These statements unworldly doctor before which passed thousands of destinies, which created its own health system and cured many of their patients, containing all the basic principles of modern preventive medicine.
The idea that the development of medicine does not help preserve and enhance public health is certainly not new. In the 70-ies. I talked about this famous doctor Amosov in his book "Thinking about health."
In it, he expressed his wishes and recommendations, which set forth the basic principles of health psychology.
These statements unworldly experienced doctor, before which passed thousands of destinies, which has created its own health system and cured with the help not only myself, but many of their patients, containing all the basic principles of modern preventive medicine:
1. In most diseases do not blame nature and society, and only the man himself. Most of all, he is sick of laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonable.
2. Do not rely on medicine. It is nice to treat many diseases, but can not make a man healthy ... Moreover, the fear of fall captive to the doctors! Sometimes they tend to exaggerate the weakness of man and the power of his science, creating imaginary illness in people and give notes, who can not pay.
3. In order to be healthy, we need their own efforts, permanent and significant. Nothing can replace them.
Man, fortunately, so perfect that you can restore the health of almost always. Necessary efforts are increasing with the aging of human disease and deepening.
4. The value of any effort is determined by the incentives, the incentives - the significance of goals, time and probability of achieving it. It is a pity, but also character. Unfortunately, health as an important goal stands before man, when death becomes a near reality.
5. For the health of the same four conditions are necessary: physical activity, dietary restrictions, hardening, rest periods and the ability to relax. And the fifth - a happy life! Unfortunately, without the first four health it does not provide.
6. Nature merciful: just 20-30 minutes of physical education per day, but this, to suffocate, sweat and pulse quickened to double. If this time is double, it will be all fine.
7. We need to limit yourself to food. Maintain weight ratio of at least height in centimeters minus 100.
8. The ability to relax - a science, but it is necessary also in nature. If he had been!
9. It is said that the health - happiness in itself. This is not true. It is so easy to get used to the health and cease to notice it. However, it helps to achieve happiness in family and work. It helps, but does not define. However, the disease - certainly misfortune.
Before you learn how to work and care for the public good, that person will serve, he must learn to take care of himself. This applies especially to teachers and doctors involved in the treatment and education of the younger generation.
Such an approach does not indicate the promotion of selfishness and not contrary to Christian morality, because one of the main evangelical states. "Love your neighbor as yourself"
The primacy of love in this guidance is the subject of the action in relation to himself That every man should be the builder of their own health, indirectly confirms the experience of modern Germany
One of the most common and at the same time, the illusory belief is this - the more money invested in the health of the state of its citizens, the healthier they are. Spending on health care in this country is one of the first places in the world, but the Germans consider themselves a nation of sick people.
This is proved by statistics: one in ten - a disability, one in five has a mental disorder, one in three suffer from allergies More than 10 million Germans have high blood pressure, suffering from rheumatism or back pain,
at five million - stones in the bile duct, four - liver, three - chronic bronchitis. More than a million have cancer, 10 million Germans can not hear, 15 million - fat people, three million - chronic alcoholics.
In the Company approved personal responsibility for his actions and relationships, health become self-important value, because without good health of people will not be able to participate fully in the inevitable market competition, will not be able to enrich society by high personal achievements
If the old paradigm of society benefits at the expense of losing the personality, the new paradigm of society benefits from a winning personality, which is achieved through the provision of opportunities for personal growth and development in all areas, and especially in the field of health.
In the current environment, to ensure an acceptable standard of living, many have to work at several jobs, in turn the work of many entrepreneurs is different irregular working hours, a lot of the stress caused by the constant switching from one activity to another.
At the same time, the system of public health in many ways is still unable to fully take care of the health of its citizens. All of this suggests that, together with the conversion of the social system must change and system of views on human health.
Attention physicians and their patients should move from treatment to prevention of disease and promotion of ways to achieve health in its entirety, a person can enjoy life, to bring out its potential, to achieve your personal growth and social progress moving.
This means improving the paradigm shift, ie ways to address issues related to health.