How to get rid of the disease without drugs

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How to get rid of the disease without drugs
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 How to get rid of the disease without drugs

Food-natural healer, how to get rid of disease without medicine

Diet, in which the body begins the healing process. Raw fruits and vegetables have great healing power for the circulatory system, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients. And on the quality of the blood depends on our health.

How can I get rid of all diseases without drugs

Here's how to help fruits and vegetables in different diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

Restoration of blood vessels


The best time for eating and digesting - from noon until 6-7 pm. After 6-7 hours in the evening the food begins to be assimilated by the body and the process of assimilation is up to 4 hours in the morning. From 4 am to 12 am in the process of release of excess - waste.

If the food is eaten after 6-7 pm, the body does not have time to digest it and it will not be ready to assimilate. As a result, the process of digestion postponed to a time when the body must already start to get rid of waste.

Next destroyed all planned cycles of Nature, the digestion and assimilation of food. To be healthy, we must reckon with these natural physiological cycles of the body.

The first day of the meal should be no earlier than 12 o'clock. By this time the body is freed from waste and is ready for the process of receiving and digesting new food.

Keep in mind that at this time the body has not yet gained enough strength and energy, and therefore it is necessary to eat a dish to his digestion took too much effort.

If it is live crude products are in the right combination, the body will need minimum amount of energy to digest.

At 12 o'clock it is recommended to eat some porridge or cereal product.

In 14 hours, you can eat fruits and vegetables, or the dishes from them, or dishes of beans and seaweed. If desired, add the fish.

At 17 o'clock again eat fruit alone.

At 18.30 - fresh raw vegetables with a small amount of nuts, fish, poultry, meat (if not impossible to do this), provided that the vegetables to be three times greater than the protein.

In between meals (not during or immediately after a meal), drink clean water, the best natural, not boiled. Nothing else to eat or drink - completely eliminate coffee, tea and alcohol.

Obey the rules of combination products: Do not mix protein with carbohydrate and starchy.

In this mode power food easy to learn about for three hours with minimal loss of energy for the organism.

At the use of food in the wrong combinations, it takes 8-12 hours. With proper nutrition food time to digest before bedtime. In this case, the dream will be deep and full, people will wake up fully rested.

Up to 12 hours of the day will be effortlessly removed waste.

The body will begin the healing process, that's how you can get rid of the disease without drugs.

Raw fruits and vegetables have great healing power for the circulatory system, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Here's how to help fruits and vegetables in different diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

Circulatory disorders.

A person with impaired circulation often swollen feet are cold extremities, fits of dizziness.

Reasons: in the elastic artery walls formed deposits - mostly of calcium and fat that causes a narrowing of blood vessels. Wherein the vein dilate from a lack of nutrients.

Valves veins do not cope with their tasks, and there is a reverse flow of blood, overflowing due to excessive pressure from various branches of the vein and they act ugly skin.

In addition, the blood through the vein wall thinning penetrates into the surrounding tissue. With this disease, help fresh raw fruits and berries, especially those blue and red.

They supply of vitamin C, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin C, falling into the artery, dissolves harmful deposits which are converted into substances easily withdrawn from the body through the organs of excretion.

To avoid disturbances of blood circulation and get rid of its consequences, it is necessary several times a day there are blue and red fruits and berries, as well as citrus fruits, apples, apricots.

Varicose veins.

If the vein is very impressed by the fact that their valves do not do their job, and there is a reverse flow of blood, then from under the skin, most often on the legs, starting to act very extended, sinuous and thick veins of blue-violet color.

This occurs due to poor supply of nutrients to the blood vessel walls and increased pressure in the veins of the legs. To veins are not extended, you need to strengthen their walls with the help of vitamin C and other nutrients contained in the pulp of fresh fruit.

It is also recommended to use the onion and garlic. Onions and garlic counteract the formation of harmful substances that increase blood clotting, increase blood flow and prevent the veins.

It is also desirable to have in the diet foods rich in beneficial blood substances - honey and apple cider vinegar, and vegetables: cucumbers, spinach, carrots, bananas, raisins, cabbage, citrus fruits, beans, tomatoes.

In order that the vessels were flexible and not become brittle, so they do not lose their ability to contract and expand, it is necessary to eat beans, cabbage and cauliflower, beets, walnuts.

Algae, seaweed, garlic, asparagus, carrots, cabbage, melon, beans perfectly help cleanse the blood and make it easy to break down and remove it from foreign products and substances.

The normal structure of blood vessels and nutrition provide rice, wheat bran, green vegetables, apples, raw tomatoes, green peas.

Cardiovascular diseases.

In these diseases people feel headaches, fatigue, heart pain, no appetite.

