Through exercise, whether you like it or not, you will know of these laws, you begin to understand much of what used to be a mystery to you, or do you not perceive it consciously.
You are more clearly aware of the need for sustained efforts to achieve success in any field; You understand that the rapid results are possible only on steroids, which, however, are harmful in the longer term; you know the secrets of success.
4. You either go uphill, or go down down
Man is inclined to remember the best of his memory clings to these moments. Perhaps I have this feeling over-development, but I hate to be aware that over time, I lose some of their ability. I take it as a process of disintegration, but because I have not yet reached the top (I'm 27), which means that in all areas of my performance should continue to improve ...
That is why I am constantly engaged in foreign languages, I use them and I want to maintain this capacity in the future. That is why every year I want to get stronger, at least, do not take the former position.
You're young until you feel that you are developing in all areas when your forces get stronger when you get wiser as you gain new skills - you grow. I am confident that our subconscious sees this line is very clear.
If yesterday I could not catch up 16 times, and after a couple of years this figure dropped to 10, then my subconscious gets a clear signal - stopped the growth process, we go down. I do not want to apply these signals to your subconscious mind, are you?
That's a signal that I want to tell him: "Performance is normal and stable, there is a possibility of growth. We begin the process of gradual improvement in performance. "
5. Health - as always, that we get the gift of birth is appreciated by us all less.
However, once we lose it, here we are conscious of the value of the lost ...
Among your goals in life (written on paper or in a file on the computer) should be line - to maintain ideal health.
Reviewing your goals, you will constantly suggest, and you must understand that its priority should be very high.
The main thing is not to forget that the goals are written in order to implement the necessary actions. Proceed the same.
So, the end of the article ... let my mind rest, it's time to load your muscles.
Dmitry Balezin
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Drink for health promotion
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Drink for health promotion
Page 2
Kvass from fresh apples
Apples grind with the skins, add water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Strain through a fine metal sieve or 2 layers of cheesecloth. Cool to a temperature of 20-25 degrees, add yeast, mashed with a little sugar, honey or sugar, blackcurrant juice, raisins, chopped into fine strips lemon zest or orange, cinnamon.
Leave in a warm place for 1-2 days. Then pour the brew into bottles or jars, cork. Store in a cool place. When serving in a glass can put a few ice cubes. Water - 3L, apples fresh sour grades - 8-10 pieces, black currant juice - 0, 5 tablespoons sugar or honey - 1-1, 5 tablespoons raisins - 1-2 tbsp. spoons of yeast - 10-15 g, zest of 1 lemon or orange, cinnamon to taste. Yield - 3 liters.
Kvass from dried apples (or dry apple peel)
Dried apples (or dry apple peel), lightly fry top land in a cabinet or oven, and pour into an enamel pot. Pour boiling water to boil. Cover and let stand for 2-3 hours. The resulting broth to drain, add sugar. Cool to a temperature of 25-30 degrees and add powdered with small amounts of sugar yeast.
Mix well and leave in an open pan until the surface of the foam. Then pour into bottles or jars, cork and place in a cool place. Kvass is ready in 2-3 days. Serve chilled. Water - 3 liters, dried apples (or dry apple peel) - 6 cups sugar - 1-1, 5 cups, yeast - 10-15 g Output - 3 liters.
Drink apple-lemon
Apples peeled, cored and squeeze the juice. Marc and peel apples add water, add lemon peel, boil for 3-5 minutes. and leave for 10-15 minutes. Strain, add sugar and bring to a boil. Cool. Pour the apple and lemon juice. Serve chilled. Water - 1 liter of fresh apples - 5 pieces, sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of yeast 10-15 Output - 1 liter.
Lemon juice
In the water add sugar, add chopped into fine strips lemon zest (yellow part only), bring to boil and cool. Add lemon juice and mix well. When serving in a glass, you can put a piece of ice. Water - 1 liter, lemon - 1-2 pieces, sugar - 0, 5 cups. Yield - 1 liter.
Drink lemon and honey
In water, add chopped into fine strips lemon zest, bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature and strain. Add honey, lemon juice, stir and put the cold. When serving in a glass, you can put a piece of lemon ice and food. The pleasant taste of the drink gives 1/4 cup of mineral water or mineral water. Water - 1 liter of honey - 4 tbsp. spoon Lemon - 1 pc. Yield - 1 liter.
Kvass Lemon
In the water add sugar, bring to boil and cool to a temperature of 20-30 degrees. Add lemon juice, chopped into fine strips lemon zest 3-4, mashed with sugar, yeast. Mix well. Sustained in an open pan for 3-4 hours. Pour into bottles or jars, putting 3-5 raisins in each. Bottle cork, banks close kapron lids and put the cold. Kvass is ready in 2-3 days. Water - 3 liters, lemon - 3-4 pieces, sugar - 1, 5 cups, yeast - 10-15 g Output - 3 liters.
