How to be healthy
Over the years, a man produced some habits of his behavior during the day, which are very useful for the body, especially on the need to remember this, if the years are no longer young. Here is the most useful tips on how to be healthy and young, which will be very helpful for some:
1. Start the morning with a glass of water!
Proven over the years the recipe for health and youth - an amazing series. First of all, waking up in the morning, drink a glass (and gradually move on to two) of crude (filtered, but not boiled) water at room temperature. It awakens.
And yet, a change of position from horizontal to vertical is a kind of "confusion" in the body. The fact that the change in position causes the body to rapidly redistribute blood flow to the musculoskeletal system. For this to happen more effectively, we have a special reflex - we stretch ourselves. But it needs more blood and internal organs. And they can not stretch. Their muscles are generally not subject to consciousness.
However, once in the stomach is exposed to water at room temperature, then it is, that is, the stomach begins to contract, resulting in movement of the entire digestive tract, including everything that surrounds it - the liver, pancreas, spleen ... What gives?
Firstly, for a while, until we, after drinking a glass of water, go brush your teeth and brush up, we awaken the appetite. This is very important because so many people are cashing currently gastritis, eating the morning cup of coffee while at work - a sandwich, writing off all of the fact that they have no appetite in the morning.
Secondly, in time adjusted peristalsis, which in most cases eliminates people constipation and, consequently, is the prevention of hemorrhoids and severe diseases of the colon.
2. Observe the water regime!
Man is more than 2/3 is water. Certain organs of the body contain more water than others. For example, the brain, by weight, consists of 75% water, and the skin - by 70%. Therefore, to "think well", it is necessary to keep the water regime in the norm.
Until now, debate: how much does a person need to drink water a day, but the minimum number set in all the countries - two liters of water a day, not including liquid food and drinks (tea, soup, coffee, juice, etc.). That is, the need to develop the habit of drinking at least 2 liters of water.
At the same time bear in mind that if you during the day drink coffee or green tea, the amount of water should be increased by about 1 liter per day. In addition, a large amount of water used by people with excess weight, this helps reduce excess weight and removes toxins.
3. Observe sleep!
The scientists involved in human health and in particular the health of the human brain, came to the conclusion that a person should sleep at least an hour before midnight. We are talking about those who lead normal life - working during the day, sleep at night. The fact is that if we go to sleep an hour before midnight, then woke up, even after three or four hours, will be able to quickly restore vitality and a new working day. But such experiments were not needed.
Cultivate the habit of falling asleep at least 30 minutes before midnight, and sleeping a minimum of 6, maximum of 8 hours a day. Even on weekends, try to comply with this regime. Try to keep the room at bedtime was cool, even in winter the temperature in the room was not more than 25 degrees. Sleep in a hot room or a very warm blanket - it's just torture for the body - healthy well does not contribute!
4. Remove the stress of fresh air!
It happens more often in the fresh air! Even at home - not clog as the bunker! Even in winter, make sure that come from somewhere outside air periodically.
Try not to sit in the air conditioning. Not only that, it is very dry air, and with it, and us. He emits sounds and vibrations that contribute to increased irritability, headaches and drowsiness. Be sure to make daily half-hour walk in the park (but not along the highway!), Or in any other place where there is no traffic. It is advisable to do it after a meal or before bedtime.
5. Watch out for the food!
Malnutrition can cause not only a violation of metabolism, but the malfunction of organs and body systems. Be careful what you eat, if you want to be healthy and young.
Eliminate from your diet all that is called fast-food or "fast food", including semi-finished products. They contain not only a huge amount of toxic substances that appear during cooking, but those hormones, antibiotics, fertilizers and defoliants, which they had to fill up the animal or plant is turned into food.
The most useful food - it's a little fried, but for the stew or fish with vegetables. Preferably, homemade. Make it a rule - do not eat outside the home, and at home - there is full.
Develop the habit has at least three times a day! Breakfast should be a full, protein-vitamin. For example, a sandwich with meat and vegetable salad lightweight. Or chocolate paste (not paste with chocolate flavor) and cottage cheese. Breakfast should be the most nutritious, but not three-dimensional.
Lunch should be no earlier than 6 hours after breakfast. He must be very voluminous, but easily digestible and low-calorie. For example, a fish with a side dish. A dinner, as you know, should be easily digestible, but very nutritious. For example, a fermented milk soup (hash with yogurt), green salad with soft cheese. But in any case, not meat and bread - it is better to eat for breakfast !!!
6. Make regular medical check-ups!
It is necessary for us for two reasons. The purpose of the first - prevention and early detection of diseases. So we can identify the "fault" in the body, in time to remove them by all available means.
The second goal: even if you have none of these very strange not to find, then you, again, will be an occasion to share this good news with their environment. Opinion "better not to know, to not think about it '- very wrong. Better to find out early and cure rather than later to notice and to die from it, is not it? You're going to live happily ever after? So you need to protect health now.
7. Walk in the bath!
Make it a rule at least once every two weeks to go to the steam room. It is in the bath and not in a dry sauna. This stunning "charger" for the whole body!
It improves blood flow in tissues, normalizes blood and intracranial pressure, strengthens the immune system, improves the ventilation and cleaning the lungs, removes toxins from the body, promotes metabolism and much more. Ideal to combine it with a swimming pool! After such a day - sauna with a swimming pool - you'll feel like reborn!
8. Drink alcohol right!
Exposure to a variety of alcoholic drinks on the human body is well known since ancient times. For example, the great healer encouraged Copernicus to 50 ml of brandy for dinner for the prevention of angina pectoris (cardiac asthma). It is believed also to have a positive influence 150 ml dry red wine a day, before dinner, on the condition of the circulatory system and the heart in particular. 50-70 ml of vodka great help to the digestive system absorb the heaviest meat dinner.
But pay attention to the amount! As much you drink alcohol? Have you ever wondered over what irreversible organic changes in the liver and the brain caused by alcohol in doses exceeding the above?
Did you know that daily consumption of only 100 ml of beer leads to male infertility? Daily consumption of vodka in any quantities leads to dementia, impotence and cancer of the intestine?
Do you want to live well, rich and happy - reconsider their attitude to alcohol. Much more respect is the person who claims, "I do not drink" than the one who competes "who drink more." The latter, incidentally, never become successful.
9. exercise.
As his forces try in the morning to do a variety of exercises, make small runs, it is desirable in the forest areas.
Be healthy!