Recipes finding happiness


Never say never"

There is no "right" or "wrong" recipes gaining happiness. All of them work, only need to be able to use them, he says kosmoenerget Ms. Xenia Klishevskaya. Man lives in the energy-environment.

Therefore, any of our thought is material, and with its help we can influence our own lives - both positively and negatively.

Think of the image in detail

Reputable authors argue that we often do not get the desired, as it does not know what really want and you want it at all. Because deep down we fear change. So, if you live with parents and dream of your own apartment, but inwardly afraid of difficulties, which will bring an independent life, the fulfillment of your desire is very problematic. What to do?

To begin imagine the limit of your dreams. For example, if you want to buy a new sofa, imagine the smallest details of the desired object - the color of the upholstery, wood, what it width, etc. Think about the desired time - when to wash, eat breakfast, go to the subway, standing in line.

Be sure: one day your dream will materialize!

And if you crave to meet a loved one? Make a list of qualities necessary for a life partner. You can do this in writing. Please indicate the age, education, social status, hobbies and even the approximate level of the salary of the potential partner. Do not forget about character traits and sexual temperament!

At the end describe the desired appearance. When you get a long list, select 10-15 points that are most important to you and specify one kind of spell. For example: "I need a man 30-40 years old, slender brunette, with higher education, living in Moscow, who earns 500 dollars a month, with no bad habits, loves classical music, children and dogs."

Repeat this phrase to yourself several times a day. In addition, presents in detail your first date.

Look at things realistically

Psychologists - specialists in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) - all much more serious. According to them, the dream has to be decent. For example, you can not dream of new shoes - this is nonsense. But the desire to start a own business deserves to take its implementation "of science."

Specialists in neuro-linguistic programming is recommended primarily to articulate the goal - and in real time! That is not "I want to open a company service center! "And" I - the owner of the company service centers! "This dream is to look realistic and achievable. For example, if you aspire to marry Philip Kirkorov, this method - not for you.

Next you need to consider all the consequences that may result from the goal. Perhaps while you lose something very precious to you at the moment. Is it worth it then the game worth the candle? Consider what means you will be able to achieve the desired. What are you willing to do now? Do you need help from other people?

Finally, decide for yourself: do you really want? If the answer to this question in the affirmative - proceed to implementation. Make at least one step to the realization of his dream. If the result is zero - look the other way. And so - until you get their way.

Do not say "no"

Special mention should be made of the "law of the negation." We often say, "I'm not going to do something and that something", "something might happen." However, our subconscious, and energy-sphere particle do not take "no".

When we are afraid that the situation will turn in the wrong direction, by the same token it is programmable for execution.

To avoid this, you must learn to replace negative images positive, says Master Ms. Klishevskaya. Now many in the speech the word "no" sounds needlessly - the word parasite. Here are the typical sentence: "No, you just think! "" No, do you hear? ".

Pay close attention to the context in which you say it's your "no." To give an example, when it clearly plays the role of verbal damage, "No, I will never be able to find a decent job! Now, if I am rich! "

If you say "No! "And then begin to talk about your plans for the future, their own crosses his denial, launching a program of negativity. The laws of energy, alas, is not retroactive.

Take the magic

Conspiracy luck is nothing other than the wording of the desired image.

The word "code of good luck" encrypted vibration in certain ways. Successful outcome depends on how well you react this way.

Therefore, some "recipes" may be right for you and others - no. And it is not necessary to look for a book or a newspaper, which printed the words.

You can make yourself a spell and use it successfully.

Just feel what words you are the closest of inner feeling.

Some parapsychologists recommend to make a wish in writing, referring to the higher powers, to write statements to the "celestial office". And ask for the maximum. Thirst for money? Ask just one million dollars!

Do you dream to buy your own home? Ask a mansion in the Canaries! Would you like to arrange a personal life - ask the bride-billionaire! The more you ask, the more you will be given. Yet some thoughts about "good" is not enough.

Program success is triggered only on the condition that you act in order to achieve their goal.

So, without leaving home, you are unlikely to make a career, meet friends or love.

Do you want to buy something or to go for a vacation abroad - look for opportunities to make money. Do you dream to get married - go to a beauty salon, buy new clothes, make a chic makeover.

When you do undertake some steps for your program, that's when "magic" and help!

Action - and be happy!

Signs and beliefs, practical tips, advice


A few tips for different spheres of life, which, in my opinion, will be useful to a wide range of readers. Signs and beliefs, practical tips, advice

- During the quarrel, scandal, it is necessary to clarify the relationship several times, his eyes downcast

and looking to the groin opponent, mentally say, "In the stomach with his head! So be it!"

