"Harastit 'immune defense


A familiar pattern: in the morning from the bed to raise only dream terrible dream afternoon overcomes fatigue, and generally reluctant to do anything. The reason - lack of vitamins, faced many of the spring.

Fruits and vegetables are already useless?

Generally pronounced deficiency diseases today almost never occur. All the same, more or less fully, we can eat. But spring shortage of vitamins doctors called differently - hypovitaminosis.

It occurs at a low consumption of vitamins or their poor digestibility of the body. - The main symptoms of vitamin deficiencies - fatigue, decreased performance, dry and pale skin, brittle nails, hair, abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract - the main freelance immunologist management of the Health Administration of Tyumen Naila Kulakhmetova.

- Many fruits and vegetables, preserved until spring, lose their useful properties. In addition, an effect and a lack of vitamin C. To survive this difficult period for the body, I recommend to use the infusion of dry rose hips and rowan, which are very rich in vitamin C.

Do not forget about citrus and frozen berries - cranberries, cranberries, currants. Help increase immune protection and vitamin preparations. Take them all year doctors advise, however, in the late autumn (before the onset of respiratory disease), and in the spring multivitamin complexes are needed.

By the way, the optimal time for them to receive it in April when stocks are depleted of vitamins in the body, and to the new crop of vegetables and fruit is still far. An important role is played in the spring of depression and daily routine.

For example, if you go to bed after midnight and the morning somehow tear off his head from the pillow, to rely on well-being, especially in the off-season, it is hardly necessary.

With the constant fight fatigue, doctors recommend lifestyle change, namely a full sleep (at least 7-8 hours), the normal combination of work and leisure.

So, people all day sitting in front of a computer is to go to the gym, or simply arrange evening stroll. For those whose work does not allow to sit still, it is permissible to lie on the couch with a book.

Tune in a healthy way

In the spring, we not only observe the fast, but also actively preparing for the upcoming beach season significantly "trimming" his menu.

How does diet affect our, already suffering from a lack of vitamins, the body?

- Of course, too fast in the spring, and at any other time of year, is not recommended. So you further escalate itself weight, because the body will postpone the coming food "in reserve", - says Naila Kulakhmetova.

- You can also aggravate vitamin deficiencies. For example, people who observe fasting, are deficient in vitamins A and E. They need to take vitamin supplements. For slimming access to the full, but balanced diet.

Always ate a whole batch - now limit to half. Some people believe that a healthy person is not affected by vitamin deficiencies.

Indeed, according to experts, the spring holders suffer most chronic diseases, young children, the elderly. However, the constant exposure of the body physical, psychological, mental stress can get a lack of vitamins and healthy people.

Last winter was a "generous" for influenza and acute respiratory infections. Because people who have had the disease and lechivshiesya antivirals, are particularly vulnerable. They must be within a month to use vitamins, as even in the warm days of April, you can pick up a new disease.

Spring depression is associated not only with the lack of vitamins, and decreased immunity in general. Doctors advise to diversify food and drink herbal medicines, adapting the body to spring conditions.

This Siberian ginseng, ginseng, Echinacea, Chinese magnolia vine. Of course, before their use is necessary to consult a specialist. However, the spring depression has not only physiological, but also of psychological-cal "roots".

Many of us can not break away from the "hibernation", go to the summer.

- The man himself must fight discouragement, tuning in to a positive, - says Naila Kulakhmetova. - Because of how we ourselves "programmable", depends not only mood but also health. Known fact: optimists live longer.

Olga Tabanakova

Delicately: 9 ways to treat hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis

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Delicately: 9 ways to treat hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis
Page 2


The smell of sweat - it can be a nuisance? In the summer the problem escalates, and the fight against sweating woman ready to do anything: in the course are deodorants and antiperspirants, advertising that promises to complete deliverance from the effects of sweating.

But alas, sometimes even cosmeceuticals can not help - the man is sick hyperhidrosis. That kind of disease and how to treat it, says women's magazine JustLady.

