A new method for the treatment of depression

 A new method for the treatment of depression
A new method for the treatment of depression

Scientists have found a new method for the treatment of depression. Previously it was known that people with depression do not experience positive emotions and feelings.

The findings of modern research may say that it is, for sure, is a misconception.

It was found that people with depression in general may experience positive emotions and feelings. The issue is that these emotions quickly pass, and people with depression in a few minutes returned to its permanent depression.

This study involved 47 adults, 28 of whom suffered from depression, and others were very healthy.

All slowly showing images that cause them good emotions and feelings sea sunset, happy people, a mother and child, and the like.

Then these men were asked to keep a good and positive attitude for 40 minutes, that for the time being, they could pass a functional test.

Patients with depression brain activity at the beginning of the test was the same as that of completely healthy participants, but after a while the difference in brain activity in depressed patients and healthy individuals has been quite more perceptible.

Researchers believe that people suffering from depression, do not lose the ability to feel positive emotions and feelings, but that's a long time to keep a light mood, such patients are not able to.

As the principal investigator of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States, these findings argue that the understanding and treatment of depression is quite important to pay attention to the good emotions and feelings of depression.

The most important results of the study the treatment of depression published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to the conclusions professionals, is now a way to razrabatyvanie modern techniques of cognitive therapy is to be entirely different if the earlier treatment of depression and healing depression was aimed at limiting the negative emotions, now psychologists will establish and maintain positive emotions.

The findings in turn may affect the drug options for patients suffering from anhedonia.

Anhedonia - the inability of a man to the good pleasant feeling, a feeling of pleasure, lack of interest in all areas of activity, which are always fun. Anhedonia - deviation of the psyche.

The researchers say that such patients can help patients to drugs aimed at the production of dopamine or acting on the pleasure center of the brain to treat depression.

Problems after the loss of a tooth, restoring white smile

 We treat teeth

A significant component of human health - a healthy teeth. They talk about the quality of human life. However, despite the impressive achievements of the current dental care many people lose a few, and in some cases all of their teeth. This happens at different ages for different reasons.

When there is loss of teeth - edentia, there is a serious medical problem, it drags all sorts of consequences. The first function is impaired chewing, it causes various gastrointestinal disease.

When tooth loss vary the proportions of the face - fall down the corners of his mouth, weakened muscles and wrinkles. As a result of the omission of the height of the bite lower face is reduced to deteriorate diction, it leads to cosmetic problems and social. The loss of even one tooth leads for a few important issues: the adjacent teeth are displaced, nominated antagonists (teeth adjacent to each other). It appears overload the temporomandibular joint, the other teeth are destroyed. All this leads to periodontal disease, teeth become more sensitive and more prone to tooth decay.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to promptly compensate for the lost tooth. Today the problem of tooth loss is achieved by dental implant new teeth can make beautiful and natural. Dental implantation - a high-tech trend in dentistry.

What is an implant?

Replaces the tooth root titanium post - this is the implant. His surgically installed into the jawbone, it turns stable base, which will then be fixed artificial crown, fully replacing the lost tooth. The whole procedure for installing the implant is performed under local anesthesia and is better tolerated than a tooth extraction. Not such a painful postoperative period. Implant intervention lasts 30 to 40 minutes.

The thickness of the jaw bone and the height of alveolar ridge influences the choice of the implant, which will be the maximum support for the future crown. It is screwed into the implant abutment that provides support dentures or crowns. They exist in various embodiments and are made of different materials: zirconium, gold, titanium and others. Crowns can be made of the same materialov.V Ideally, it is necessary to replace a single tooth implant. There are exceptions, reduced dentition bridge with supports on two titanium pins, you can substitute no more than three missing teeth.

Many patients are concerned about survival implants. Statistics show that they are safe and effective, although there is a concept of rejection of implants, but a small percentage (about 1-1.5%). It is quite acceptable for surgery. To a large extent engraftment of the implant it depends on how well the patient fulfills all the recommendations of the doctor, how often he goes to the dentist for professional oral care.

It could happen to rejection of the implant?

