Organic food - the way to the real health and longevity


There on the ground a small group of people-Solntseedy who claim that nothing at all to eat, feed only on solar energy and therefore do not have health problems. True or not, let it remain on their conscience.

All the rest, all of us who are not solntseedy, can live without food for a short period of time. Food is needed by the body to obtain nutrients to recover spent force for growth, for development, for fun, for the mood.

Earlier, at the time of our grandmothers and praprababushek question about the purity of food products virtually stood. Sowed, planted and cleaned everything manually, too, fought with weeds manually, and pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, and was not at all.

Now everything has changed. People for a large crop, and hence more profits, began to use various chemical fertilizers, nitrates, pesticides. With the fight weeds with herbicides, pests fields and gardens insecticides etched seeds stimulant, to stuff them with various additives.

In addition, the technology is now widely used GMO, i.e. in our usual plant genes introduced any foreign gene that alters magically starting product.

Modified potato Colorado beetle does not eat. I wonder why? We eat, but he fool no. Modified apples, pears, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables are beautiful, as the selection, are stored throughout the winter, do not decay and preserve them is not necessary. And yields which give! That and look upon the earth a paradise will come.

Scientists have only begun to wonder why such a miracle-fruit pests tenth bypass side, and came to the disappointing results. It turns out that all of these GMOs are not so harmless. Showed two-headed goats born goats fed green mass of GMOs, there were other pathologies.

On the dangers of nitrates is now even children know. It has long been the chemicals put in direct correlation with the change in the cells of the body that leads to cancer.

Harm herbicides and other pesticides is not discussed, even if working with them must use protective clothing.

The harm of various growth factors on our bodies is not fully understood but it is known that many farmers have at their farm two fields. At one plant for themselves, on the other for sales. In the same way, and have two kinds of chickens, pigs and other animals - for themselves and for us ordinary, buyers, those that grow twice as fast, eat less. Make a conclusion.

That is why today is so important to give preference to organic food.

They are cultivated, usually in small areas, which can handle manually without the use of chemicals. Fertilizers are applied in such areas only natural - manure and compost. No growth stimulants! No modifications!

Organic food stores as much as it should mean to everyone. Externally, they are not always perfect, perhaps somewhere a bit lopsided, maybe somewhere too small, because of their shape and size do not promote anything. Of course, this is merely ancillary features.

As a rule, environmentally friendly products must be certified and have a special character. Now in the world of these characters, there are about three dozen.

Eco-friendly can not only fruits and vegetables but also meat, milk, eggs.

I can not do in the present case and without speculators who own stamp on their products sign ecological purity. But there are not a lot of dealers and products that are dangerous to eat, enough.

Their main danger lies in the fact that their adverse impact is not immediately, and accumulates in the body, then to dumbfound the owner knows where the undertaken sore. So think about whether to spend money on environmentally friendly products.

Organic food - the way to the real health and longevity


There on the ground a small group of people-Solntseedy who claim that nothing at all to eat, feed only on solar energy and therefore do not have health problems. True or not, let it remain on their conscience.

All the rest, all of us who are not solntseedy, can live without food for a short period of time. Food is needed by the body to obtain nutrients to recover spent force for growth, for development, for fun, for the mood.

Earlier, at the time of our grandmothers and praprababushek question about the purity of food products virtually stood. Sowed, planted and cleaned everything manually, too, fought with weeds manually, and pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, and was not at all.

Now everything has changed. People for a large crop, and hence more profits, began to use various chemical fertilizers, nitrates, pesticides. With the fight weeds with herbicides, pests fields and gardens insecticides etched seeds stimulant, to stuff them with various additives.

In addition, the technology is now widely used GMO, i.e. in our usual plant genes introduced any foreign gene that alters magically starting product.

Modified potato Colorado beetle does not eat. I wonder why? We eat, but he fool no. Modified apples, pears, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables are beautiful, as the selection, are stored throughout the winter, do not decay and preserve them is not necessary. And yields which give! That and look upon the earth a paradise will come.

Scientists have only begun to wonder why such a miracle-fruit pests tenth bypass side, and came to the disappointing results. It turns out that all of these GMOs are not so harmless. Showed two-headed goats born goats fed green mass of GMOs, there were other pathologies.

On the dangers of nitrates is now even children know. It has long been the chemicals put in direct correlation with the change in the cells of the body that leads to cancer.

Harm herbicides and other pesticides is not discussed, even if working with them must use protective clothing.

The harm of various growth factors on our bodies is not fully understood but it is known that many farmers have at their farm two fields. At one plant for themselves, on the other for sales. In the same way, and have two kinds of chickens, pigs and other animals - for themselves and for us ordinary, buyers, those that grow twice as fast, eat less. Make a conclusion.

That is why today is so important to give preference to organic food.

They are cultivated, usually in small areas, which can handle manually without the use of chemicals. Fertilizers are applied in such areas only natural - manure and compost. No growth stimulants! No modifications!

Organic food stores as much as it should mean to everyone. Externally, they are not always perfect, perhaps somewhere a bit lopsided, maybe somewhere too small, because of their shape and size do not promote anything. Of course, this is merely ancillary features.

As a rule, environmentally friendly products must be certified and have a special character. Now in the world of these characters, there are about three dozen.

Eco-friendly can not only fruits and vegetables but also meat, milk, eggs.

I can not do in the present case and without speculators who own stamp on their products sign ecological purity. But there are not a lot of dealers and products that are dangerous to eat, enough.

