past is gone forever, and only the good and happiness awaits me; Everything that happens - for my highest good; Every day, my life is getting better and better; The money will go into my hands, as the beloved cat;
I give and receive money with joy and gratitude; My financial condition is determined only by my attitude to life;
Money loves me, and come in the right quantity, and even more; I attracts money like a magnet;
I - a magnet for divine prosperity; I allow myself to take wealth.
I'm open (s) for the powerful flow of universal abundance;
I choose the happy life with money;
I am worthy (-on) all the best in life by birth.
I declare my right; I am happy to accept a life of blessings and satisfaction of all my needs;
All my wishes come true, all my dreams come true, all my needs are met; Everything that I touch brings me success; Today I accept the abundance of a new level in accordance with the grown level of my consciousness;
I express my admiration for the abundance of life and am grateful for all that I have; The benefits come to me from the most unexpected sources; Every day of my revenues are growing; The universe knows what I need and meets all my needs; My wealth is boundless as the universe;
I'm getting good from everywhere and from all; I live in perfect harmony with the world; Universe fully, unconditionally and fully supports me; I bless your bills with love and pay for them with joy and with the knowledge of his wealth;
I gratefully accept the world and all its benefits inherited from his Father in heaven; This world - my !!!
Cosmic Bank of Abundance.
Everyone knows how good to have a solid bank account, where you can always get the required amount. It is in the physical world. But we strive to make friends with the invisible world, to show the material over the ideal.
Here are some recipes for how to become and to remain in good standing with the Directorate Outer Banks that never faileth, and bestowed its honorary clients generous flow of money and any benefits in this world.
1. Get a solid, unshakable certainty that you have chosen a path of prosperity, development and wealth.
2. checked by your subconscious mind and honestly ask yourself if you are ready now, right now to receive a large sum of money. What feelings will cause you? Most people believe that it is this should not cause any problems. However, imagine how your life will change when it will include a large amount of money. You are likely to change the social circle.
You will need to find a reliable bank, to take care of taxes, etc. etc. Free time will certainly be much smaller, as large funds involve greater employment of their owner. Quality of life is certainly improved, but time is becoming the most valuable currency. Think about it, try it for yourself. Are there any internal protest, inconvenience? If not, then fine, we can move on.
3. And another may have internal barriers, a kind of internal sabotage on some cellular level. Typically, this is expressed in disbelief. Well, I do not believe the brain cells that a person living in the most ordinary apartment, can change dramatically and become truly free from a financial point of view.
Then it is necessary to conduct a mental cleansing exercises by speaking the following statement: "In the name of my I AM Presence, I commanded that the light of God's love and mercy to make way for the current power of Plenty. Now I am free from all sorts of restrictions. I open the golden stream of space Plenty. I I starting a new, free and joyous life as a song of praise to the Creator of all things.
I ask because of my divine presence I AM happy to create my world on the basis of universal love and grace. May it be so! "Now your mind and subconscious mind totally and completely free from all sorts of restrictions. You know why? Because you've just commanded it! And your strength is great, and it is growing all the time.
4. Make sure that you do the work that brings joy to you and others. The fact that only the presence of God is free to bestow us with all sorts of good things when we perform your dharma, that is the purpose of our incarnation on this earth.
Check out this very simple. If you love what you do, most likely, you are doing your dharma according to the plan of divine light on the ground. When you are on the right track, it is usually not encountered financial difficulties.
Still I can advise that, doing things you love, you can imagine the cash flow directed to you from heaven. Time This visualization takes quite a bit, a couple of minutes, and enjoys great as you are "showing" the Outer Banks where to send money.
5. And more. Be sure to iron that money will be with you always, wherever you are and no matter how many years you may be. Such confidence helps Outer Banks plan your spending, that is your income. So often it is necessary to seriously say: "We're rich, and the rich will always be."
Anticipate a bright future, abundant future, and this will become the norm of your beautiful life. It reinforces your good relations with the Cosmic Bank of Abundance this call:
"Here and now I have to attract ideal circumstances, I needed people and assistants, all the tools in order to best fulfill their higher purpose in the name of the divine plan of light on the ground! So be it! So it is!" These steps are very powerful, they take on a completely different level of freedom, awareness and, of course, Plenty. Follow them, and enjoying all the benefits of our planet will be your natural state!