As we eat, take care of yourself


The laws of nature are such that we build ourselves of what we eat. The body consists of cells. The cell - the basic structural unit of an organism. And the life of the cell, as such, in general, not for long. Age it is much shorter man. The cells live and die for one human life time.

Some die, others are born. Therefore, the body, in order to live, must again and again to create, reproduce new cells to replace the dead. A play these cells the body can only from the fact that he gets from the outside. But the body, of course, can not be used for the construction of cell products in their original form. Otherwise, we all would have consisted, for example, apples and bread.

The body, of course, it all breaks down to the simplest elements and molecules. And is used for its construction have these elements. Conventionally, it looks like this: body received food, has split up its simplest elements, needs to use for the construction of the cells, unnecessary throw away. But in practice, so it is impossible. Why is that? Yes, because the body, do not eat, did not manage to break down food to the desired level and take out everything that he needs.

For example, a person is not to be used as a chew writing - to bring her mouth to kiseleobraznogo state. What is it for? To drench food saliva. Saliva contains special alkali intended for digesting carbohydrates. Food is chewed bad - no carbohydrates were split, and nothing useful ones the body no longer extract.

After all, more food will go into the stomach, and then it has to be handled by other substances - acids, intended for the breakdown of proteins. This means undigested carbohydrates will not give any benefit in part will become "empty calories", partly become stubborn decay products. Next. The man ate a lot of junk food with a predominance of animal fats, sugar, bakery products from refined flour. What happens to him?

It simply blocks the flow of energy in your body. Heavy animal food is not that other, as a means to block their energy, make yourself lifeless and inactive. Such people could feel tension in the back and shoulders. Tense muscles block the flow of blood. Blood insufficiently nourish organs and tissues. Instead, the creative process begins in the cells of the destructive processes.

In addition, animal products, sugar and so on. D. Bad processed by the digestive system, which nature intended for other foods - with a predominance of cereals, vegetables and legumes. From the animal food more waste, decay products, toxins than good. All this poisons the blood, which are carried on the body, in turn poisons the organs and tissues. After the blood begins to disperse these substances throughout the body. Of these, not create new cells - that's waste, dirt. On the other hand, they can not be output.

And then these decay products accumulate or under the skin, in the fat layer, or on the walls of blood vessels. If a person gets into any adverse conditions - supercooled, under stress, is injured - some harmful substances attack weakened, wounded body. And it begins a serious illness. Now we see that our health is dependent on what we eat and how we eat.

It depends on the state of the blood. And the condition of the blood - the health of the whole organism.

The blood must circulate well, without stagnation and slowdown. For this to work well capillaries - it first. Blood should not be viscous - secondly. Blood should be rich in oxygen - in the third. Blood must have a normal structure, to be rich in nutrients - Fourth. Cause blood viscosity - changing the composition of the fluid environment of the body, disorders of water balance.

The reason for the lack of oxygen and the blood of poor - poor diet. To restore normal blood circulation and lead to normal water balance to achieve normal blood composition, it is necessary to do the exercises for the capillaries and eating raw plant foods. Blood must not be poisoned by the decay products, which then spread throughout the body, causing sickness and polluting vessels, making them fragile patients clogged.

The reason for the accumulation of the products of decay in the blood - an unhealthy diet. As we eat - and this is our blood. What is our blood - that is our health .   As a teenager, I realized how important it is to eat right to recover. The fact that the food should be thoroughly chewed, I learned quite early. However, chewing food thoroughly, I still continued to eat as before - it is all that offers culinary art of the time. Little did I know that the culinary arts have diverged very far from the laws of nature.

Our cooking is, in fact, makes us eat unnatural - not so, as required by Nature. All unnatural, going against nature, can not be good, but can only go in harm. Naturally, this way of life, and with this power I could not recover, and even chewing food well I did not save. Abnormally increased appetite, reaching up to gluttony, constipation and headache continued to torture me.

Then the first time I thought about the relationship of all organs and systems of the human body. Why constipation accompanied by headaches? What's the connection? And if you go to the doctor, then he must be a doctor to treat - head or gut? The answer soon came to himself. It is useless to treat a separate head and separate the intestines. It should lead to the health of the whole body.

After all, the situation is very clear: when writing undigested accumulates in the colon. There she rots and releases toxins. These poisons are absorbed into the blood spread throughout the body, impair the quality of the blood, slow down its circulation .   Naturally, impaired blood circulation in the brain. From headaches. So the first time I realized that the food, without which no life can be poison. So I started looking for natural foods, natural, full of life energy.

When I switched on natural food, my condition began to improve markedly. Lost habit of overeating, the body has learned to be content with a small amount of food to give out everything that he needs. Then I realized that overeating is unnatural, and thought about what leads to overeating, to gluttony.

And he came to the conclusion that this leads to a feed from unnatural food, food, incorrectly prepared or created by industrial production, and not nature, the body is not getting what it needs - does not receive vital and essential substances. The body feels that something did not get.

Not getting the desired, the body tries to make up foregone by receiving more and more food, hoping to squeeze out of it in any way benefit. The man thus experiences the sensation of hunger or appetite false and trying to benefit from the food by increasing its number. But these attempts are fruitless.