Their main danger lies in the fact that their adverse impact is not immediately, and accumulates in the body, then to dumbfound the owner knows where the undertaken sore. So think about whether to spend money on environmentally friendly products.

How to lower high blood pressure at home

 Reduce the pressure at home
Reduce the pressure at home

In order to reduce high blood pressure in the home first of all should pay attention to nutrition. Rejection of the use of salt and fatty foods or reduction of their share in the daily diet can prevent or significantly improve the condition of hypertension.

Besides dieting have to learn to relax. Emotional stress and physical stress cause the muscles to contract and the blood can not pass through them freely and easily. In addition, stress causes your nervous system to function in emergency mode, increasing the heart rate and blood viscosity, which is an additional burden on the vascular system.

Therefore, the best way to reduce high blood pressure by relaxing.

One of the fastest ways to relax is meditation. Meditation can be done in different forms, but its essence is always the same: calm posture, regular deep breath and focus on the images that you are relieved and calm.

Proper breathing is in itself a meditation. The increased oxygen uptake with proper breathing improves blood circulation, removing the burden from the heart. At the same time, deep breathing brings focus, calm and organize thoughts.

Develop proper breathing can help, for example, such an exercise. Lie down, sitting comfortably on your back, bend your knees, put your head on a firm pillow. Close your eyes and mentally imagine the complete darkness or any dark color that you like.

Breathe slowly, making the 30 long deep breaths. Every time inhale for 4 bills, then hold your breath for a moment and then exhale for 6 bills. Gradually increase the length of both inhalation and exhalation until you will be able to stretch the breath for 10 accounts, and exhale - at 14. Imagine that you breathe your whole body is expanded, and when you exhale a little shed.

Focus your attention alternately on each part of the body and imagine it as inspiration becomes larger, lighter, warmer. Then, visibly present, as your blood runs in every part of the body, heating, washing and purifying your cells.

Visual imagination enhances these processes. Every day Do this exercise for half an hour.

Another form of meditation can be called a walk in the fresh air, which allows you to relax both physically and mentally.

Doctors recommend long walks cores that really have a magical effect on the body. While walking periodically change the manner of walking and find the option that gives you the greatest relaxation.

For example, try to go any distance sideways or backwards. You can also look a bit like, is widely spreading socks in hand, or, on the contrary, pushing them inwards towards each other.

Quick relaxation can be achieved through massage.

During the massage to reduce blood pressure recommended collar zone massage (neck, head, shoulder girdle area, blades, breasts) and head.

Learn to relax, as the next goal itself mark the improvement of blood circulation in the hands and feet. This will help these exercises.

Mgmt. 1. Sit, lean elbows on the table or on the sidewall of the couch and rotate the arm from the elbow. Imagine that the movement are the fingertips, as if the strands are attached to them, for which someone pulls gently to move your hand. In the same position, rotate the shoulder. The rotation and shoulder, and hands should be slow. Make at least 25 rotations in each direction with a deep and complete breathing.

Mgmt. 2. Place one hand on his knee, grasp alternately for each finger and rotate to provide him with passive movement. Then let only one finger to move actively, holding at this time all the other fingers. You will feel the blood rush to his fingers. Do this with both hands. First, to work better with one hand (forearm, shoulder, passive and active rotation of the fingers), and only then - another.

Mgmt. 3. Stand with your back against the wall. Alternately, lift the arms up and lower them down, touching the back of his hand to the wall above you, when the arm is raised, and hand - to the wall at the bottom, when the arm is lowered. Move your hands up and down quickly, but did not strike his hand against the wall. Imagine that the movement lead fingertips.

This exercise is useful for stress relief to the shoulders, and to increase blood flow to the hands. Now do it without leaning against the wall.

To improve blood circulation, which will improve the flow and reduce the pressure, it is useful to perform this exercise.

In a standing position please create one hand up behind his head, then return it to its original position. Do the same with the other hand. At the same time, try not to strain the shoulder muscles. During the exercise, imagine that the tips of the fingers as if pulled his hand up and enable it to move without effort.

This exercise will effectively lower blood pressure, driving the blood to the arms and thereby facilitating the work of the heart. During the exercise, constantly watch out for health. If you experience tightness in the chest, stop the exercise and concentrate their efforts on the relaxation and deep breathing.

If the exercise is squeezed chest and breathing will be superficial, exercise does not give the desired effect.

When propensity to high blood pressure is useful for the prevention of garlic to take a bath. To do this, crushed 30-40 cloves garlic, pour the pulp 10 liters of boiling water, and closing the bowl, leave to infuse, wrapped, for 6-10 hours.

The resulting infusion of warm up again, without boiling, pour into the tub or basin and add hot water or plain hot infusion of birch leaves (10 parts water to take 1 of the leaves) to the desired volume.

If you want to take a bath full garlic (whole body), the ratio of garlic and plain water or birch infusion should be 1:10.

If you want to hover just the feet or hands - the 1: 7.

To enhance the healing properties of garlic can be added to bath her infusions of peppermint leaves, lemon balm, herb St. John's wort, yarrow. Garlic bath can take a day or 2 times a week.

How to reduce the pressure of the fast: it is recommended to moisten 5-6% -s' vinegar (apple or ordinary) piece of fabric and attach the fabric to the feet for 5-10 minutes.

A good effect is given contrasting garlic foot bath with an abrupt change of water from hot to very cold. First, on the lower leg 2 minutes in a hot bath of garlic, then for 30 seconds cold. Repeat this procedure for 20 minutes. The last bath should be cold.

Reduce high blood pressure help massage active points on the ears.