Rejection of a titanium pin is only possible when it is not carried out proper training and planning of operations. Maybe ill prepared surrounding tissue that is present inflammatory foci. It may not be held preparatory operations for the restoration of bone volume; incorrectly picked up view of the implant (selected too thin, or, conversely, large implants). If insufficient bone large pin can destroy the surrounding tissue, due to the overload. The patient should strictly follow the sanitary regime in the postoperative period

The period of viability of the implant vary. For example, a system of Swedish Astra Tech, they have yielded positive results for over 30 years, reviews about the implantation of teeth only positive. If you do not have to grind the prosthesis under the bridge adjacent teeth, the teeth are located next to "live". Beauty and durability they have no equal, the only thing that can confuse the patient - the high price. It is possible with the help of prosthetic implants in completely edentulous jaw conditionally removable and fixed structures.

Bronchitis will pass quickly, if not to delay treatment

 treatment of bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchitis symptoms

Treatment of bronchitis

Cough protects the body

Symptoms of bronchitis and the reasons why there is chronic bronchitis?

Freezing too moist air, running cold and a weakened immune system - most rather "helpers" that cause bronchitis. That's why this disease in the winter becomes perhaps the most common. Ill, most patients just grasping at various pills.

However, if the bronchitis is not accompanied by a wet cough tablets, only strengthen the development of the disease. In addition, inflammation of the bronchi has many species, and only therapist or pulmonologist can recognize them and prescribe the right treatment.

No magic pill for the treatment of bronchitis

Unfortunately, the world has not yet invented any one universal drug that would in a few days to cure bronchitis. And the reason for this - many provocateurs disease. Because each patient's disease begins and proceeds differently. In some bronchitis caused by bacteria, in others - viruses, allergies.

Also, people may not recognize bronchitis, because its symptoms are similar to other acute respiratory diseases. However, here come to the aid of doctors.

Bronchitis - An inflammation of the airways, which develops as a distinct disease or become a complication of a cold. Bronchitis can begin with a simple head cold, and if not treated properly it can turn into asthma.


Often the person with bronchitis, feels these symptoms - weakness, his temperature rises, there is a dry cough, shortness of breath sometimes. Recover from this disease can be a week, but this is subject to referral to a specialist and the right treatment.

Sometimes patients with bronchitis themselves prescribe antibiotics themselves, thinking that this will speed up recovery. However, if the pathogen is a virus or allergy, these drugs are harmful, they are only in advanced stages of bronchitis caused by the bacteria.

Cough protects the body

Of course, coughing brings a lot of inconvenience to the sick person. However, during the bronchitis he helps a lot to get rid of the infection, which accumulates in the bronchi and can complicate the course of the disease.

It should therefore be very careful about the medicines for cough, not to choose those that suppress the cough, expectoration and do not contribute.

To facilitate breathing, can be used by inhalation with chamomile, thyme and sage. But people with allergies to these plants should replace them with others. All kinds of cough lozenges only alleviate pain, but against the pathogens they are powerless.

Therefore, doctors often prescribe lozenges, ointments for grinding, a warm drink. Be careful with hot tea, since it is able to tease and so sore throat.

Probably all familiar with the state of the patient, "I do not want to have", but all the same is necessary to overcome itself, because food helps the body fight disease. For better absorption of advise, eat small meals and junk food should be replaced with a lighter: lean meats, boiled eggs, soups, porridge. A significant advantage in this period will bring fruits, vegetables and juices (carrot, apple).

Prevention of bronchitis

To protect yourself and your family from bronchitis, during epidemics should maintain their immunity vitamins. It is useful when streets and nose gargle salt water extract of eucalyptus lubricate the sinuses antibacterial agents.

Do not forget about the garlic and onions, citrus fruits, rose hips, honey. For adults, prevention is not smoking.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Why do I get chronic bronchitis?

A sign of chronic bronchitis is a cough, which is held annually for more than 3 months.

Most often, bronchitis provoke the following reasons:

- Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcoholism).

- Working with harmful substances (inhalation of chemical compounds).

- The bad environment (air with impurities of carbon, sulfur, dust, smoke).

- Complications of the flu, the common cold.

- Pathology of the respiratory tract.
