How to get rid of the pain without drugs, methods of dealing with the pain
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How to get rid of the pain without drugs, methods of dealing with the pain
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swell after jogging in the park or stairs. Sometimes, the reason - in uncomfortable shoes. Pick comfortable shoes, rethink your diet and make a couple of salt baths.
In addition, try to regularly strengthen foot muscles to get rid of the pain. Before TV Cathay foot tennis ball or plastic water bottle.
How to get rid of pain in the wrist
You spend at a computer for 8 hours or as much as you play the violin? All this is not the most pleasant way affects the wrist. Because of the long life wrist is swollen and sore. Doctors are faced with the increasingly calling a state of carpal syndrome.
You can help the immobilization of the wrist. Lock it tight bandage at night to arm does not bend during sleep. The effect can be enhanced by the usual clay or cabbage. Shall the first or second to a state of pulp, put on the sore spot and a good bandage.
Those who succumb to the persuasion of scientists and became the night to fix the wrist in a month reduced its complaints by half. And the improvement was observed during the year. Do bandage as long as the pain will not go away.
The pain associated with the female cycle
You normally carry any weather, but before the days of X are suffering from a headache. This is also a kind of migraine associated with the female cycle. Every 2 weeks you have hormonal changes. And the body has to be reconstructed. Adjusts the job liver, and if for some reason - the weakest link, the migraine is imminent.
For a couple of days before the "holidays" have a drink cranberry juice or citrus. Acid peel and liver, and kidneys, and simultaneously removed from the blood of the toxins. Doctors generally recommend at this time to use more water, even if the head does not hurt, and stomach.
The principle is the same - to get rid of toxins that are irritating the membrane of blood vessels, causing pain. Tea, fruit drinks, juice (preferably freshly-squeezed, but can be purchased and) help is not worse than drugs. Female body is programmed to frequent hormonal shake.
But that is not reached before the migraine, it is necessary to ensure optimum working conditions. If hormonal jumps are not burdened by stress, poor diet and smoking, all will pass without trouble.
How to get rid of itchy eczema
All ointments such profile are intended to hide the problem inside. Than it can backfire, we can understand if we consider its cause.
Leather, as write textbooks of anatomy, organ of the excretory system. But its contribution to this process as much as 5%. For comparison, kidney - 20%, intestine - 70%. All these systems excrete various kinds of slag: volatiles evaporate through the lungs, the kidneys go soluble and liposoluble - through the liver.
And now imagine that any of them fails. PE universal scale! The body can not hold the trash a week or two, until the liver or intestines recover. He desperately seeking a way out and remembers ... the skin. Put her on 70% of the work, if it is able to draw only 5% is not very reasonable, but no other choice.
Toxins that were able to "squeeze" in the sweat glands in such a strong concentration of the cells of the skin, of course, do not stand up ... Drink more water to the kidney worked and toxins. Otherwise, they fall into a sweat and irritate the skin.
Switch to 4-5 meals a day, always with a small amount of fat to the liver, too, was in charge. But if the itch does not give you peace, help bath with sea salt or regular. The concentration must be very high - higher than in the blood.
"We treat skin problems salt baths with rising concentration, - says Boris jump. - Starting from 1 kg of salt, finished 4 kg, then the patient began to emerge. Plus given herbal tinctures. After 2 weeks the skin becomes clean. " The same effect is produced by sea water, if it is possible to go on holiday. But the bath do not cancel trip to the doctor to find out why.
Boris Skachkov, doctor phytotherapeutist,
author of books on alternative medicine.
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Deodorants: Myths and Reality
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Deodorants: Myths and Reality
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But once again I want to say - no real reason to fear not. But the most suspicious, and doubters such words can not soothe. Well, such people can advise only one thing - it is necessary to stop using deodorants containing parabens.
But that's the rub in the fact that almost all antiperspirants contain preservatives this group. In order to avoid contact with them, should forget about a deodorant.
Perfect shape
But there is another, more compromise solution. We must try to buy a deodorant, which contains a minimal amount of preservatives.
How to choose the remedy? To do this you need to follow a few rules.
Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to the expiration date - the longer it is, the more preservatives.
And secondly, a lot depends on the container in which the cosmetic composition is contained. Preservatives are always less where there is tightness.
For example, parabens are added dry sticks most. Many of these substances contained in Deo cream is squeezed from a tube. But about such sprays can not say - because the contents of the cans is not available for air.
So, it is practically not subject to degradation. Accordingly, there is added less preservatives. The intermediate space between the creams and sprays take roll-on deodorants. But, as has been said, the number of preservatives pay attention to only the most suspicious.
