Seed instead of pills


Looking for a cure in the pharmacy?

Try treated seeds - the result will amaze you! Seeds of plants easily cope with many diseases.

Consultant - Ivan Sychev, physiotherapist, chiropractor

Conifer needles, leaves, buds, petals, cuttings and seeds in particular - the effective material used for the bioactive stimulation pixels and matching systems. Seeds of plants - is a living biological entity that has a strong energy and even their own magnetic fields.

Such seed is easy to come into contact with the human energy field, with the energy absorbing sickness, and instead giving life energy and health. Besides Seed Therapy is completely safe, simple, painless and available to everyone.

Soft healing

The first mention of seed therapy are found in ancient Chinese medical treatises of IV century BC This method of treatment - alternative acupuncture, because the impact on the energy-active points may be different.

All the more so for a lot of trouble just one touch of the metal body. But the success of treatment largely depends on the peace of mind of the patient. It is important also that at some point you need many hours of exposure. You can not go a day with a needle, and massage or apply pressure to the desired point, too.

But stick with using the patch into place seed - friendly.

Chronic diseases are treated seeds in a state of rest, and the island - by almost sprouted kernels.

Very useful massage with chestnut, walnut, stone of mango, corn cob.

Choose a doctor!


Pip - the perfect doctor. How to choose what you need exactly? You will not go wrong, if trust feelings and will choose "the doctor" by the smell. It is important that the aroma is a pleasant sensation, and not annoying.


For the treatment of diseases of the internal organs using seeds, similar in shape to them. With eye diseases used round seeds (peas, black pepper), for the treatment of kidney - bean seeds, for heart problems - Viburnum seeds, buckwheat or pumpkin. To increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers use seeds that produce white latex.


In acute diseases will help the seeds of dicotyledonous plants (legumes), and chronic - gymnosperms, which are mostly conifers. In order to harmonize body functions use the seeds of monocots (grasses, lily). There is another approach: the seeds of woody plants for the treatment of chronic diseases, and herbs - in acute diseases.


Rely on the professionals, it is you pick up the necessary seeds. The choice depends on the cause of the disease, as well as what kind of energy necessary to balance.

Harmony around

Treatment of grains can be carried out by acting not only on the affected areas of the body, but also in terms of their compliance located on the hands, feet and ears as well as the basic point of having the ability to have a powerful harmonizing effect on the entire body. Women manipulations performed on his right hand, and men - on the left.

Indications for treatment of energotochkam hands and feet:

• emergency and urgent cases;

• diseases associated with a deficit of energy;

• severe chronic diseases;

• general weakening caused by disease, low immunity;

• old age.

Acting on the basic points, you can restore the lost energy balance, strengthen the body's defenses, to achieve release of pathogenic energy, strengthen the internal organs, stimulate the endocrine glands.

security measures

If you decided to check on the healing power of seed therapy, use low activity seeds: millet, buckwheat. They have a mild anise seeds and apples. These seeds do not affect the biorhythms of the body, but only pull negative energy very gently adding strength malnourished patients.

It is important to dispense the exposure of medicinal grains. As soon as you feel that semen acts, note the time. From the onset of the maximum effect before the end of the procedure must be not more than 60 minutes. If you have to "put" the seeds at different points during the day, the total time of their contact with the skin should not exceed six hours.

Firming Massage

To stimulate larger corresponding zones (zone of the liver, stomach, lung) as a masseur can be used bone peach, mango and walnut, horse chestnut, cones of coniferous trees.

Medium and small area (the projection of the heart, bladder, eyes, nose) to stimulate using bone dates, bumps alder, cherry pits, as well as acorn and pine nut.

Also massagers are: trunk and bamboo shoots, stalk of flax, lemon, onion, potato tuber, carrot. It is very popular nowadays cellulite massage is better to do an ear of corn.

Most used seeds

Element seed -------------- ------------ ------ How does

Land -------------- apple, pear ---------- anti-inflammatory, soothing

Fire -------------- ----------------- mustard invigorates, eliminates depression

Metal pepper ------------ ------------------- develop resistance, hardness

Water ---------------- -------------------- anise relaxes, soothes

Wood ------------- cloves, cinnamon ----- relieves fevers

Help with any illness

• The point of relaxation located between the thumb and forefinger. Massage this point soothes the pain of any etiology, eases asthma, mental state levels.

• When sedentary lifestyle, do not forget about points on the wrist - right and left - they are responsible for the condition of the stomach and intestinal health. Massage the wrist, and you forget about constipation and atony of the colon.

• Point longevity is located below the kneecap in the hollow between the two bones. Constant exposure to this point not only prolongs life but also improves the quality of itself. And also help get rid of colds, chronic diseases nasopharynx, raise the general tone of the body and enhance immunity.

• With frequent angina fasten grain to the throat in the tonsil.

• functional disorders of cardiac activity and milder forms of arrhythmia in the region of the heart correspondence attach the seeds of hawthorn (plaster).

To enhance the diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect is needed in the area corresponding to the kidneys do applique seeds of watermelon, cantaloupe or parsley.

By stimulating the seeds of Chinese magnolia vine areas corresponding to the brain, you posposobstvuesh increase disability and reduce mental and physical fatigue.

How to get rid of insomnia medical advice and folk remedies


Every night, 1/5 of the world population suffers from insomnia.

In Russia, every second unhappy with the quality of sleep. According to psychologists, the main cause of sleep disturbances - nervous stress, stress, mental overload. All of this we now have enough. How can you get rid of insomnia, read the article useful tips and good medical folk remedies.

People with increased nervous irritability disturbed sleep even on the most trivial reasons. Insomnia can be a long, exhausting, shallow sleep when accompanied by vivid dreams, sometimes nightmares.

