Studies have shown that the elixir of health and youth for the body is a saline solution that everyone can easily and always prepare and use,
This salty water (2 g salt or half teaspoon to 2 liters of water). This saline solution similar to the lymph, blood - the basis of life of the whole organism.
Per day in the human body to a billion cells die off and they must be removed from the body. The brain is 90% water and the loss of even 1% of the liquid leads to irreversible processes, the cells for 70% of water and only the living, and not half-dry, the dried cell can live to fulfill their function as much as it laid nature.
Lymph is responsible for the removal of slag - is 2 liters of fluid. Studies have shown that with age, the desire to drink dulled, and the elderly do not want to drink, which leads to dehydration and emerging effects (skin, brain function, organs, joints, etc.).
Your youth and health - in your hands, not in age, scientists say. Dehydration can be identified by urine (urine): colorless, tasteless, odorless - excellent condition of the body; yellow - not very dehydrated; orange, muddy, salty, bitter - dehydrated.
Signs of dehydration: headache, dizziness, insomnia, depression, fatigue, irritability, swelling of the face, under the eyes, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, ulcers, colitis, heartburn, constipation, bronchitis, asthma, blood pressure, kidney and heart failure, heart disease, kidneys, liver, bladder, eyes, nose, throat, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dry or oily skin of the face, any eczema, psoriasis, swelling of the feet, body cramps, burning sensation in the feet, in toes, joint disease.
Scientists say - to treat any disease is useless until it normalizes water-salt balance. To normalize it suggest the use of saline solution daily (2 g of salt per liter of water 2) at a weight of 50-60 kg - 1, 5 liters; at 70 kg and above -2-2, 5 l.
Acceptance of salted water to become as familiar as breathing. The first 2-3 days the body will clear the urinary system and stomach. And after 4-5 days you will make in the power and capabilities of salted water. In addition, an amount of fluid helps to maintain the required number of lymph responsible for the removal of toxins.
About the lack of circulation it says body odor, skin rashes, psoriasis, cellulite, etc., as shown slags release through the skin.
Want to use the elixir of health and youth, recover and maintain health, to have clean skin - drink salt water, help physical influences on the skin intensively move lymph, cleansing the body. Spend hand down - the usual warm up and now - there is burning, heating.
Scientists have found - with a strong heating and muscle tension begins the movement of lymph cells and purification of toxins. Rub your hands, face, neck, head - upwards. Chest - clockwise belly - counterclockwise feet - down. When cleaning the cells, improving their nutrition, so you can increase a woman's breast - rubbing it in the middle of the chest.
Salted water helps people with more weight without dieting, natural way to lose weight. A glass of salted water delays the desire to eat for 40-50 minutes, reducing the feeling of hunger.
Reception 2 glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach, helps get rid of constipation, joint pain, normalizes blood pressure. If you feel dry mouth, be sure to drink more.
To prepare the solution fits any water, but it is better to use the melt water. Freeze 2 liters of water in the freezer (1, 5-2 days), and then melt (piece of ice with a nut - throw).
Water should be taken before meals. The best time - 30 minutes before meals. This will prepare the digestive tract, especially those suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases and other disorders of the digestive system.
Water should be at 2 and 5 hours after a meal, to complete the process of digestion and eliminate the dehydration caused by the breakdown of food.
Water should be drinking those prone to constipation and consume enough fruits and vegetables. Two or three glasses of water in the morning immediately after waking are the most effective as a laxative.
Increase water intake should be slowly and gradually until urine production will not increase at the same rate as you drink water.
If your daily diet is not of good quality and contains an insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables recommended vitamin and mineral supplements.
The human body needs water - and nothing it does not replace. Tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, even milk and juice - can not replace water.
The elixir of youth and health will help you in the fight against disease and old age, to help maintain health.