Metabolism or metabolism, everyday sense - is the speed with which the body processes nutrients contained in food, and converts them into power.
People with rapid metabolism typically have fewer problems with obesity.
If you have such a problem and you are sure that they are caused by slow metabolism, try to speed it up. This can be done using simple and quite humane methods.
Assessing metabolic rate usually mean the metabolism at rest - when the body consumes calories exclusively on providing its core functions.
Breathing, maintaining body temperature, internal organs, cell renewal - that these processes accounted for 70% of our daily energy expenditure. That is, most of the energy we spend, literally without lifting a finger.
The assertion that all people with more weight have a slow metabolism, is not always true: in fact, the more muscle mass and heavier bones, the more they need energy.
The difference in the rate of metabolism of two individuals of the same sex and age can be 25%. The fastest metabolism of teenagers, then the intensity starts to decrease by about 3% per year.
How to speed up metabolism?
Tightly breakfast
Research shows if you start the day with a full healthy breakfast, the metabolism speeds up about 10%. Disclaimer breakfast gives the opposite effect, the metabolism will doze off while you're not going anywhere.
Use hot spices
It is believed that products such as mustard and chili are capable for three hours to support the metabolic processes at the level of almost half exceeding normal. This is due to the fact that hot spices contain a substance that causes the release of adrenaline and accelerating heartbeat.
But this does not mean that we should get involved in fire-breathing excessively Indian cuisine or Asian cuisine. Not every body is survive. Spicy foods must first be healthy and poleenoy to the body, then it will work.
Drink green tea
This wonderful drink not only helps to fight fatigue, regulate cholesterol and blood sugar, and 4% faster metabolism. Scientists believe that this is due to a high concentration of catechins in green tea which is greater than in black.
These antioxidants increase fat oxidation and thermogenesis (heat production by the body to maintain normal body temperature and operation of its systems). Simply put, they help burn fat.
There are algae
We found them except in the form of dietary supplements. But the Japanese, the Chinese, the Greenland Eskimos for centuries feed on algae that are rich in iodine, stimulating the thyroid gland. This, in turn, controls metabolism.
People who take the algae even in the form of additives is generally easier and quicker to lose weight. An alternative to this exotic products can serve our native apple cider vinegar - it is also considered a stimulant metabolism because of the similar effects on the thyroid.
There ginger
Since ancient times attributed ginger tonic properties. Nowadays it is scientifically proven. A study conducted by British scientists has shown that regular consumption of ginger causes the body to use energy more actively.
Visit the sauna or steam room
The metabolism is accelerated when you expose yourself to high temperatures, because the body is necessary to expend energy to prevent overheating. Upon cooling, the energy needed to generate additional heat. But, unfortunately, the reception of ice baths and swimming in the hole did not attract many people, you need to have a strong character and good health.
Do sport
Sports - the fastest and most effective way to spur metabolism. This is partly due to the fact that the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. On muscles body spends almost five times more energy than fat tissue. Train your muscles and metabolism will do the rest for you.
Active exercise is good and the fact that they accelerate the heart rate. In the process and for several hours after exercise intensity energy costs remain high. So, doing on a stationary bike or doing weight training, you become slimmer and your metabolism is activated.
Lifting weights helps build muscle mass, which also speeds up the metabolism by an average of 15%. Strength training twice a week allow about 9, 5% speed up metabolism. Proper fuel seems to be a low-fat diet - a direct path to harmony. In fact it is not so.
Lack calories primarily affects the muscles, which requires a certain amount of energy just to maintain its structure. Muscle mass decreases, and inevitably, even at rest, you spend less calories. It is a vicious circle, and metabolism slows.
Many online sites to advertise its acceleration ephedrine. But this synthetic alkaloid causes side effects and increases the pressure, that's why the majority of sports organizations prohibit its use during the competition.
Action ephedrine can be strengthened if we combine it with caffeine, which speeds up the breakdown of fat in cells. But then the side effects will be greater.
So it is better not to experiment with your health. Especially that there is - it is a diet and moderate but regular exercise. Pro sports we have said.
A staple food should be whole grains, fresh fruit (especially grapefruit and lemons), vegetables and lean meats.
This mode of about one third in the body accelerates. The end result, of course, will depend on age, muscle mass and body weight as a whole.
Darling Teplavskaya