Conspiracies to attract money into your life

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Conspiracies to attract money into your life
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"The cosmic abundance manifests flow of money in my life."

During the week, write this formula for 54 times in the morning and evening. Say it during meditation, relaxation before bedtime. Send out postcards to her friends, dispatch it by e-mail to create an information-energy matrix in the virtual space.

Let this formula be multiplied a thousandfold through you. Imagine that she and her expansion of the role played by the magnet. When you write, I repeat it, distribute it, to create a special antenna psychoenergetic trapping vibration of abundance.


This exercise is based on the principle psihokodirovaniya state corresponding to this formula. Let the source of this formula is the word 'flow'. Say the word 'flow' 3 times and slowly count from 9 to 1. Then say the formula 9 times while in his most perfect condition.

Visualize the flow of cosmic abundance fills your aura, like a gentle rays of the sun. This is best done in a beautiful sunny day when you are overwhelmed with positive emotions. You enjoy the perfection of nature, endless blue sky. All the flowers, fruits, celebrating life.

You are part of the whole. The world was created for you, as for every being. All for all. All in all. This fullness of abundance, it is the unity of the manifold flows into you and getting the flow of success, happiness, prosperity, harmony, and you reiterated: "The cosmic abundance manifests flow of money in my life." Fix this state.

Say the word code for 'flow' and count from 1 to 9. Again, say the word 'flow'. When pronouncing the word 'flow' 2 times join thumb and forefinger of his right hand. This gesture (mudra) plays an important role in many esoteric psychotechniques. Follow this technique every day for a week, until the condition becomes stable.

At any time, when you say the word 'flow' and twice connect your fingers in your subconscious mind will unwind the program success. It will be identical to the way if you repeated the formula hundreds of times and went in perfect condition.

"God is rich, I'm rich."

It is recommended to repeat this formula as often as possible. To become a repetition of the formula in practice of transformation, it is necessary to repeat it at least 20 minutes every day for a month. You can use the beads to count, since it is desirable that in the months that you have repeated this formula 30,000 times. You can repeat out loud whisper or mentally. This formula is an effective means of meta-programming.

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Conspiracies to attract money into your life

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Conspiracies to attract money into your life
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Contemplate your inner eye infinity of heaven, wealth bowels of the earth, the greatness of the fruit of the creative mind. As in all the visualizations, stay joyful emotional state. Be open to the world. AMAZING greatness of the universe. Pay attention to the infinite variety of natural phenomena and the uniqueness of each of them - from the grass up to the light.

And now, be aware that you are - the same universe. Transfer all the energy of meditation and study the power of inspiration in the contemplation of the infinite internal spaces and resources. Because of this there is the experience of the infinite value of all beings, a sense of universal gratitude, deep confidence, existential grandeur.

"Abundance - God's power.

Abundance - the power of the cosmos.

Abundance - my life. "

Repeat this formula, at any time of the day. Saying it before work or every undertaking, you lay the foundation for success and prosperity. Every action has a good or bad consequences. And these effects, the seeds of karma, imprinted in our memory box. Repeating the formula, as if we fry the seeds of bad karma and water moisture the seeds of good karma. Roasted seeds do not germinate.


Visualize how God, the whole universe, the hosts of invisible beings watching you with love, wanting to help you, as soon as you ask. God - the closest creature for you. He knows all your secrets, joy and sorrow. Understand that you have a personal relationship with God, the Universal Mind. The realization of this truth brings lasting happiness leads to success and grant success in all endeavors.

"The success - now.

Success - in the future.

Success - the sky above me.

Success - earth beneath me.

Success leads me to success. "

Repeat this formula three times when go out, or go through the door. Doors are metacharacter transition from the present to the future. Repeating such a way as you put into your subconscious program success, which is automatically activated when you pass through the doors, gates, go outside, start your journey.


Visualize yourself around the celestial sphere with a thousand colors of bright stars, radiant as the sun. Feel the atmosphere of joy, energy and security. This is an area where all your desires fulfilled. Energy leads you along the path of success. Now you are at the beginning, but with each step increases the scope, its glow is becoming more intense. And it merges with the scope of our planet, the cosmos, the universe. And you begin to realize that you are always in the world of success, joy and fulfillment of all desires.

Rite of attracting money.

We need to go on the first night of the new moon in the cemetery, placing his shoe under the left heel, the ruble. At the cemetery gates have to hit the ground with his left foot, saying loudly:

Chur Chur, dead, your place is holy,

And even if my place is rich.

You dead, a sound sleep,

And I, the servant of God (name), of gold and silver.

Chur Chur, dead, your place is holy,

And in my pocket - silver and gold.

Having said this, turn around and leave immediately. I do not look back. On the way home with no one to talk to. If the cemetery near, it is better to get to the house on foot.