Cranberry juice
From moved and washed cranberry juice squeeze. Cover it with a lid and put in the refrigerator or a cool dark place. Marc pour hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes. Then strain, add sugar, cool and mix with cranberry juice. Water - 1L, cranberries - 1 cup of sugar - 0, 5, Art. Yield - 1 liter.
Morse of Viburnum
Technology of preparation is similar to the preparation of cranberry juice. Water - 1 liter, viburnum - 1 tbsp. Sugar - 0, 5, Art. Yield - 1 liter.
Kvass from cranberries
Moved and washed cranberry mash with a wooden spoon or pestle, pour boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes. Strain in the strained broth add sugar, bring to a boil again and cool. Add a small amount of diluted fruit drink yeast. Leave for 1 day for fermentation at room temperature. Then brew filter, pour into bottles or jars, putting them on 2-3 raisins, resealed and put on 3 days in a cool dark place. Water - 3 L, cranberry - 3 tablespoons sugar - 1 tbsp yeast - 1-15 g Output - 3 liters.
Drink cranberry and carrots
Cranberry and carrot juice together, add boiled water and sugar. Serve well chilled. Separately, apply ice cubes of food. Water - 0, 5 L, cranberry - Article 3, carrot juice - 3 tablespoons sugar - 2-3 tsp.. Yield - 1 liter.
The drink of figs and carrots
Fig rinse well with warm water and mince. The ground mass pour boiling water, stir and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let stand for 1-2 hours. Infusion of strain through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth, add sugar or honey and cool. Then add the carrot juice. Water - 0, 5 liters, dried figs - 1 tbsp, carrot juice - 1 tbsp sugar or honey - to taste. Yield - 1 liter.
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Treatment of juices, fruit and vegetable juices
Table of contents
Treatment of juices, fruit and vegetable juices
Page 2
Turnip juice pressing in August and September. Turnip juice contains the highest percentage of micro-nutrient calcium, so that is a good treatment for children and adults suffering from softening of the bones and teeth.
It is also used in acute laryngitis, asthma and metabolic polyarthritis.
Apply for 0, 5 cups of juice with a tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day.
Radish juice pressing from August to October of freshly dug roots and freshly washed. The juice is rich in vitamins and calcium salts, potassium, iron, magnesium.
Indications: coughing, whooping cough, kidney stones and bladder, neuralgia, anemia, flatulence, and gout.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Babies, depending on the age, - 1 hr. Or dessert spoon.
Pressing in August and September. Melon juice good thirst quencher and a calming effect on the nervous system. It has a diuretic and mild laxative effect.
It is indicated for atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, a beneficial effect for constipation, hemorrhoids.
Take 1 cup of juice with Art. spoon of honey 3 times a day.
Pressing between June and September of the green fruit. Proteins are digested beans by 75%. According to the content of copper and zinc beans superior to most plants. Zinc has been found to be involved in the synthesis of some enzymes.
Due to high content of potassium salts, bean juice has a strong diuretic effect, giving the effect of edema renal and cardiac origin. Systemic administration enhances juice reduced gastric acid secretion. It is used in obesity and diabetes (without honey).
Take 0, 5 - 1 glass of juice with a tablespoon of honey.
Watermelon juice
It has a lot of water, alkaline substances, has a strong diuretic properties. It is used for kidney stones, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis.
If stone formation, accompanied by precipitation of phosphate in an alkaline medium, the watermelon is contraindicated. The juice has anti-sclerotic effect, his drink with hypertension, gout and arthritis.
Take 1 cup of juice with a tablespoon of honey three times a day.
Apple juice
Pressing the September-October of fruit, quite ripe, with a fragrant smell. The juice is used for raising the body's resistance as a good means of quenching thirst. It is a tonic for cardiovascular diseases.
It is used for the treatment of anemia, angina, asthma, atherosclerosis, and general exhaustion and exposure.
Pear juice.
It is used as a diuretic in nephrolithiasis.
It is recommended for gastro-intestinal diseases; liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys and anemia.
Grape juice.
It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, facilitates expectoration, improves metabolic processes in the body and heart, has a positive effect on the endocrine glands, improves the quality of breast milk.
Cherry juice.
It is used as an expectorant and restorative remedy.
Orange juice good thirst quencher, an effective means of prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, at reduced power, in the postoperative period in infectious diseases and in the recovery period. It is also used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Juices apple, pomegranate, pear, pineapple, grape, cherry and orange take 0, 5 - 1 glass with a tablespoon of honey three times a day. Honey juice added directly to the reception.
Cranberry juice.
Indications for use: flu, sore throat, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and various infectious diseases, post-operative period. Cranberry juice has a mild diuretic effect.
It is recommended for bronchitis, laryngitis, and as a tonic for the 3 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day for children 1 dessert spoon.
MMaliny and strawberries.
It is used as a febrifuge, to raise the body's resistance to infections. Take 2-3 tbsp. Spoon 1 tablespoon of honey after a meal, preferably with tea.
Cranberry juice, cranberry, raspberry and strawberry harvested honey in equal quantities (by volume).