Others, choosing the form of a deodorant, guided by very different principles. Chief among them - this, of course, the smell. However, do not forget about the other characteristics. For example, the spray will not fit people with sensitive skin.
In this case, a large concentration of alcohol can do a lot of trouble, ranging from redness and ending nagging skin itch. So people better to prefer a neutral deo-cream or perfumed powder.
But with the last also need to be careful - because such a powder, along with deo-talc is contraindicated for people with dry skin. They, again, better to use creams. Those include the maximum amount of moisturizing and healing ingredients. It allantoin, chitosan, chamomile extract, kelp and aloe. Funds with similar additives are least likely to cause irritation or any other side effects.
If the smell of sweat is a big problem, deodorant must contain antimicrobial agents. They will destroy the colonies of microorganisms, which are the cause of all troubles.
Antiperspirant is recommended when perspiration is moderate. And, as mentioned above, such means can not be used to increased physical activity - forget about it in any case impossible.
Have antiperspirants is one more feature: they must be applied on dry, freshly washed skin. The fact that these funds are only to inhibit the production of sweat and totally powerless if he has already been allocated. So use them throughout the day is useless, this is best done in the morning, coming out of the shower.
And no stains
And one more thing. Some deodorants react with sunlight, and as a result the skin appear dark spots. That is why before sunbathing is not recommended to use deodorant.
Especially it concerns products containing PABA, some antimicrobial agents, bergamot oil and oils of citrus. All these substances cause photosensitization - that is, increases the sensitivity of the skin to sun.
Within 30-40 minutes of UV light causes the appearance of dark spots, from which then very difficult to get rid of - it will take at least several weeks. So before going to the beach you just need to take a cool shower, and even better to use infusions of herbs - they also inhibit sweating.
Author: Valentin Panov
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5 good reasons to do physical exercises
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5 good reasons to do physical exercises
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1. The inevitable increase in self-confidence
Anyone who aspires to be confident and always looking for ways to improve the indicator "self-esteem". And, although there are plenty of techniques
working with the subconscious mind to help change a lot in their submissions, many people forget about the next ...
Become strong - you become more confident.
If your confidence is suffering, self-esteem is low, the exercise created just for you! With each passing day, becoming a little stronger, you thereby realize its growth potential, as it forms a positive view of the future and the growth of confidence in the future.
When you see in the mirror of a powerful, strong body, it causes a surge of strength and confidence. Whatever happens in other areas of your life, if you like the image that you see in the mirror every day, it will inevitably make you a more confident person.
Start your personal growth ... with this positive assessment of your appearance and your strength (in combination with the mind) from the girls and women have always been and will be a powerful stimulus that raises your self-esteem to the heavens. And do not forget even about the following - love to your body (ie through exercise, it appears) is another way to show the love of self, and this is important - love yourself.
2. Tone and a sense of inner energy
Any successful person - this is a very energetic person, he always acts, makes decisions, that person is enthusiastic. You have probably realized that all this needs energy ...
Let's look at two options for your morning:
Option 1
- Again calls this "... .." Service. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. Brrrr ... the cold water, there's better wash lukewarm. Look at your face in the mirror and understand that has come another "Monday" (in quotes because it occurs on Wednesday, Thursday and maybe Friday). That is now an energetic start to the day. Do you think you'll want to implement some ambitious projects to life?
Option 2
- Alarm is not ringing yet. But you do not want to lie in bed and you get up. Go wash (cold water of course). In the mirror, you see a strong, flexible and lean body (muscle ache a bit after yesterday's workout). You feel the strength in my body and you think, where would this energy to make ... Oh yeah, you also recorded goals and concrete tasks for the day. What are we waiting. Forward!
I will not hide, even while working out, I occasionally experience for yourself and 1 and Option 2 in the morning. Still, the second prevails.
Returning home in the evening you feel some fatigue - it's time to ... .net, do not take a nap and stretch their legs and have a splash of energy through exercise.
According to his senses I can say that the energy of the human body has the property: "The more you spend, the more it appears."
Therefore, the low level of vitality suggests that the energy of your body remains unclaimed, and the lesser amount of it is generated. Your potential tone) falls.
Claim this energy through exercise, but the next morning when she recovers, you can send it in your direction. Here is a feint.
3. Know the natural process of development
Our body belongs to the world of nature, and it is completely subordinate to the natural (ie, natural) laws of development. What does this leave us? And that's what ...
Not only our body but also our whole social environment, everything develops according to these laws. After all, our entire world is built "rational animal," so it does not cease to obey these laws.
The question is: "Do you want to know the laws of success? The laws of development and personal growth? "If your answer is" yes ", you should continue reading ...