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Drink for health promotion
Page 2
Drinks are recommended for people with impaired health, drinks for health promotion
Broth hips
Dried rose hips wash well, chop (potoloch wooden pestle)
pour in boiling water, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Broth strain through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. To improve the taste of the broth to add a sugar or honey. Water - 1 liter, rose hips crushed - Article 5. spoons of sugar or honey - 5 hours. spoons. Yield - 1 liter.
A drink from the hips and prunes
Prunes are a good wash, cover with water, bring to boil and drain. Plum remove the seeds, pour boiling water and sugar, bring to a boil. Let stand for 10 hours in a cool place. Then prune to remove from broth and rub through a sieve.
Rosehip chop, pour boiling water, bring to a boil, cover and let stand for 10 hours. A decoction of rosehip strain through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. Pureed prunes combine with broth hips and prunes. Serve chilled. Water - 0, 75 l, rosehips - 2 tbsp. spoons, prunes - 1 cup of sugar - 1-2 tsp.. Yield - 1 liter.
Kvass from the hips
Rosehip rinse with warm water, pour in a glass bottle. Water and sugar boil for 5-10 minutes. The drink will be fresh and pleasant taste, if you add a little syrup, citric acid. After cooling, pour the syrup their hips, add yeast, small amounts of diluted syrup, and incubate at room temperature for several days.
When kvass starts to "sizzle" and on the surface of the foam is formed, it is necessary to drain and pour into bottles, putting in every teaspoon of sugar. Bottle cork, tie with string and put in a cold place. During fermentation of sugar in a well-sealed bottles of carbon dioxide is released naturally carbonates the beverage that gives it a nice sizzling taste. Water - 3-3, 5 liters of fresh rose hips - Article 5, dried - 2-2, 5 tablespoons sugar - 1 tbsp yeast - 5-10 g, citric acid - 2-3 of Output - 3 liters.
Drink "Autumn beam"
In strong decoction of rose hips pour blackcurrant and cranberry juice, add the broth and stir. Cool slightly before serving. Decoction of wild rose 1, 5 cups of juice cranberry - 1, 5 cups of juice blackcurrant - 1, 5 cups of sugar - 5 teaspoons. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink "Health"
In strong decoction of rose hips pour blackcurrant and lemon juice, add sugar and mix. Serve slightly chilled. Broth hips - 1, 5 cups of juice blackcurrant - 2, 5 cups of lemon -1 piece, sugar - 6 teaspoons. Yield - 1 liter.
Morse buckthorn
From moved and washed berries squeeze the juice of sea buckthorn. cover it with a lid and put in the refrigerator or in a cool dark place. Marc pour hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 5-10 minutes, drain. Add the sugar, cool and mix with the juice squeezed. -1 Liter of water, sea-buckthorn - 1 cup of sugar - 0, 5 cups. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink carotene
Med dissolved in boiled and cooled water. Stir in carrot juice, orange and lemon. Okay cool. When serving in a glass put a piece of lemon. -1 Cup of water, the juice of carrot - 2 cups, orange juice - 1 cup lemon - 2 pieces, honey - 1 tablespoon. Output -1 liter.
The drink made from oats
Oats bust, rinse, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Infuse in a warm place for 3-4 hours. At the end of the infusion add finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater lemon zest. Broth strain through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth, add honey, lemon juice. Serve warm. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1, 5 cups of honey - 1 tablespoon lemon - 0, 5 pcs. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats and raisins
Oats and raisins go, wash. Cover with cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 3-4 hours at a temperature close to boiling. Broth strain and serve warm. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup raisins - 0, 25 cups. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats, raisins and dried apricots
Technology of preparation is similar to the preparation of oats and raisins. Apricot can be replaced figs, dried apricots, dried apples or dried apple peel. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup raisins - 0, 25 cups, apricots (dried apricots, figs, dried apples or dried apple peel) - 0, 5 cups. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats, cranberries and raisins
Oats and raisins bust, rinse, cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and let stand in a warm place for about 3 hours. Then put on high heat, bring to a boil, add mashed cranberries to a boil again and insist 1:00. After infusion broth of strain, add sugar, honey. Can be served warm or cold. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup cranberry - 0, 5 cups of raisins - 0, 25 cups of sugar or honey - 2-3 tablespoons. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink oat and cranberry
Technology of preparation is similar to the preparation of a drink made from oats, cranberries and raisins. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup, viburnum - 0, 5 cups of sugar or honey - 2-3 tablespoons. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats and sea buckthorn
Technology of preparation is similar to the preparation of a drink made from oats, cranberries and raisins. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup, sea buckthorn - 0, 75 cups of sugar or honey - 2-3 tsp. spoon. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats, sea-buckthorn berries and raisins
Technology of preparation is similar to the drink made from oats, cranberries and raisins. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 1 cup, sea buckthorn - 0, 75 cups, raisins - 0, 25 cups of sugar or honey - 2-3 tsp.. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink made from oats, dried carrots and raisins
In enamel ware goes well rinsed oats, raisins, dried carrots. Cover with cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 3-4 hours. Broth drain, add the lemon juice. Serve warm. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 0, 5 cups, dried carrots - 1 cup raisins - 2 tbsp. spoon Lemon - 1 pc. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink from dried apples and oats (or dry apple peel)
Washed oats, dried apples (or dry apple peel), lemon zest, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 3-4 hours. Broth drain, add the lemon juice, honey. Serve warm. The water - 1, 5 liters of oats - 0, 5 cups, dried apples (or dry apple peel) - 0, 5 cups of honey - 1 tbsp. spoon Lemon - 1 pc. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink bran with lemon juice
In boiling water to fill sifted bran, chopped into fine strips lemon zest, bring to a boil. Let stand for 1 hour, drain. Add sugar or honey and lemon juice. Serve warm. The water - 1, 5 liters, wheat bran - 1 cup lemon - 1-2 pieces, sugar or honey - 2 tablespoons. spoon. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink bran and black currant (raspberry, strawberry)
Blackcurrant (raspberries, strawberries), to stretch, squeeze the juice. Marc berries, boil in a little water. Broth to cool, strain and combine with the juice obtained. Bran sift sieve, pour in boiling water, bring to a boil and infuse for 1 hour. Strain, add the cooled to a temperature of 20-25 degrees broth of yeast, mashed with sugar. Put 2-3 hours for fermentation at room temperature. Then add the juice of black currant (raspberries, strawberries) and lemon juice. Pour into a glass jar, close the lid and put caproic for a day in the refrigerator. The drink can be drunk cold and warm. The water - 1, 5 liters, wheat bran - 1 cup, black currant (raspberries, strawberries) - 1 cup of sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon Lemon - 1 pc., yeast - '15 Output - 1 liter.