- When a large exchange of the notes or the exchange of money into another currency it is necessary to look at the money, not the one who changes them.

- If you have to choose between two identical things or things to buy, should give preference to the one that is on the left.

-To Get rid of the pain, try to attach to the patient place a piece of foil reflective side inwards and mentally say, "What clung, the affected!"

-To Win in the competition, all other things being equal, it is useful to carry a nickel for which it is necessary to pre-7 times slander: "Come with me (his full name), Go with me the victory! Let it be!"

- If you are in the face of a man passed quickly, it should be said in a whisper: "With a bore" (if a woman - "With a sustained").

- If you are called by name, you looked back and saw no need to say three times, "Go to the East" and to hold the ring finger in the air circle counterclockwise.

-If You want to have even more people paid attention to the opposite sex, leaving the house looking in the mirror must be said: "People show ourselves!"

-When Buying, that ye be not deceived, naming items, refer to the nose of the seller. At the same time as much as possible, hold a fist with your left thumb.

- Coffins do not put across the floorboards. This ominous sign indicates a quick death of someone from relatives of the deceased.

- In no case can not leave the knife stuck in the bread - it is a quarrel, it is impossible to impale the bread with a fork - it is a disease; Do not throw away the bread bitten, it should be fed to animals, otherwise you may incur the trouble.

The counting, if the finger at your house, car, child, plot, etc. with the words: "This is my car (my child, house, land ...), something that you specify, suffer misfortune, fire, illness, accident ...

-If Someone came into the house while bathing the baby, he must remain there until the end of water treatment. Otherwise, expose the child in danger.

- During the cleaning housing when removing the cobwebs with a broom from the ceiling and walls, saying: "What is it, passed on a broom!"

- If you come into a new dress somewhere, ask about something a person of the opposite sex. Will luck.

- If you need to sell in the market place in the purse fiat bill, such that you are not under any circumstances are not going to spend.

-Not Recommended to comply with requests and instructions, to tell you in the back when you leave, shout from the balcony, a porch, an open window or in a window. It is believed that such a request is being made, any good.

- Wise people are advised not to go out with empty pockets. It is desirable to have in your pocket a purse or even a few cents trifle.

- Going to the apartment or the house of a man who asked you the first time, the next to sit in a chair after the owner did it, and climb - just before it.

-If When buying goods sold by weight it turned out that the surrender of 13 hryvnia (or rubles), the surrender of the need to take both hands with the words: "Not me!"

-If You leave a favorite, then within three days after this unpleasant moment, drinking any liquid, pour out half of it, while saying: "For (name of deceased lover) has gone!"

- If you have lost money (or have them stolen), then take them to the nearest noon at the intersection of one penny coin, throw it and say "pay off!"

- If you have to ask someone to forgiveness, then make sure that when you are at that moment was a little banknote that needs to be followed to donate beggar.

-Do Not store under the bed backpacks, suitcases, etc. Otherwise, you will dream those dreams that you do not need to see. This is true only of the bed where you sleep.

-To Sell the house quickly, you need three days at sunrise to sweep him and throw trash over the fence.

- For the husband is not walking, pull the laces of his boot, Thread the new. And the old burn with the words: "Burn, burn out, do not continue to walk!"

- When practicing magic, I recommend found on the street (but not at an intersection) the money spent on the purchase of candles. Candles must be purchased at the market, but not in the church and not the online store.

Also, be aware that until noon buying candles for magical actions: the treatment, recovery, profit, and in the afternoon - to destruction, exile, loss.

-If The first ready-made meals, it turned out that it was delicious, carry on the intersection closest to the kitchen where his penny and leave.

- Upon completion of repairs to the apartment highly recommend the sunrise during the waning moon, to hammer a nail in the Lutkov door (in the upper left part of it). Let carnations will be small and hammer blows to 7. At the same time say, "Do not drive in the nail, the evil eye, damage to the slugger. That!". The word "it" to coincide with the last fall of the hammer. Then hide the hammer for 12 days.

- Work related to profit, better finish in odd calendar date, and all the rest - even.

- Watering potted plants, do not forget to talk to them in a gentle voice - this is much better they develop.

- Looking in the mirror, try not to criticize itself. Otherwise, you risk really become "ugly", "worthless" etc.

-If The acquired thing you have not used in over 3 years, it is necessary to sell, donate or throw away. In any case, it should say: "Do not come."
