What vitamins are best for women receiving multivitamins reasons
What are the benefits and what benefits women receive from the use of multivitamins? Today, taking a multivitamin is necessary and important to maintain a normal active lifestyle. Together, let's talk about this in more detail.
At that time, when you're going to the gym, carefully prepared, take a music player, your favorite pair of sneakers, mineral water and other necessary things, do you remember how often, and the last time I take a multivitamin before a workout? And, in general, you are taking them?
More than half of women over 40 years old, do not take vitamins every day! And it is - a big mistake.
Over 90% of women aged 18 to 40 do not get the necessary and sufficient minimum vitamins and minerals in food intake.
And exercising is required several times larger number of beneficial vitamins, since spending time in intense exercise, the body is in dire need of vitamins, minerals and active, you are virtually guaranteed that lacks the ordinary diet.
What vitamins are best for women
How to choose appropriate and suitable for you, a multivitamin? Now pharmacists multivitamins much more than the color palette of hair dye. But this does not mean that you will be able to accept any of the offers.
Research indicates that the majority of the proposed products do not contain specified on the label, or the ingredients they contain the minimum number of them. Such preparations do not give any positive effect. Acquired products branded pharmaceutical companies in drug stores or supermarkets.
Carefully check that the written on the label on certain criteria, such as vitamin D of 600 IU. Do not settle for a product that contains 400 IU or less.
Vitamin D is needed quite a lot to maintain the composition of the bones in an active healthy for the overall increase immunity, to normalize pressure. This will reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, and breast cancer.
Each young woman must take enough iron to compensate for its loss during menstruation.
Weight multivitamins sold without the required minimum content of iron, as they have a universal formula, and a woman in menopause can easily and inadvertently overdose the amount.
The presence of 400 milligrams of folic acid - required minimum composition of multivitamins. Less than the amount will be insufficient to prevent the consequences of fetal malformations, and a pregnant woman.
Reasons for receiving multivitamins
1. Reduce the appetite.
2. Multivitamins make you energetic. Every tenth woman to get rid of iron deficiency.
3. Maintain upbeat and active work of the heart.
4. Reduce the risk of breast oncology. It is believed that small amounts of vitamins may contribute to the development of active tumors.
5. The times increase the chances of a safe birth.
Clean clothes, our protector and helper ekoodezhda
We live in a time when both markets and the shops are literally bursting with an abundance of diverse clothing. Shapes, patterns, various colors so much that the eyes diverge. And the prices are quite affordable, so that can effectively look like a fashionista with any income.
Amid all this motley, trimmed with sequins, beads, ruffles, lace and other splendor, a few strange looks to many clothes, having mostly modest colors. But it costs several times more expensive. Why is that? What kind of clothes such doroguschy and, at the same time, you will not get any shiny things? For what she has such a price?
Many of our readers have already guessed that we are talking about clean clothes.
Expensive price is determined by the cost of its production.
Make a garment from a variety of animal and plant materials. It is cotton, silk, wool, linen, hemp, bamboo, soy, corn, even nettles. Ekotkani of these materials differ from normal tissues so that when production does not use any chemicals and additives.
Plants - cotton, linen, hemp and other cultivated without the use of pesticides and growth stimulants, harvested by hand, treated with gentle methods are not bleached with chemical bleach, do not add any chemicals to the elasticity of the tissues or for wrinkle resistance.
Ekosherst produced by hand-clippers live healthy sheep. At the same time they must be kept in small farms, so that workers had the opportunity to pay attention to every sheep, its time to buy, comb, feed the correct and healthy food.
Ecologically pure silk and, as usual, is obtained from silkworm cocoons. Only when receiving conventional butterfly hatching to kill, and when receiving ekoshelka allowed to safely get out of the cocoon and fly away. With this method in the filaments is preserved siritsin with a truly unique property to neutralize the bacteria.
Dyes for ekotkaney apply only completely natural.
As a result of all these technologies tissues obtained from the almost magical properties.
