Improving relations


In addition to intuitive guesses and information you can use the power of the mind to the possibility of a direct effect on your relationship. The most common way to use them - to make the relationship more pleasant for people, dispelling all the negative, evil feelings and enhancing warmth, support, friendship and love.

Sometimes people also use this technique to strengthen their sense of power in the relationship and to clearly make it clear to others that they have this power.

The basis of the process is the concentration of your mental energy on another person while you mentally imagine the purpose of your relationship, and transmit the message of human mental about it. This process levels


First, it helps you see your own attitude to the man, and when you see her again, you will interact with you for considering the desired goal, which will have an impact on the other person and make him react accordingly.

Secondly, because the thoughts have energy, the person to whom you send a mental message, get it on the inner psychic or mental level.

Consciously he is not aware of the message. But your mental transfer can to push him or remind him to treat you the way you want.

One common application of this method - paving the way for a future meeting with a man.

In addition, some people use this method to send their thoughts to encourage someone to come in contact with them.

The following exercises will help you to use the technique power of the mind to improve relations in various ways. Creating a more cordial relations, to overcome evil feelings, resentment, confusion, or to induce the person constantly treat you heartily, friendly and positive, sending love is a wonderful tool.

This will help get rid of any negative feelings and allow you to feel good about themselves. The one who seems far will seem closer.

If you and your colleague are feeding each other evil feelings, your positive thoughts can radically change the situation, and when you see again, the conflict can be settled.

The first exercise is sending love to pave the way for a successful meeting with a man. The second is intended for sending love and to persuade the person to get in touch with you!

The ancient practice of establishing close relations


Another way to establish a closer relationship or inducement to enter into human contact with you is to use objects that symbolize you and another person, such as candles, to help you focus and amplify your message.

This technique is often used when touched loving relationship, but you can also use it to establish friendly relations and close rapport with the people with whom you work together.

As in the previous exercises designed to strengthen the relationship, pay for a few minutes each day for several days to as long as your message starts to have an effect.

In the following example, an object used by a candle, but you can use any object that you will be useful, for example, small figurines, statues or even a pen or pencil, which should represent you and another person.

To prepare, take two candles, one that symbolizes you, and the other - the person from whom you want to achieve the reaction.

For example, pink and blue candles can be used, respectively, instead of men and women, although you can use any colors you see differently.

On the first day of this exercise, place a candle at a distance of about 12 inches * from one another.

Each day when you start the exercise, put candles two inches closer to each other until, until the seventh day, they will not touch. Then leave the candle so that they touch one another.

Now, light the candles and turn off all the lights! Look for the line one, then another candle for about a minute. Then close your eyes and before his mind's eye, imagine burning candles.

Then imagine how two lights come together until they merge into one look at the bright yellow beam that emits fire. Now take your hands for every candle, and keep your hands in this position, representing, as the beam passes through the space and time to the person who is to come into contact with you.

Continue to hold the candle and focus on this way for about three minutes. Then gently slide the candle about an inch to one another (or if they are pushed together, tightly squeeze them).

By doing this, think: "We are getting closer to each other. We are getting closer to each other let him * (or she) will come with me to contact (or be responsive to my attraction to him." Or, to express these feelings in other words, .

Then, when you feel that a message is sent, extinguish the candle, go back to the normal conscious state, and open your eyes. Leave the candles in the same position if you intend to repeat this exercise.

Do this exercise on a regular basis for about a week and wait for response to your call. Quite often, the person then responds.

Otherwise, feel confident that your call reaches the goal and tie themselves with the person.

Train strength of will


Tips magicians

Magic - it's not just science. Not just art. Magic - a way of life, a philosophy that is different from ordinary human. The magician who has reached a certain stage, can not be considered fully human,

as he begins to think differently and pursue different goals. But this does not mean that it becomes a "subhuman", quite the contrary - it seems to rise to the next level of development, ahead of his time.

Magic - a way of life and the path is not for the weak. You can not be a strong man, but you must have a strong spirit, strong will and the first thing you must learn is a live in harmony with itself.

To be able to control his body and thoughts as much as possible, because if you do not know how to govern themselves - how can you control others (and not necessarily people)?

* * *

 Each Order of the Magi, there are several fields of study, although often it turns out that they are intended for the passage of each of the members of the Order. But almost always, there are three main ones: Seeker, Cleric and Knight.

This book is dedicated to the art of the Knights - battlemages. Knowledge, which is designed for students are not higher than the second stage. Train strength of will. Possessing a strong will - one of the main advantages of the magician.

Develop the will - to learn to obey it animate and inanimate nature, disaster, events. But the main thing - during the training of willpower a person learns to overcome oneself. Not for nothing the ancient proverb says: "The greatest warrior who could defeat itself."

As an exercise for the workout will Paracelsus offered the following options: Walking for a long time for any location, wait for the moment when you feel very tired.

Naturally, you will want to go home, but not to do so. Head over to some nearby, but fairly remote place, such as: a high hill, swamp, up the stairs to a great height, etc.

By the way, completing this exercise is not in a hurry to go home and take a look around and if you will be next to some stone - take it with you, it will bring good luck (of course, as much honest to yourself you are doing the exercises).

There are other options:

-Progulyatsya Cemetery at night. First with someone, and then - one.

-The Fight on their hands as well developed the will, but this exercise is recommended only for beginners.

-The Remarkable method: Every day at the same time appointed by you, perform the same action. For example - an approach to the tap and wash your hands. Or, take a pencil and put them in another room. They put on the table, take and bring back.

The first results will be visible in the second or third week.
