Varicose veins: how to cure a "star disease"
This disease many believe the lot of old grandmothers, but, in fact, have to meet with him every fifth woman and some men, and long before retirement. We are talking about varicose veins.
Problems with veins - the human cost of bipedalism. Two not very large surfaces (35, maximum size 45) has to withstand the weight with each generation more overweight bodies.
Moreover, the blood, which descends through the arteries and capillaries of the most down to the fingertips, has yet to get back and forth. Here, it's the rub comes. Sometimes drain is broken, and "crossovers" thinner, swell and all this "beauty" in the form of stars, nodes and protruding veins become visible to the naked eye.
Why it occurs varicose veins?
The causes of varicose veins are many
First of all, it's heredity. If your relatives in the female line had similar problems, it is likely that you will not pass this cup.
To avoid such "joy", after 20 years should be checked regularly by a specialist for the state of blood circulation in the limbs.
Another cause of varicose veins, little depends on us - a pregnancy. In 30% of women in this period there are signs of venous veins, and all because the veins are experiencing additional stress - increasing weight and hormonal changes.
There are factors which depend on lifestyle.
The appearance of varicose veins contribute to obesity and oral contraceptives.
Also at risk are:
• those who wear high heels;
• athletes whose occupations are associated with a heavy load on the legs (tennis, weightlifting, bodybuilding);
• barbers, salesmen, teachers, waiters and other professionals who spend much time standing;
• those who, though working sitting, but loves this time to throw his legs;
• lovers of coffee and alcohol because these products dehydrate the body and thus thicken the blood, complicating her way back to the heart.
How to recognize varicose veins?
If by the end of the day you feel heaviness in the legs, and favorite shoes were too tight due to lung edema, then it's time to go to the doctor. Periodically occurring seizures, pain in the calves should also be alerted. Notable changes in the veins of the eye usually starts small - with the appearance of spider veins.
In the future, there are irreversible processes in large veins, they come to the surface, their walls become thinner in some places and they look gnarled.
Treat, can not be pardoned!
It disprove the conventional wisdom that the veins - a problem purely cosmetic. In fact, the patient's condition deteriorates (If you have spider veins, do not expect that their business and limited), but ignoring the problem is fraught with very unpleasant complications.
These include trophic ulcer, thrombosis, and even death - in the event that a clot will come off and fall through the blood vessels in the lungs.
Slow and steady wins longer lechish
The earlier revealed varicose veins, the less long and difficult way to get rid of the problems will choose the doctor.
For the diagnosis is usually made a special ultrasound, during which the doctor finds out what condition your veins are located, and assigns the appropriate treatment.
In the initial stages of the disease well help drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as elastic wraps. For the latter use a bandage, the old-fashioned, or special clothes, who personally selected by your size, and must be purchased with a prescription.
Varices not running for 5-6 sessions heals sclerotherapy - a special procedure in which a vein in the patient is injected through a syringe medication. Even faster, in 3-4 sessions of laser therapy can get rid of the Stars.
However, if the process has gone too far to return the former beauty of the feet is only capable of operation. Usually it is to remove some way or other problem areas veins. Do not worry, your feet will not be ugly scars.
This procedure is widely used special technology that allows not only to avoid traces, but walk independently within 4-6 hours after surgery.