The properties of clean clothes
Ekohlopok, though wrinkled, but perfectly absorbs moisture, prevents different than the redness and irritation of the skin. Furthermore, the structure of its fibers is such that allows the skin to breathe freely and easily.
Ecologically clean linen, in addition, also prevents the growth of bacteria we all hated.
Speaking about ekokrapive should mention her dolgonoskost and beautiful natural shine.
Ekosoya enough that is very light and hardly felt on the body, so it also protects the skin from ultraviolet light.
Ekoshelk has all the advantages immediately. He and lightweight, and extremely soft and provides excellent resistance to bacteria and absorbs moisture as possible while remaining dry to the touch, and regulates body temperature, warming in the cool and refreshing in the heat.
Health is not cool, more money
Abroad, these fabrics have a huge popularity because people love to live there for a long time and their health are extremely careful.
We have clean clothes only wins put her important place in the market. For the most part we have such clothing is bought for children, whose skin is very sensitive and delicate.
Kids dressed like little affected sudamen, dermatitis and allergic eczema, always cheerful and active. What else should love their parents?
But the adult population of our country gradually leaning towards more expensive, but environmentally friendly products, considering that health is not cool, more money.
Clean clothes, our protector and helper ekoodezhda
We live in a time when both markets and the shops are literally bursting with an abundance of diverse clothing. Shapes, patterns, various colors so much that the eyes diverge. And the prices are quite affordable, so that can effectively look like a fashionista with any income.
Amid all this motley, trimmed with sequins, beads, ruffles, lace and other splendor, a few strange looks to many clothes, having mostly modest colors. But it costs several times more expensive. Why is that? What kind of clothes such doroguschy and, at the same time, you will not get any shiny things? For what she has such a price?
Many of our readers have already guessed that we are talking about clean clothes.
Expensive price is determined by the cost of its production.
Make a garment from a variety of animal and plant materials. It is cotton, silk, wool, linen, hemp, bamboo, soy, corn, even nettles. Ekotkani of these materials differ from normal tissues so that when production does not use any chemicals and additives.
Plants - cotton, linen, hemp and other cultivated without the use of pesticides and growth stimulants, harvested by hand, treated with gentle methods are not bleached with chemical bleach, do not add any chemicals to the elasticity of the tissues or for wrinkle resistance.
Ekosherst produced by hand-clippers live healthy sheep. At the same time they must be kept in small farms, so that workers had the opportunity to pay attention to every sheep, its time to buy, comb, feed the correct and healthy food.
Ecologically pure silk and, as usual, is obtained from silkworm cocoons. Only when receiving conventional butterfly hatching to kill, and when receiving ekoshelka allowed to safely get out of the cocoon and fly away. With this method in the filaments is preserved siritsin with a truly unique property to neutralize the bacteria.
Dyes for ekotkaney apply only completely natural.
As a result of all these technologies tissues obtained from the almost magical properties.
The properties of clean clothes
Ekohlopok, though wrinkled, but perfectly absorbs moisture, prevents different than the redness and irritation of the skin. Furthermore, the structure of its fibers is such that allows the skin to breathe freely and easily.
Ecologically clean linen, in addition, also prevents the growth of bacteria we all hated.
Speaking about ekokrapive should mention her dolgonoskost and beautiful natural shine.
Ekosoya enough that is very light and hardly felt on the body, so it also protects the skin from ultraviolet light.
Ekoshelk has all the advantages immediately. He and lightweight, and extremely soft and provides excellent resistance to bacteria and absorbs moisture as possible while remaining dry to the touch, and regulates body temperature, warming in the cool and refreshing in the heat.
Health is not cool, more money
Abroad, these fabrics have a huge popularity because people love to live there for a long time and their health are extremely careful.
We have clean clothes only wins put her important place in the market. For the most part we have such clothing is bought for children, whose skin is very sensitive and delicate.
Kids dressed like little affected sudamen, dermatitis and allergic eczema, always cheerful and active. What else should love their parents?
But the adult population of our country gradually leaning towards more expensive, but environmentally friendly products, considering that health is not cool, more money.