If you have to use public transport, buy travel documents in advance, so that after the ceremonies, you do not give money to ANYONE. This is to ensure that you're not cross the threshold of his home did not give "the result of" conspiracy to a third party.

Attracting wealth.

Dig a hole under Osinki, put a coin, slander and covered piece of land, do it on the full moon, and that day was even.

God be with you, my soot, Rusty germ, live harvest.

As you mouse is not sgryzёt, Worm is not oozing,

So that's my money and nobody surochil.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another plot

In Elijah's day (2 August), sprinkle with poppy seeds charmed their rooms. Mack spoke as follows:

Ilya generous fit of generosity on my poppy so

To me it is the peoples of the penny, nickle peoples of the top ten,

Dozens of nations to me prosperity.

The key lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Dreams and wishes come true ...

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Dreams and wishes come true ...
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1. To begin with, it is impossible to do anything in this world to submit only one astral or physical plane. Every object, every structure is always represented on all planes simultaneously, but this view is quite different. For example, a person living in the world, remains for the most part in physical condition.

Of course, he was not deprived of his other space-spiritual dimensions, but the astral plane to represent him only through the prism of his earthly understanding and perception. Therefore, all introduced us to the world of astral changes perceived as the reality of the physical plane.

2. The same applies to entities that live mainly in the Astral space and can not imagine myself outside it. Despite the fact that they are to a certain degree is far from us, these entities are able to make some changes in our reality to be useful to us, or, conversely, to inhibit our success and development.

But they can only respond to them familiar combination of signs, words and actions, to obey our will and thoughts, creating familiar environment and space. In other words, for us to understand the astral world, he tries to talk to us in our language, and our words to be available subtle world, we have to use symbols known to him.

Why not in a hurry to meet the desires?

Yet sometimes, despite our best efforts, despite the fact that like all rules are satisfied, the desire not in a hurry to run. If each person to enforce their own desires with the help of charms and rituals, our planet long ago would have been destroyed ourselves. It is no secret, in the bulk of the people are ambitious, selfish, greedy, self-serving, but still proud, anger ...

The list is long. It is terrible to imagine what would happen if each person an opportunity to satisfy their passion. Therefore, the universe protects itself from the chaos, limiting the magical abilities of most individuals. In order to have the power of charms and rituals really started to affect reality, you have to work on yourself.

There are some fairly simple rules, according to which if you can not get closer to perfection, or at least take a few steps toward him.

1. To your words have power, you need to unlearn lie. If you are used prisochinyat for effect, out of fear or in order not to force anyone to worry, and perhaps even the reasons - should give up this habit.

2. Promise ... If you know that you can not perform - firmly say "no" if you promise - follow the promise, what would you at any cost. If you try to carry out these two points, then your words will become a material basis, will no longer be just a set of sounds, "get used to" run after pronouncing.

3. Maybe for your magical action lacks volitional impulse? Most likely, the reason in yourself - you little lacking willpower. This, too, can learn. There will fit any manifestation of willpower - of the daily performance of morning exercises before the decision to quit smoking; any business that requires an effort. To conquer the world, you need to conquer yourself.

4. If you have bad imagine the magical result of your actions, then you need to train the imagination. Be creative. For this fit a simple exercise. Recall as much as possible in the small details of your favorite movie. Describing one of his characters, even if you do not like him.

Try to "live" situation this character as if it happened to you in real life, imagine all your words, actions, reactions to the actions of other characters. Developing imagination, you learn to feel the events, objects and people the information and energy.

5. Maybe doing some magical effect, you do not believe that it will bring results? As long as you do not believe in themselves, you have nothing.

In order to give effect spells and rituals, you need to believe in yourself. Therefore, start with simple plots.

6. Be persistent. Do not give up if the first attempt something impossible. Magic - the same science, like all other areas of human knowledge. And also requires perseverance and persistence in mastering it.

7. Monitor your energy potential. Do not engage in magical acts, if you are ill, upset or depressed. In this case, the rite not only did not bring the desired result, but also has the potential to significantly spoil your physical condition. Listen to yourself. Listen to your inner voice.

8. You need to know exactly what you want. Before making any rite or ritual, think really if you want it. Not if your actions caused by momentary moods? Imagine that you have desired. Analyze your next steps, "review" the situation for a few moves ahead.

You do not do any worse than you yourself or those you love? If there is a possibility that the situation will be resolved safely, without your intervention, it is better do not try to influence it, to once again not to disturb the path of Destiny and tie superfluous karmic knots. Sometimes the best effect - is inaction.

9. And finally - never perform magic acts in front of witnesses. Do not tell anyone, not even the closest people, about their intentions to commit a magical rite. Someone else will can disrupt the energy flow within, even if the person doing it unconsciously. Keep the secret.

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