How to get rid of stress, problems and consequences

 Problems of stress, the effects of stress and how to get rid of stress
Problems of stress, get rid of stress

In the afternoon you are at work, at night you think about it, dream about it at night. You forgot what weekends and holidays spent in an embrace with a laptop. Beware of so long to make the stress workaholic!

Wise Aesop assured that the work - is a delight. But he did not mention a word about the fact that everything is good in moderation.

The habit of work wear

And if you're willing to give his career all their time and effort, then you risk instead of raising premiums and get the chronic stress and the sad consequences of stress.

Insomnia, hormonal disruptions, decreased immunity, obesity, hypertension, - that they are the sad consequences of stress . ruthless exploitation of the results itself.

Madam, less emotion!

Tomorrow - the deadline for delivery of important documents, and you have not finished it, and vividly imagine dismissal and other sad prospects. For excitement you can not even focus! The stress hormone - adrenaline - boils in your blood, heart pounding, his cheeks burning ...

If you often hold your body adrenaline shakes, the risk to the patient become a cardiologist. The constant mental stress does not go unnoticed for the heart. Arrhythmia, hypertension, cardiac neurosis, and there to close stroke. Scared? In your power to avoid it.

To reduce anxiety, use proven psychological techniques. Well-known Carnegie advised in such cases in advance to accept the most terrible that can happen quietly and act!

Or imagine that you're not talking to the client, and the actress who plays your role. She need not worry!

The stomach is not an iron ...

After a day you feel as if stomach settled a fire-breathing dragon? This is a signal that your stomach is not a fine.

Heartburn - a symptom reflkzhs esophagitis. If you are often nervous, irregular nourish, abused sharp and fried food, smoking, drinking a lot of coffee and carbonated beverages, life lives sitting, and even wearing tight clothing - provided you heartburn.

You can not prevent its appearance, if thou have often, but slowly. Take care to hand you had galetnoe biscuits, yogurt, oatmeal bag an instant. On an empty stomach to drink a glass of settled water to wash away the mucus from the esophagus, acid and bile.

Universal recipe:

The best cure for stress - relax!

Try to sleep nine hours instead of six. I do not think you get used to sleep a few hours. Such experiments are bad for health.

Try to go to bed and get up early. Leaving the office, throw the work out of your head. Do not forget that you are not only professional, but also a beautiful woman.

Do not turn the work into an idol!

In order not to "earn" job stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, Learn to manage your time efficiently.

From planning to save jobs involving all hands: classifies the case for Superfund - "yesterday," Urgent - today and those that will suffer until the end of the month. Sorted?

Now, make a plan for the week and consistently implement it. Put yourself realistic goals, and a very heavy load to take on their shoulders.

Problems of stress

Without apparent reason, you quickly get tired, sleep poorly and feel completely broken? Take a look at the menu and made some changes!

Worsened memory, you become terribly forgetful. Your body lacks vitamin B6 - eat in a day a couple of ripe bananas. By the way, they contain mescaline, which is called "the drug of happiness."

You feel sad, not happy either approaching salary or promotion. Think, do you like your job. If so, then the light blues help cope ordinary cheese: it contains the amino acids tryptophan and tyramine which improve mood and fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D, E.

You eat as usual, but still recovering. Do not load up at night, eat a little, but often. What? Food rich in vitamin B3, "the architect of a slim figure": dairy products, lean meat, beans. Of course, not with bread and salad.

You're sluggish, irritable and can not concentrate at all times "fall asleep on the go." If you sleep enough, the reason for the lack of vitamins C and B.

Always put a slice of lemon in your tea (let the tea cool down a bit so as not to destroy the vitamin), eat plenty of fresh vegetables - especially cabbage and paprika. Do not forget about the porridge from buckwheat and oatmeal, rye bread and nuts.

Mini complex "anti-stress" will help to calm down and get rid of stress

If trouble fell on your head suddenly and in large quantities is not enough just behind the tincture of valerian, coffee or cigarettes. There is another way - totally harmless.

1. To begin with - Shrugged. Others do not have to guess that you have a problem.

2. Lightly gentle movements massage your face. Relax. Imagine that tension "flows" with your face like water.

3. Take a few deep breaths. Think about what you have with problems of air exhaled, minor troubles and get rid of stress.

Migraine in children causes, prevention of migraine

 Headache - a headache, migraine prevention of migraine in children

Tablets from migraine do not help for a long time. Auditory training and restructuring of life is much better suited to destroy the evil in the bud. Women are more likely to get the disease than men. The main cause of migraine is a hormonal background, and a tendency to low blood pressure,

scientists believe that the classic factor of migraine. Among adults, it is, above all, sensible people living mind, "driven head."

Migraine Diary

To understand the cause of migraine helps calendaring disease migraine diary. Within 4-6 months, write down all the essential features of the disease - force attack, accompanying symptoms, what medications you are taking that are taking right now, and so. D.

Migraine in children

Migraine in children is mainly caused by such congestion as long watching television programs and computer games. Some of the children are sitting in front of a more than 6 hours a day - in this case, even with a hundred percent vision and stable psyche child gets sick at risk of migraine.

Fright, fear, anxiety and stress, and school violence can lead to migraines. If migraine attacks occur almost daily in the child, especially after meals, this may indicate the existence of some food intolerance.

May cause headache, canned foods and food dyes, which are mainly in sweet drinks (lemonade, cola), sweets and canned goods. It is necessary to rebuild the power to defeat migraine. Sometimes it is enough just to give up sweets.

37% of all children up to 7 years at least once experienced headaches. Especially hard is the notorious one-sided headache - migraine. Approximately 2/3 of children with migraine, the disease continues into adulthood.

With children suffering from migraine, behave properly!

- Encourage your child, keep it normal activity makes an exception only for the most severe

- Encourage a simple and pragmatic attitude to pain. Do not dramatize the situation.

- On weekdays, help your child to relax properly. To do this, possess the technique of autogenous training, attend a course of relaxation techniques for children.

- Do not question the fact of pain in your child. Mistrust on your part will lead to increased pain.

- Do not assume that your child is due to the headaches will neglect their duties. He will do when the pain subsides.

- Set a good example. If you are poor and bear it and show it to the child, it will probably be to imitate you.

- Do not give your child any privileges due to illness. If he is sick, he should stay at home, but do not watch TV and not to seek other pleasures.

Migraine Prevention

1. Move more, it trains the blood vessels of the brain. It is best suited sports such as cycling, water yoga (at a normal weight!), Swimming and walking.

2. Turn out the spirits! If you often have headaches, do not use perfume.

3. Eat less meat and more fish. Substances that contribute to the inflammation and pain, respectively, are formed from the so-called arachidonic acid - a fatty acid, which is primarily found in meat. So eat fish (except eels: it contains a lot of arachidonic acid).

4. Relaxing appliances Qi Gong, auditory training, muscle relaxation by Jacobson help shape a life without stress.

5. Keep a "migraine diary" and find out the causes of seizures (change in the weather, alcohol or certain foods, such as cheese and chocolate, stress, and so on. D.). Try later deliberately avoid these factors.

6. Seek to make your life a harmonious. It is proved that at the end of the week - hence during relative rest - migraine occurs more frequently than usual.

7. As much as migraine, there is a common headache. To choose the right treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Headache - pay attention!

Do not engage in activities in acute pain! Intense exercise effective for the prevention of migraine, but they are banned in acute attacks of the disease. In most cases, the pain increases and thus becomes unbearable.

It is necessary to train your cardiovascular system, not only for the prevention of migraine attacks. Regular sports activities that require endurance, such as cycling, improve circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and retain their elasticity.
