Sedentary work, exercise in sedentary work
Take care of your health and how to maintain health at
sedentary work, exercise in sedentary work
People performing sedentary, so-called "sit-down" work is not related to physical activity - in offices, offices, institutions - cause the most damage to their health, as a large part of the day is performed without moving, sitting at the table.
It is known that sedentary work does not add health, but on the contrary - it worsens. A number of diseases can pursue such labor workers, namely: Hemorrhoids, low back pain, obesity, prostate, etc. This is not surprising, since the factors leading to its development (and sedentary work on a computer - one of the key), all too common in our lives.
Proper organization of the workplace during sedentary work can help prevent many diseases. Doctors have long noticed that occur during prolonged sitting violations of metabolic processes in the musculoskeletal system. The veins of the spine is a constant congestion, sometimes with the formation of blood clots that can lead to blockage of blood vessels. Those who spend the whole day at the computer, tighten the deep muscles of the back.
Prolonged muscle spasm exacerbates venous stasis, begin to swell up. Who is the most common variant of sedentary work is work at the computer, and its prevalence in the future will only grow. To maintain the correct posture should be to put the computer in front of you rather than the side, when you have to forcibly keep the neck, turning it to the side of the screen.
Always take breaks during sedentary work. When working with a computer for 6 ~ 8 hours of necessary every 2-3 hours to rest your eyes for 15 minutes.
To maintain good posture, try to spend some time between work in motion. Leisure activities leads to a more rapid recovery of performance that convincingly Russian physiologist Sechenov.
Leisure activities based on switching from one activity to another, allows long, but a variety of activities without any onset of fatigue.
We offer exercise in sedentary work, which increases efficiency, knead the muscles and give strength to continue working. From these exercises, you can select one, and periodically to repeat it, but it is best if you do gymnastics complex.
Exercises during sedentary work:
1. Sitting, alternately stretching and bending the legs. Feet on the floor is not lowered. 10 - 20 times.
2. Browsing, bowing and bending of the spine. 10 - 20 times.
3 Sitting, dilute elbows to the side - inhale, stretch your arms forward with stress - exhale. 4 - 6 times.
4. Sitting, get out and take a deflection body. 8 - 10 times.
5. Sitting as large housing rotation. The back is smooth. 10 - 12 times.
6. Sitting with your legs extended, bend the leg and hands pressed to his stomach, draw the stomach - exhale, inhale when pulling legs. 4 - 8 times with each leg.
7. Sitting, stretch the abdominal muscles, then relax. 15 - 20 times.
8. Sitting with your legs extended, alternately stretch, relax the muscles of the right and left thigh. 15 - 20 times.
Venus Syndrome when sedentary work
That term refers to the formation of fat pads, reducing the elasticity of muscles on the thighs and waist. This disadvantage can help fix the daily performance of a special set of gymnastic exercises.
1. Sit on the floor, legs straight. Seizing her hands a foot, ankle or lower leg, lift the leg up and lowered again. Do exercise 20 times with each leg.
2. Stand up straight, feet cross. Hands outstretched, slowly tilt the body forward, to stay in the slope of 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.
3. Get up on your knees, cross your hands over your head. Sit on the left hip, then straighten up and sit on the right. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
4. Sit on the floor, one leg tucked under him. Capturing hands shin other leg, lift it up. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and lower leg. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat the exercise 5 times each leg.
Anyone who prefers to spend his leisure hours in an armchair before the TV comes, as we know, it is not reasonable in relation to their health. But what often turns out to be stronger than any habit to reason.
For those who do not want to sacrifice the habit and still wants to keep fit and in harmony, we can recommend a few simple physical exercises that can be executed on, without leaving the screen literally in between two transmissions. Each exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
1. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your legs and put them on the floor. Drawing straight arms on the armrests, cave in, look at the ceiling and take a deep breath, then return to starting position and exhale.
2. Sit on the edge of his chair, leaning back in her shoulder blades, and flexed her hands, grasp the top. Straighten your legs and put them on the floor. Lift straight legs up as high as possible, then slowly lower them to the starting position.
3. Lift the legs, exhale and lowering - a breath.
4. Sit on the edge of his chair, put his hands on the seat, straighten your legs and put their heels on the floor.
5. Bending the arms slowly descend and sit on the floor with the legs at the knees do not bend. Then, straightening the arms, return to starting position.
6. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your legs and try to put the foot on the floor. Raise your arms to the sides, inhale, then bend your hands and try to get your toes - exhale. During tilt your knees do not bend.
7. Sit on the edge of his chair, put his hands on the seat of his fingers back. Straighten your legs and put them on the floor.
8. Bend your knees and giving the body forward, try to sit on your heels - exhale. Then, straightening the legs, return to starting position - a breath.
9. Based on the armrests straight arms, bend your hands, pull the socks and put the shin on the seat, sit on your heels.
10. Lean against the back of the shoulder blades, and inhale. Then, bending his arms, sit on the seat and lower the legs to the floor - exhale.
Useful tips
• Moderately hard bed, which does not allow unnecessary deflections, but does not interfere with a comfortable bed.
• Cushion and should not be too soft and not too high, to the cervical curves, respectively, were as close to the physiological curvature.
• advice - sit as low as possible. For the human body is not a normal situation. Better to stand and, if possible, lie down.
• An important way to combat fatigue is a rational regime of work and rest organization or at certain times of the day short breaks. Such breaks are organized based on the nature of the labor process.
• Fatigue - a physical condition that occurs as a result of work. Objectively exhaustion expressed in lost productivity. But subjectively - in the sense of fatigue. Fatigue is reversible: relaxing, people willing to work on. But if workaholic stubbornly detached from work, there will be fatigue.
Its symptoms - headache, insomnia, irritability, memory loss, decreased body resistance. How to fight it? Firstly, to organize the workplace. Second, several times a day to spend fizkultminutki - 3-4 minutes to do relaxation exercises: they are most effective when just mental fatigue.
• If you have a sedentary job, then, first of all, think of a comfortable chair. Well, if it is something like a car. This is useful for back configuration.
• If you have to sit all day, you have to regularly get up and warm-up.
These simple preventive measures can help you avoid diseases during sedentary work, because the cure is much more difficult than to warn yourself from this trouble.
Keep vitality and be always healthy!