Cold water causes the outflow of blood from the surface of blood vessels, which leads to the skin to bleeding, narrowing of its vessels. The latter, in turn, inhibits the sebaceous and sweat glands and reduces the release of fat and sweat on the skin surface,
contributing to the loss of elasticity, causing dryness and skin laxity. This opinion is a prominent scientist Prof. dermatologist. MA Rosentool confirmed by practical observations.
If you continually morning and evening, wash your face with cold water, the skin becomes pale at first, then with a dry, sluggish and finally wrinkled. Most women notice it's too late.
The desire to harden the skin and equating it in all respects to the skin of the body unnecessarily. After all, the person already is constantly influenced by the external environment. Cold water hardens the body and our entire body, but the face with a constant "hardening" it is harmful, contributing to premature aging.
If you have dry skin, when the release of fat glands already limited, washing with cold water, even without soap, further hampered salootdelenie. Skin prone to dryness, and can not withstand prolonged exposure to cold water and starts to peel off.
In the fall, winter and spring to wash your face with cold water every morning, before going out, it is impractical. This applies not only to the dry or sensitive skin, but also to normal.
The wind and the lower the outside air temperature is cooled and dried skin, so to strengthen its hypothermia, which leads to irritation or frostbite should not. Incidentally, a small frostbite face, especially the cheeks and nose, at a temperature of minus 15-20 ° C women notice rare, and it turns out later in the beauty parlor.
In the cold season to freshen the face in the morning, before going out, you can wash with water at room temperature. Rinse your face and neck and apply protective cream should be at least 30 minutes before going outside (after removal from the face of moisture and excess cream).
If in the morning before going out into the cold you have, at least 1, 5 - 2 hours, then immediately after sleep can throw (short-term exposure) with cold water face and neck, which is useful for all skin types, especially for dry and loose.
When dilated capillaries and redness of the skin can then be applied to the temples, eyes, forehead, and the contour of the face and neck hand; soaked in cold water. After rinsing and cleansing lotion moist skin useful oil cream.
In the warm season or in areas with warm climates the use of cold water in the morning (you can even add the piece of ice) refreshes and strengthens any skin, as after washing under the influence of warm air is enhanced blood flow.
Wash with cold water or apply ice in the evening before going to bed is not recommended because it can cause unwanted excitement and disturb sleep. For the same reason it is best to carry on the morning washing and contrast.
It is known that the water several degreasing and dry skin. This effect is enhanced in washing the face with hot water (36-38 ° C). It would seem, in this case with oily skin should be used for washing hot water (especially with the soap), since it cleans the face, washing away the fat from the surface layers with hitting on them dust particles.
However everyday washing with hot water leads to an expansion of the surface blood vessels to the stagnation of blood in the skin, which may in turn cause reddening of the nose, cheeks, and so on. N. In addition, hot water promotes long relaxation superficial skin muscle, which further It causes sagging skin and wrinkles.
Hot water is not only mechanically washes away the dirt, but also expands the pores lowers skin resistance. Therefore, for any type of skin is enough to wash your face with hot water once a week in the evening, then it is imperative to rinse it with cool water.
It is also possible to carry out washing by contrast, that is alternated with cool warm water several times, beginning and ending with the procedure always cool water. If the skin is very oily, rough, large pores, the duration of washing the contrast can be increased by cold water, but this should be done gradually, preventing discomfort.
This procedure can be used not only as a skin cleanser, but also for treatment - for 10-15 days, preferably in the morning or 1, 5 - 2 hours before bedtime. The procedure is well hardens the skin. Washing with hot water contraindicated for those who are on the face dilated capillaries. This applies to the sharp contrast washing.
Evening washing with warm water calms the nervous system, reduces muscle tension of the skin, well prepares the body for sleep, but we should not forget that long-term use only warm water is not recommended for dry skin and is contraindicated.