How to get rid of the disease without drugs

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How to get rid of the disease without drugs
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 How to get rid of the disease without drugs

Food-natural healer, how to get rid of disease without medicine

Diet, in which the body begins the healing process. Raw fruits and vegetables have great healing power for the circulatory system, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients. And on the quality of the blood depends on our health.

How can I get rid of all diseases without drugs

Here's how to help fruits and vegetables in different diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

Restoration of blood vessels


The best time for eating and digesting - from noon until 6-7 pm. After 6-7 hours in the evening the food begins to be assimilated by the body and the process of assimilation is up to 4 hours in the morning. From 4 am to 12 am in the process of release of excess - waste.

If the food is eaten after 6-7 pm, the body does not have time to digest it and it will not be ready to assimilate. As a result, the process of digestion postponed to a time when the body must already start to get rid of waste.

Next destroyed all planned cycles of Nature, the digestion and assimilation of food. To be healthy, we must reckon with these natural physiological cycles of the body.

The first day of the meal should be no earlier than 12 o'clock. By this time the body is freed from waste and is ready for the process of receiving and digesting new food.

Keep in mind that at this time the body has not yet gained enough strength and energy, and therefore it is necessary to eat a dish to his digestion took too much effort.

If it is live crude products are in the right combination, the body will need minimum amount of energy to digest.

At 12 o'clock it is recommended to eat some porridge or cereal product.

In 14 hours, you can eat fruits and vegetables, or the dishes from them, or dishes of beans and seaweed. If desired, add the fish.

At 17 o'clock again eat fruit alone.

At 18.30 - fresh raw vegetables with a small amount of nuts, fish, poultry, meat (if not impossible to do this), provided that the vegetables to be three times greater than the protein.

In between meals (not during or immediately after a meal), drink clean water, the best natural, not boiled. Nothing else to eat or drink - completely eliminate coffee, tea and alcohol.

Obey the rules of combination products: Do not mix protein with carbohydrate and starchy.

In this mode power food easy to learn about for three hours with minimal loss of energy for the organism.

At the use of food in the wrong combinations, it takes 8-12 hours. With proper nutrition food time to digest before bedtime. In this case, the dream will be deep and full, people will wake up fully rested.

Up to 12 hours of the day will be effortlessly removed waste.

The body will begin the healing process, that's how you can get rid of the disease without drugs.

Raw fruits and vegetables have great healing power for the circulatory system, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Here's how to help fruits and vegetables in different diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

Circulatory disorders.

A person with impaired circulation often swollen feet are cold extremities, fits of dizziness.

Reasons: in the elastic artery walls formed deposits - mostly of calcium and fat that causes a narrowing of blood vessels. Wherein the vein dilate from a lack of nutrients.

Valves veins do not cope with their tasks, and there is a reverse flow of blood, overflowing due to excessive pressure from various branches of the vein and they act ugly skin.

In addition, the blood through the vein wall thinning penetrates into the surrounding tissue. With this disease, help fresh raw fruits and berries, especially those blue and red.

They supply of vitamin C, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin C, falling into the artery, dissolves harmful deposits which are converted into substances easily withdrawn from the body through the organs of excretion.

To avoid disturbances of blood circulation and get rid of its consequences, it is necessary several times a day there are blue and red fruits and berries, as well as citrus fruits, apples, apricots.

Varicose veins.

If the vein is very impressed by the fact that their valves do not do their job, and there is a reverse flow of blood, then from under the skin, most often on the legs, starting to act very extended, sinuous and thick veins of blue-violet color.

This occurs due to poor supply of nutrients to the blood vessel walls and increased pressure in the veins of the legs. To veins are not extended, you need to strengthen their walls with the help of vitamin C and other nutrients contained in the pulp of fresh fruit.

It is also recommended to use the onion and garlic. Onions and garlic counteract the formation of harmful substances that increase blood clotting, increase blood flow and prevent the veins.

It is also desirable to have in the diet foods rich in beneficial blood substances - honey and apple cider vinegar, and vegetables: cucumbers, spinach, carrots, bananas, raisins, cabbage, citrus fruits, beans, tomatoes.

In order that the vessels were flexible and not become brittle, so they do not lose their ability to contract and expand, it is necessary to eat beans, cabbage and cauliflower, beets, walnuts.

Algae, seaweed, garlic, asparagus, carrots, cabbage, melon, beans perfectly help cleanse the blood and make it easy to break down and remove it from foreign products and substances.

The normal structure of blood vessels and nutrition provide rice, wheat bran, green vegetables, apples, raw tomatoes, green peas.

Cardiovascular diseases.

In these diseases people feel headaches, fatigue, heart pain, no appetite.

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How to stay healthy, the secret of longevity and strength


The recommendations and advice on how to preserve the health of the secret of health, longevity and strength

Separate food and gradual clearing the body of toxins - the way back to a life according to the laws of Nature.

Digestion - an extremely complex biochemical processes. When a separate feed it flows in a clean energy at the lowest cost.

We know that half of its bioenergy person spends on vision, and another half - to all other kinds of life.

The secret of health, longevity and strength - the ability to make rational use of this part of the bioenergy.

Body cluttered slags, spent on digestion, decontamination of food toxins inside "environment" to 40% of energy.

In the motion, the mental and nervous activity, emotional perception of the world, the triumphant march among the billions of bacteria is only 10%.

So the normalization of the digestive system - the most reliable source of reserve life. And the way to the normalization of digestion is through separate power supply, ie, complete separation of the protein and carbohydrate tables gap not less than 2 hours.

Gastrointestinal tract - a complex chemical plant with several shops department. These are: the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine.

Each department has its chemical environment and separated from other sensitive valve-gate. Driving a separate food is simple, a compromise, worked out practice.

First of all, remember the long-known truth. Costs bioenergy digesting 100 g of broth in a 30 times higher energy costs digesting 100 g of meat.

Nadezhda Semenova categorically against broths and soups to meat broth. She offers to cook soups and borscht just vegetable broth.

Secrets Hope Semenova, its method of cleaning the body of toxins stone-like formations harmful accumulations save many diseases.

People performing her advice in a matter of weeks rid of bronchitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, prostate adenoma, and many other dangerous diseases.

Methods Hope Semenova preserve and restore health without medical intervention, without the use of pills and other pharmaceuticals.

I recommend carefully examine the recommendations of cleansing the body of Semenova.