It can be caused by various diseases of a general nature, which accompanies or circulatory disorders of the nervous system and fits of coughing, shortness of breath. Most often suffer from insomnia people are constantly involved and a lot of mental work.

Among them, a lot of fans of ginger itself strong tea, coffee or alcohol. But it is only for a time relieves fatigue, fatigue is not removed, and continues to grow. Lack of sleep, of course, creates a lot of problems.

The person becomes irritable, it increases stress and depression, weakened immunity to viral infections, reduced working capacity. Meanwhile, the need for sleep is quite individual.

For example, Churchill slept six hours a day, Peter I was satisfied with five, and the inventor Edison was enough for the rest of the two hours. So there is no single formula.

Permitted considered sleep duration of 5, 5 to 9 hours. In the normal state of the body to sleep better at the back or stomach. If you feel that the food is not digest completely, you should sleep on his right side. Only in this position, the body more easily enter the food from the stomach into the duodenum 12.

Our body works in a cyclic rhythm, the cycle - approximately 25 hours. It is our internal clock, which affect the body temperature, metabolism, and, of course, the quality of sleep.

They react to light and darkness, and it is absolutely necessary for the body to synchronize it with the outside world. In the old days, when the only source of artificial light were candles, things were better.

Because then people are much more followed the natural rhythm - went when it was getting dark, and got up when dawn. Long winter nights, they slept longer than the short summer. And is it important. For any violation of the progress of the internal clock - light, stress or any kind of activity going on after midnight - a negative impact on sleep.

How can you get rid of insomnia

As the action of the internal clock of the body produces hormones necessary for us and chemicals. The best way to keep the body's natural rhythm - getting up in the morning at the same time. Even on weekends!

The body needs a certain daily routine, and you can completely customize their internal clock so that you will go to sleep every night at the same time. Each "sufferer" is looking for a way to save that is suitable for him.

However, we must remember one rule: in any case, do not abuse sleeping pills. They lead to addiction. Two weeks later, insomnia returns, but this time with a vengeance.

To get rid of, convince myself that nothing terrible happens, and try to be sure to relax. Then stand and laid harassing thoughts on paper. It is likely that after this problem is already tormenting you will not interfere with sleep.

In the case when the problem is serious enough, try to consult with anyone, or at least talk.

Useful tips medics

- Keep the bedroom normal temperature (16-19 ° C). If the room is too hot or too cold, it will be difficult to fall asleep. Some insomniacs take assistant heating pad or warm socks.

- Warm (not hot!) Bath has a calming effect. Add a handful of sea-salt bath or aromatic oil. For example, lavender and light the candles. Remain in the bath for at least 15 minutes. We perform this procedure every night for as long as your internal clock is not set up on sleep in the desired time.

- Avoid heavy meals, vigorous exercise and alcohol for at least four hours before bedtime. However, the reduction in blood sugar can cause insomnia, so a snack two hours before going to bed do a good job.

- Do not smoke! Smoking stimulates the production of adrenaline. Do not eat after 16.00 caffeinated drinks. Instead, drink camomile tea, well known for its relaxing properties.

- Do not watch TV before going to bed, full of negative information and stimulating the nervous system, it is better to listen to good relaxing music.

- Make sure that near the head of the bed there are no household appliances. Electromagnetic radiation can contribute to sleep disruption.

- Light is known to activate the daily production of hormones. Therefore, take care that your bedroom is dark enough. If the middle of the night you have a need to get out of bed, careful not to put the light on, as this may disorient your internal clock. In contrast, when you want to quickly wake up and recharge your batteries, open your curtains and wait for a while at the window.

The good folk remedies :

- Drink at night glass of hot sweet water or warm milk, but not tea.

- It is very good rubbing oil into the occipital hole and rubbing oil of the joints, hands and heels.

- Honey is the best sleeping pills. When insomnia and strong nervous excitability dissolve in a glass of boiled water a teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Drink 3 times.

- If it is caused by high blood pressure, you can drink cucumber pickle with honey: a tablespoon of honey in a glass of brine.

- Drink a glass of hot overnight infusion of valerian (root 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water for 20 minutes, drain).

- Spread of foot and lower leg pine oil, put on clean socks. - Well calms the nervous system and causes a deep sleep tops infusion of mugwort. 50 g of wormwood pour a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, strain and take a quarter cup three times a day.

- It is possible to prepare a drink from the seed of dill, boiled in Cahors or port. 50 g of seeds cook on low heat for 0, 5 liters of wine before going to bed and take 50-60 ml. The broth can be done on water.

- When insomnia, headaches, nervous excitement tablespoon fennel seeds to insist on 0, 5 liters of boiling water, strain and drink a third cup three times a day.

- To get rid of insomnia have a very simple and proven way .

Instead of thinking: "Soon the night and again I did not sleep, will suffer from insomnia." You are in for the day to repeat simple and useful phrases: "Every night I go to sleep easily and quickly go to sleep, nice and peaceful sleep, I dream of a pleasant and romantic dreams (Useful, therapeutic, predictive, prophetic dreams, despite what you need)."

Going to bed, you turn off the inner monologue, all thoughts of the past and the future, which actually do not allow you to sleep. Repeat the phrase, and start meditation:

"I am healthy, I have good health, my body heals, heals, rejuvenates, clean. I am a young, beautiful, graceful and charming. I'm happy, lucky and fortunate, I have always and in all luck. I am rich, I have a lot of money. I love and loved. I quit smoking ... "And so on ...

Soon you will not only get rid of insomnia and become quickly fall asleep and start getting everything you want in their meditations.