No matter how much drink unnatural foods - benefit from it do not get, but the damage will accumulate. Rooted in the family tradition, the feast also contribute to overeating. As a result, these habits make healthy people sick, and patients - are killed.

I wanted to live, I do not want to die.

And so I began to change their habits, how hard it was.

Protect the liver!


Do you know where your liver? If you do not know, it does not mean that your liver has no problems. This is very patient body that can not long be felt. If symptoms appear, your liver is a very, very sick. Says a senior fellow at Department of Internal Medicine,

gastroenterology and hepatology, Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov, MD Alex O. BUEVEROV.

The people are of the opinion that the liver trouble - a lot of heavy drinkers, or those who have been ill with hepatitis. A moderate drinking and regular bites are afraid of nothing - they have something with which the liver is naughty? But "moderate drinking" - this is a very loose concept. It is believed that the maximum safe daily dose of pure ethanol - 40 g, i.e. 100 ml of vodka, 400 ml of dry wine or 800 ml of beer.

However, this does not mean that if a person drinks every day not more than 100 grams of vodka, his liver is totally cool. Much depends on the individual. Moreover, for women, the safe dose - half. For sufficiently regular use of alcohol for the development of alcoholism it is required, usually about five years.

Viruses and alcohol - the most common causes of liver disease. Furthermore, hepatitis, that is inflammation of the liver may develop due to metabolic disorders (including diabetes, obesity), disorders of the immune system receive certain drugs, prolonged contact with household and industrial toxins, certain genetic defects.

In recent years, when our market is flooded supplements for weight loss, for those who use them tries to cope with being overweight has serious liver problems. Why is that? Firstly, because it clearly established - rapid weight loss is more harmful for liver than slow obesity. Simply put, with a sharp decrease in the weight of subcutaneous fat layer goes into the bloodstream and from there to the liver, where it is deposited.

The deposits of fat in the liver - a potential "fuel" for inflammation, ie hepatitis. There is a special term - "NASH" when the liver developing changes similar to alcoholic liver disease, but people who do not abuse alcohol. Most often this disease occurs against a background of obesity, rapid weight loss, type 2 diabetes. Second, the vast majority of dietary supplements have not been serious clinical trials and may themselves act as causes of liver damage.

Diets today there is an incredible amount - almost any taste (so to speak of the diet). They have chosen almost as ties - and that it was convenient and suited to the color of their eyes. And about the consultation with a nutritionist, they tend to forget, limited to meeting with other such sufferers. In fact, what may be at such a dangerous diet, in addition to the lack of results?

It is unlikely that many people know that sudden weight loss is very harmful for her even more than slow obesity. Damage from improperly chosen diet can be very serious. Well, if dangerous symptoms manifest at once and you will have time to stop in time. However, this does not always happen. Rapid weight loss can lead to serious diseases such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. And did you know that she does not hurt, even when she suffered serious damage?

Approaching the mirror, happily noted that the next portion kilograms care, think about it: is not it time to pay attention to your health? In addition to the diet (and sometimes instead of it), many are beginning to consume dietary supplements - all kinds of fat burners, supervitaminnye complexes. Dozens of different active ingredients within them, can provide not only a super-effect, but superudar - all on the liver. As a result, instead of a slim figure can easily be acute or chronic liver failure.

What to do? First, do not tend to give up all the excess weight immediately. Optimal health liver pace of weight loss - 0, 5-1 kg per week. Strong and fast weight loss is often the cause of fatty liver (aka fatty liver). When you drastically lose weight, fat and carbohydrates in your body rush straight to the liver, forming excess fat in it. The thus obtained fatty liver in hepatitis and progressive cirrhosis.

It is better to take the proven and reliable pharmaceuticals. For over half a century to protect the liver apply essential phospholipids. What is it and how do they work? Essential phospholipids (EFL) - is the main component of the membranes of liver cells. A nearly 200 clinical trials EFL involving more than 11 thousand. Patients. EFL embedded in the membranes of liver cells, improve their protective and transport function.

In addition, EFL protects cells from oxidative stress, which is an important mechanism for the development of alcoholic illness and other diseases of the liver. Suppose a person relatively healthy, the liver does not complain, but occasionally allows himself to relax: to drink, a bite to eat. If a person is sure that his liver is healthy at baseline, periodic use of alcohol will not bring harm, but EFL help "support"

But we must remember that alcohol affects not only the liver, but also the heart, pancreas, kidneys, and nervous system. It is better to first check with a doctor. And finally, I wish to advise readers not to test the patience of his own liver. Unfortunately, she suffers for a long time, and then "falling apart." Symptoms of severe liver injury - permanent jaundice, bleeding, fluid accumulation in the abdomen - there are usually far-gone stage of cirrhosis. Therefore it is better once again to visit a doctor.

If you have any reason to suspect at some disease, consult a specialist - a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. He will appoint the necessary tests. Maybe you often drink or had surgery, or frequently visit the dentist, or use drugs, or have diabetes. Better to be safe.

Remember, the liver does not hurt - there are no pain receptors. So that your feelings are not guided.
