How to breathe properly


Most adults breathe properly, somehow believing that the body itself regulates the amount of air it needs. Only when we have a shortness of breath, we begin to worry and take various measures: we sit on a diet, trying from time to time to do special exercises, take medication.

Is it just ill, the person understands how important proper breathing? If once a week, on Sunday, while walking you deeply inhale the air and think that did something for your health, you are deeply mistaken. Like those who once a year, spending a vacation in the mountains or by the sea, thinking that this time they swallowed the air for a year.

In order to maintain the health and beauty, it is necessary every day to be outdoors. Fresh air in the necessary quantities not replace any medication or massage or baths or creams or lotions, or any other cosmetics. Even careful diet does not contribute to the renewal of the body, if not accompanied by proper breathing. The importance of regular and proper diaphragmatic breathing is difficult to overestimate.

Moving during respiration, the diaphragm acts on the heart as a kind of massage, facilitate his work and helping to supply the body with blood. Tight bras and corsets impede the free circulation and breathing. Tight lacing waist may eventually lead to the degeneration of the diaphragm.

On the relationship between breathing and psycho-emotional state of humanity knew long ago. But the world around us is changing, and many breathing techniques do not fit the urban residents, so in the training included the most simple and natural exercises. Of great importance is conscious breathing. This type of breathing is completely safe for the body, because the rhythm does not change, while at the same time useful for calming thoughts and emotions.

Simply follow your breath, and after a while you will notice a pleasant feeling of lightness. Daily breathing exercises at an open window or in the open air for a long time will help keep health and youth.

Free and deep breathing will be for you a necessary and natural.

With daily exercise 10 breaths and 10 breaths quite enough. Excessive load in this case just as harmful, as in many others. While it is important to completely relax the respiratory muscles. In the early days, doing breathing exercises, try to breathe deeply, forcing participate in the process diaphragm. Later, when there was no need to control every breath, we must at the same time to expand the chest.

Breathing Exercises

1. Lie down freely, stretching her legs and arms at your sides. Available exhale air from the lungs to the stomach has been retracted. Breathe with full muscle relaxation, deep absorbing diaphragm. Do it slowly and calmly. Count to three.

2. Breathe out, having used it two times longer than inhalation. Count to 6. Before you make a new breath, count to 9 (pause between inhalation and exhalation should be three times longer than the inhalation). The longer the pause, the more deep and full breaths will. To better control your breathing, put both hands on his stomach. When you inhale, you feel like the abdomen expands when you exhale - as it is reduced again.

3. If you want to make a second exercise is more effective, repeat it, laying on his stomach heavy book or some object. During breathing exercises as much as possible, relax the abdominal muscles. Breathe only through the nose with the mouth closed, with gentle resistance of closed lips easily.

The purpose of the exercise - to make himself free, rhythmic breathing.

Deep, regular breathing strengthens muscles, improves blood circulation, gives a correct posture. These exercises can be done standing or sitting in the open air or during a short break in the work.

4. For colds useful to combine breathing exercises with simultaneous exercises for the nose. Close forefinger alternately left nostril, the right and take a deep breath, respectively, the left and right nostrils, holding near the nose bottle with eucalyptus oil.

Breathe in the left nostril, close it with your finger and let the air out through the right, and vice versa. Repeat three times, breathing in oil, and then three more times without the oil.

take care of yourself

To the blood vessels from clogging fat

 To the blood vessels from clogging fatty substances

To the blood vessels from clogging fat

Due to the use of unnatural foods and sedentary lifestyles is deteriorating blood circulation, blood vessels become weak, brittle, they are deposited layers of fat and plaque develops a disease called atherosclerosis.

In the future, these fat layer and plaques can block the artery, which sometimes leads to death.

The reason - the use of fat and the heat-treated foods, excess sugar and starches, low physical activity.

To avoid such a vascular injury, and thus the development of atherosclerosis, it is necessary:

Regularly carry out exercises for the capillaries,

Sleeping on a hard bed only,

Systematically adjust the balance of destructive and constructive forces with the help of clamping the palms and soles, and other physical exercises

Ensure activity of the muscles,

Eat mainly cereals, raw vegetables and fresh fruit.