It is human nature to sweat! At room temperature, we have allocated about half a liter of sweat per day, and in the heat, especially when combined with exercise, we sweat ten times stronger. This ability sometimes brings a lot of troubles.

At the same time, cold, we wrap up in a blanket and drink tea with raspberries to sweat!

What is Hyperhidrosis? In no case will not prevent sweating, and when sweating should guard?

Let's try to understand ...

So, hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating it.

Normally sweating is enhanced in hot weather, during exercise, or fever.

Excessive sweating can occur reflexively in the emotional experiences, pain, taking a hot or spicy foods, alcohol and some chemicals.

Keep in mind that wearing tight clothes and shoes made of synthetic materials, stay in a stuffy room with high humidity, improper drinking regime - also result in increased potootdachi. All of this - a physiological hyperhidrosis, the protective function of the body from overheating.


Pathological hyperhidrosis - Sweating is inadequate due to a number of neuroendocrine disorders, occurs regardless of temperature effects on the body. This sweating may increase only in certain parts of the body: face, hands, armpits, soles of the feet.

This rash is called the local (local). In addition there is a common local (generalized) hyperhidrosis, in which worries the whole body sweating.

The most common symptom of pathological hyperhidrosis appears in various diseases.

That is, excessive sweating is a result of the underlying disease. She recovers - passes and sweating. This secondary.

However, there are primary .   This excessive sweating for no apparent reason. Well, now it is clear that the moist palms on a date - this is normal and sometimes even romantically, and wet spots under the armpits in the sun - and even disgusting, but it is quite natural.

And what do you do if you sweat excessively in spite of all the laws and rules of physiology? How to find out why and where to go for help?


First, consider the basic conditions in which developing secondary hyperhidrosis. It is on these diseases, first of all, will be facing a diagnostic search for a general practitioner to whom you ask for help.

1. Endocrine diseases and conditions: overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), pheochromocytoma, diabetes, acromegaly, menopause and others.

2. Pathology of the nervous system and psycho-emotional sphere: vegetative-vascular dystonia, seizures, panic attacks, phobic disorders, Parkinson's disease, polyneuropathy, stroke and others.

3. Infectious diseases: tuberculosis, malaria, brucellosis, helminth infections, sepsis, AIDS, and others.

4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, hypertension, and others.

5. Kidney

6. Neoplastic Diseases

7. Genetic Diseases

8. As well as alcoholism, drug action, mushroom poisoning, organophosphorus compounds.

As you can see, the list is large enough, but even he did not fully cover all possible causes of excessive sweating.

As a rule, secondary hyperhidrosis sweat body, no, depending on the time of day, there remains a clear link with the activity of the underlying disease and, as recovery, reduced sweating.

To find the causes of hyperhidrosis you will be offered a standard examination, including laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. You may have to visit specialists: endocrinologist, neurologist, an infectious disease specialist, gynecologist, oncologist, and others.

In that case, when the survey did not find the reasons for the development of sweating, talking about primary hyperhidrosis as an independent disease. - For the primary characteristic of most local sweating.

There are complaints about the constant and excessive sweating on the face, hands, feet, armpits. Sweat streams flows over the skin leads to irritation, infection promotes adherence, development of fungal diseases. People have serious physical and social problems, rapidly deteriorating living standards.

Sometimes primary hyperhidrosis is inherited and runs in families. More often symmetrical and ends at night. To assess hyperhidrosis prompted a huge number of techniques. Most of them have no practical value for diagnostics and exist only for research use during preparation for surgery and to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.

These techniques can be reduced to the determination of weight loss for certain periods of time, the absorption of sweat in special chambers. Apply electrometric methods based on the change in resistance of the skin during sweating.

Use the abilities of different substances change color when combined with sweat, which allows qualitatively determine the location of the zones of hyperhidrosis. There provocative tests with the introduction of various substances that stimulate or depress the sweating. Thus, the diagnosis is clear. How can we get rid of this disease?


Alas, despite the fact that modern medicine offers many solutions to a problem, the answer is prosaic. Cure Hyperhidrosis can be, but ...

At first, prolonged treatment. There is a need for repeated courses.

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