How to get rid of a headache
Simple means to get rid of a headache without pills. "Good head hurts! "- So says the proverb. But who at least once in her life, she was not sick? Optionally, each time to resort to painkillers. Get rid of headaches simple tools to help.
It causes headaches varied and sometimes difficult to identify them. Therefore, funds from headaches each person and each situation are selected individually.
Simple remedies for headaches
Cool water.
It is necessary to wet the head with cold water, in rare cases, helps warm water. The desired temperature of the water you will quickly determine themselves felt when a headache is facilitated by water. Typically, the headache disappears after 1 - 3 treatments.
Cool bandage on her forehead.
If you can not wet the head with water, let's say you are at work, soak the cloth in cool water and apply on the forehead. The relief felt immediately.
Vietnamese balm asterisk.
All you have to do is spread the balm asterisk whiskey on the basis of natural essential oils. To get rid of the headache is enough 1 times. Repeat if necessary.
Lemon juice or vinegar.
Wipe the forehead and temples with lemon juice or vinegar. Very good help.
Cold clean water.
The best means, even the most severe headache - cold clean water. Traditional healers recommend drinking every hour 1 cup of cold water and then walk for about three minutes.
Massage that will not fail.
Get rid of the headache is very simple: do massage for 5-10 minutes. gently, without pressure, rubbing the bridge of his nose. This massage is especially helps to relieve headaches caused by overexertion.
Take a shower!
At the time of the migraine attack can take a contrast shower, changing the water to cool to warm every 20-30 seconds ten times.
Not bad also make purgation. With frequent headaches recommended cleansing enema the morning and evening. Especially for those people who suffer from constipation or have hemorrhoids. If you do not fit enemas, for whatever reason, use our tips without bowel cleansing enemas.
Warmer forehead.
When a headache helps a hot water bottle on the forehead. Reduce the duration of an attack often helps to fresh air (though some in the forest head hurts even more).
You can drink hot tea or cold water, but coffee must be careful, it can relieve pain or worsen your pain, depending on the cause.
Save the lemon rind.
We need to take a fresh lemon rind 2 cm in diameter (in this case I always lie in the refrigerator a couple of lemons), clean it on the inside of the white fibers and is applied to any temple wet side. After some time, under the lemon rind appears redness, accompanied by itching and burning. But the headache soon passes!
Amber cure.
It should be worn without removing the thread on the neck of the yellow amber. Soon, the pain will be less, and then cease to bother you at all. Checked, works!
Universal cinnamon.
Cinnamon - a totally unique spice. In addition to using it for culinary purposes, is a universal medicine. For example, it makes it quite quickly get rid of headaches, if 1 hour. L. cinnamon powder to make a glass of hot water, leave for half an hour, to sweeten and to take an hour to 2 sips. You can also infusion of cinnamon make a compress on whiskey.
Take cabbage ...
When a headache helps cabbage leaves, attached to the temples, back of the head, the forehead for about half an hour, an hour.
Do not turn on the TV, radio and tape recorder - Sit in silence, in a darkened room.
With frequent headaches are not recommended to stay in the sun with his head uncovered and drink alcoholic beverages.
By the way, the drug during an attack less effective, it is better to take up an attack of headache when you feel that the head would ache.
If you often suffer from headaches recommended examination!