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Health Formula of ten words
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American doctors recall tragicomedy with a patient dying of cancer. Even in a completely hopeless state, he took up the study of popular literature and had read about the amazing properties of some "horse serum". He believed in it that literally forced the doctors to make him such an infusion. The desire of the dying - the law!
Great was the surprise of doctors, when a few days later doomed the patient not only got out of bed, and ... started to flirt with nurses. Immediately survey found that his cancer metastases and all resolved. Yet this story ended tragically.
Was discharged from the hospital the patient stubborn, recognized medicine completely healthy, somewhere dug a scientific article about the same "horse serum" to bringing the evidence of its complete uselessness in the fight against cancer. This so impressed the imagination of the poor man erudite, the tumor reappeared, and a short time later, he died ...
Why not read horoscopes?
Because the bad predictions tend to come true. Of course, if you believe in them. And people are, unfortunately, being easily suggestible. This practice was convinced the American sociologist David Phillips of the University of California at San Diego, who has studied the history of the disease 30 thousand dead Americans of Chinese descent.
They're interested researchers because, according to the teachings of Chinese astrology, the year of birth is possible to predict a person's fate: whether it will be doomed to a healthy or diseases that will drive him to the grave. As it turned out, the Chinese, who previously predicted the disease in 12 out of 15 cases died five or six years earlier than their fellow tribesmen, suffers from the same disease but who were born in the other, "favorable" in terms of the astrologers, years. But Canadian psychologists decided to investigate the impact on the health of some TV programs.
As a result, it was found that in about half an hour after watching the evening TV news the number of emergency calls increased by almost a quarter. But after a hockey game in which the hosts won, and after a humorous comedy show or film, the number of emergency visits to the doctor decreased by almost half! Scientists believe that the harmful effects of television news due to the fact that most of the information they have a negative connotation: the attacks, reports from places of hostilities, natural disasters, crime, scandals, etc.
"Open your mouth need only two cases ..."
The famous ancient philosopher Pythagoras enjoyed great respect among his disciples. One of his approving word casually thrown disciples, leading them into ecstasy. One day one of his students has irritated the teacher, Pythagoras said a few harsh words. Apprentice grief committed suicide. Pythagoras is so shocked this tragic accident that since then he has never told anyone a bad word.
German psychologist Paul Vajntsvajg in his book "The Ten Commandments of creative personality" gives the following story:
"A friend of mine was living with her two daughters - her husband abandoned her and the children. One evening, at the time of deep despair, she opened a box home kit, pulled out a vial of sleeping pills, take a large dose, lay on the bed and waited for death. Suddenly her little four-year daughter came into the bedroom - some instinctive sense of impending tragedy prompted the child. He climbed into bed with his mother, the girl hugged her and began to whisper, "I love you, Mom ... I can not live without you ... Please do not leave me ..."
The mother was so shocked sensitivity daughter, she found the strength to get up, walk to the bathroom and take an emetic. So she was able to acquire the patience necessary for life and care of their daughters. " As you can see, just a few words can kill, and to save from death.
One of the most important psychological laws states: verbal expression of love, sympathy and admiration enhances vitality that to whom it is addressed. A wicked and unkind words reduce energy listener.
Canadian architect, a native of Japan, Raymond Moriyama childhood got this advice from his father:
"You have to open your mouth only in two cases: to report something important, or to please someone." Raymond followed this advice, and today he is convinced that it is thanks to him that he could adequately and nice to live your life, achieve universal recognition and wealth.
Maybe we, dear reader, should take advantage of this good advice?
"Do not read that do not want to remember ..."
If you rub the gold of iron, the iron will increase in value and the "nobility": in its structure, even if only on the surface, to be real gold. But gold will lose from such contacts: it will be "ignoble" impurity. And in life: Who lead the, from, and rack up. The themselves surrounded, and those become. About the same and teaches Arab proverb: "The wise man who is friends with blockheads, becomes a fool; dog living with the good, smart people, it becomes a sentient being. "
Our life - our friends, neighbors, colleagues, books, newspapers, films, television news, music ... In short, any information that we receive from the outside, in one way or another affects our thoughts. And that means that the health and fate, and life in general.
Remember the old advice: "Do not read that you do not wish to remember. I do not remember that you do not wish to apply. " This applies not only reading, but also of the rest. Look at a horror movie at night and restless night you provided. Look for two or three hours of pop or rock group, of those that are especially popular - and you are guaranteed a decrease of intelligence.
See news program, in which most of the time will tell about the war or some emergencies - and tomorrow morning do not be surprised that you for no apparent reason suddenly scream at children, or if you suddenly jumped up pressure ...
It's not my imagination - is experimentally proven facts. Only the conscious protection from negative messages, news or predictions, even if it's just a prediction of bad weather, can keep the mind healthy.
After all, a healthy psyche - that is our daily thoughts - determines how we live, what health have achieved some success and, in general, what kind of life to live.
Man is what he thinks. Do not let others think for you.