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Health Formula of ten words

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Health Formula of ten words
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 Health Formula of ten words

One of the most famous healers of antiquity Avicenna said: "The doctor has three tools in the fight against disease: a word, a plant, a knife." Note: the word - in the first place! In a Paris hospital Kyui Emily, a young psychologist, decided to check in practice, this "backward" for the idea of ​​modern medicine.

Why not read horoscopes?

"What do you think is most important in your life. It is more important than your earnings, your residence, your status in society. It is important that you think about all the others. "

George Adams, an American biologist.

Health Formula of ten words

One of the most famous healers of antiquity Avicenna said: "The doctor has three tools in the fight against disease: a word, a plant, a knife." Note: the word - in the first place! In a Paris hospital Kyui Emily, a young psychologist, decided to check in practice, this "backward" for the idea of ​​modern medicine.

She is at your own risk, obliged each of his patients, referring ostensibly to the chief doctor, three times a day - before going to bed immediately after waking up and before dinner - aloud or silently repeating 10 times the same phrase: "Every day I feel better and better! ".

And repeat this phrase should not mechanically, as far as possible, clearly presenting themselves healthier, younger, full of strength and energy ...

And what do you think? A month later the wards this doctor became a major source of conversation for the entire medical staff of the hospital, and soon - for the whole of France. Strange but true: seriously ill for several months usually pass a course of recovery, recovered within a month.

Some - and this is the most incredible thing - eliminating the need for surgery - operations - because the tumor were resolved by themselves! The recovery period after surgery is reduced by half or even tripled.

Best results are achieved those patients, as it turned out that not only mechanically repeat the words aloud, and each time tried to vividly imagine how they feel or would feel if you were perfectly healthy and happy.

Thus, the experimentally confirmed forgotten ancient truth: "word - the best medicine."

The main thing - to believe

In the XVII century, an Italian professor invented a remedy for toothache. It was very simple and give one year warranty. Suffering from toothache proposed to crush between your thumb and forefinger of the worm, which is the Latin name Curculio antiodontaligious. The remains of the worm were applied to the aching tooth.

Soon professor suspected of charlatanism, and had to appoint a special committee to determine the effectiveness of his method. The Commission has interviewed hundreds of patients professor, and almost 70% confirmed the force of the impact of worms on their bad teeth. "Faith and strong imagination creates the event", - said Montaigne.

Patients professor passionately longed for healing, and they got it. When you believe that something exists, it is something affects you, how do exist. A very interesting fact was recently discovered by a group of doctors who were watching a woman suffering from multiple personality disorder.

Typically, the amount of sugar in the blood she did not exceed the norm, but during bouts of schizophrenia when she was convinced that patients with diabetes, her whole physiology changes and the level of sugar in the blood rises to the level characteristic for diabetics. Her conviction is becoming a reality.

On these facts say that many experiments conducted on human beings in a state of hypnotic trance, when they touched a piece of ice, but the claim that it is - a red-hot metal. As a result, the point of contact of the skin with ice appear burn.

The decisive factor is not the reality, but faith - direct, peremptory commands sent to the nervous system. The skin just does what it says brain.

No matter what medicine you drink ...

Norman Cousins, famous throughout the world that won laughter and faith in himself an incurable disease in his book says: "Drugs are not always necessary for the recovery, but faith - always." His belief is shared by many researchers today, based on the results of numerous studies and experiments.

Italian doctors conducted a follow-up study among 228 patients with ulcer. They were divided into two groups. Patients in the first group were told that they are given a new, strong medicine, which is sure to bring them relief.

Those who were in the second group were told that they are given too new, but still little-proven drug in the effect that there is not much confidence. 70% of patients in the first group to feel considerable relief and only 25% - in the second. Meanwhile, in both cases, the patients received the so-called placebo - dummy, pills do not have any medicinal qualities.

Even more impressive results give the monitoring of people, in which the drug with known adverse effects cause no harmful effects, if they say that this drug has a positive effect. Experiments conducted by American doctors, lead to the conclusion that the appropriate suggestion aphrodisiacs act as a sedative and soothing - how exciting.

In other words, no matter what medicine you drink. The main thing - how faith in him. Remember - "everyone will be rewarded according to his faith ..." it's not about whether it?

Not every reading in favor

The true sage is not one who knows many things, but the one who knows the essentials. But who of us is endowed with a happy quality distinguish the necessary from unnecessary?

In the East, saying: "The worst enemies of man did not want to give him the troubles that could bring him his own thoughts." The Buddha taught: "The people will not be free until he learns to control his thoughts." Alas, how often and how quickly we change our beliefs just because of the fact that someone has stated something that contradicts our own opinions! And those who are easy to convert to his faith, it can happen anything ...

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