All the exercises normalize the blood circulation and all body fluids and proper nutrition give your body the necessary substances and release of harmful.

Vegetables and fruits - only raw.

If for some reason it is impossible not to cook vegetables, then cook them you only need to water or its own juice under the hood and in a very short time.

Do not cook with butter.

Vegetable oil consumed without heat treatment and only fresh, not to stand in the open bottle in the heat or light.

Drink water for health


Dehydration, or why it is important to drink water?

Water ... What do we know about her? And a lot and a little. ... Everyone is aware of the importance of water in our body. Water is the only liquid is colorless and odorless, which is able to prevent aging.

Water is present in all cells and tissues, starring in almost all biological processes - from digestion to circulation.

Since water performs so many important functions that our body is constantly in need of replenishment with fresh water. Every day from sweat, urine and breath of the body is released at least 2-3 liters of water, which must be filled in again during the day.

And this is just to have met our minimum physiological needs. Water should be for you, dear reader, the most key ingredient if you are seeking to have a healthy body and well being.

Nothing affects our health as water consumption. Water ... water ... this minute! The human body can more or less tolerable survive without water for more than three days.

Have you heard anything about dehydration? Many people believe that it occurs when the body dries up like a straw. But did you know that even when the internal liquid content falls below standards, can already become dehydrated? If organs could talk, they would have shouted loudly: "Water ... water ... this minute! ". However, a person receives a signal of lack of liquid. We feel thirsty and in a hurry rather quench it.

But sometimes the ability to respond to thirst not kept pace with other factors such as heat, stay high above sea level, excessive exercise, and age. Right?

And over time, sensitivity to thirst begins to wear off. When the body is in a state of dehydration, the person loses water and essential minerals such as potassium and sodium. This fact is a lack of water can cause a special attrition. In the first place, may suffer serious brain activity.

What are the first signs of alarm sends us the body? After all dehydration often creeps up unnoticed. You do not even have time to realize this and are already experiencing dangerous dryness in the body. Forewarned is forearmed! Be alert and sensitive, paying attention to the following danger signals. Why do I feel so bad?

Early signals. Dizziness, fatigue. Weakness, headache. Loss of appetite. Dry mouth. The heat in the skin.

Signals serious danger. Blurred vision, loss of hearing. Difficulty swallowing. Dry, hot skin. Increased heart rate, shortness of breath. The uneven gait. Frequent urination (especially if you have been drinking the liquid).

How to make a "vaccinated against dehydration?" How to prevent the symptoms in advance, so you do not "reap the fruits" wrong attitude towards yourself? Water is everywhere, then to use it in sufficient quantities is quite simple. I offer some practical recommendations to use in my life. Let them become a habit and your good.

But we know that if you want to instill any habit can be at least three weeks. It was in this period I once got rid of the consumption of sugar in tea and other dishes. The term "remission", so to speak, is quite impressive, so I have the right to say that the habit of actually grafted into my life just three weeks. Well, proceed directly to the recommendations.

Greet each new day a glass of water.

While you sleep, your body has been deprived of the inflow of fluid in a few hours. Do not start the day with a morning tea or coffee. You can do this later, so if you want. Eat a little clean water before each meal. Take it a rule and stick in any situation. It is desirable to drink the water for at least 20 minutes before a meal.

It's great to be healthy!

Drink slowly during the day.

Do not try to fill a whole day rate of fluid at a time. Do not allow the body to "burst at the seams" from this overload. It is better to drink a little every hour or two, to maintain a constant flow of water.

Eat regularly fluid rich in fruits and vegetables.

And do not throw out the pulp from the juice prepared in a juicer at home, because it contains a lot of dietary fiber and more nutrients. In a glass of juice, always add a little flesh.

Avoid salty foods withering.

Excessive consumption of such foods can literally drain you. It is known that after the salt thirsty anymore. If you have to have salt, limit the maximum number and be sure to drink a lot.

Away from alcohol and caffeine.

Strong drinks, tea, coffee and beer are diuretics. And, accordingly, promote the release of fluid from the body. While at first these beverages seem to quench their thirst. It is best to drink fruit drinks, juices and plain water.
