The effects of depression


Health. The effects of depression

New research has shown that adults with depression, living on less than optimistic. However, this conclusion does not apply to people who experience post-traumatic stress.

The researchers concluded that about 36 000 patients clinics for war veterans diagnosed with "depression" at risk of dying within the next 2 years. Even if you take into account factors such as lifestyle and indicators of physical health of patients, the mortality rate in patients with clinical depression is 17% higher.

However, studies carried out under the direction of Dr. Leslie S. Kinder shown that this does not apply to patients with post-traumatic stress.


Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) - a mental disorder that occurs in people who were participants in or witnesses of war, violent crime, serious accidents or accidents.

Symptoms include a constant re-creation in the imagination of pictures of what happened, nightmares, insomnia, irritability and confusion, resemble symptoms of a depressive state.

Furthermore, post-traumatic stress can cause the onset of depression. However, according to a new study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, depression and post-traumatic stress have different effects on life expectancy of patients.

Do not forget that Stress can have serious consequences. According to research by Dr. Kinder, the majority of deaths in patients suffering from post-traumatic stress caused suicides and accidents, the most dangerous is the period during the first two years after the injury.

Kinder and her research team compared the state parties to the hostilities in a year and a few years later (in some cases up to ten years) after the war. The study involved 35,715 people, mostly women, from seven medical centers for combatants.

The average age of the participants who do not have any depression or post-traumatic stress, was 64 years, and patients with these mental disorders were generally younger. According to researchers, the increased risk of death was observed only in patients with depression.

These data could be obtained only as a result of enhanced psychiatric therapy as patients suffering from stress.

It should be noted that because of this they outlived. But scientists say that during the investigations have not received enough information about the deaths, strongly supports increasing the mortality rate among patients with depression .

Recent studies have also shown that the cause of death in depressed heart disease often. Scientists suggest that depression has a direct effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

5 good reasons to do physical exercises

Table of contents
5 good reasons to do physical exercises
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1. The inevitable increase in self-confidence

Anyone who aspires to be confident and always looking for ways to improve the indicator "self-esteem". And, although there are plenty of techniques

working with the subconscious mind to help change a lot in their submissions, many people forget about the next ...

Become strong - you become more confident.

If your confidence is suffering, self-esteem is low, the exercise created just for you! With each passing day, becoming a little stronger, you thereby realize its growth potential, as it forms a positive view of the future and the growth of confidence in the future.

When you see in the mirror of a powerful, strong body, it causes a surge of strength and confidence. Whatever happens in other areas of your life, if you like the image that you see in the mirror every day, it will inevitably make you a more confident person.

Start your personal growth ... with this positive assessment of your appearance and your strength (in combination with the mind) from the girls and women have always been and will be a powerful stimulus that raises your self-esteem to the heavens. And do not forget even about the following - love to your body (ie through exercise, it appears) is another way to show the love of self, and this is important - love yourself.

2. Tone and a sense of inner energy

Any successful person - this is a very energetic person, he always acts, makes decisions, that person is enthusiastic. You have probably realized that all this needs energy ...

Let's look at two options for your morning:

Option 1

- Again calls this "... .." Service. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. Brrrr ... the cold water, there's better wash lukewarm. Look at your face in the mirror and understand that has come another "Monday" (in quotes because it occurs on Wednesday, Thursday and maybe Friday). That is now an energetic start to the day. Do you think you'll want to implement some ambitious projects to life?

Option 2

- Alarm is not ringing yet. But you do not want to lie in bed and you get up. Go wash (cold water of course). In the mirror, you see a strong, flexible and lean body (muscle ache a bit after yesterday's workout). You feel the strength in my body and you think, where would this energy to make ... Oh yeah, you also recorded goals and concrete tasks for the day. What are we waiting. Forward!

I will not hide, even while working out, I occasionally experience for yourself and 1 and Option 2 in the morning. Still, the second prevails.

Returning home in the evening you feel some fatigue - it's time to ... .net, do not take a nap and stretch their legs and have a splash of energy through exercise.

According to his senses I can say that the energy of the human body has the property: "The more you spend, the more it appears."

Therefore, the low level of vitality suggests that the energy of your body remains unclaimed, and the lesser amount of it is generated. Your potential tone) falls.

Claim this energy through exercise, but the next morning when she recovers, you can send it in your direction. Here is a feint.

3. Know the natural process of development

Our body belongs to the world of nature, and it is completely subordinate to the natural (ie, natural) laws of development. What does this leave us? And that's what ...

Not only our body but also our whole social environment, everything develops according to these laws. After all, our entire world is built "rational animal," so it does not cease to obey these laws.

The question is: "Do you want to know the laws of success? The laws of development and personal growth? "If your answer is" yes ", you should continue reading ...

Prev. - Next. "

How to maintain your health

 How to stay healthy

Learn how to preserve their health. Leonardo da Vinci

All geniuses, with a few exceptions, differ remarkable physical beauty, energy and other natural talents. Especially beautiful was the greatest minds of humanity Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 gg.).

The biographer of Renaissance artists Giorgio Vasari wrote enthusiastically about the "incomparable physical beauty" of Leonardo, who had a noble bearing, athletic figure and grace of movement. He was unusually strong, able to perfectly control the horses.

Eyewitnesses have left us evidence of how great Florentine bent horseshoes with his bare hands, easily stopped by the bridle galloping horses. Physical strength of Leonardo da Vinci was combined with a rare dexterity. Another genius, the great German poet Goethe, Leonardo wrote: "Beautiful, with luxurious physique, he seemed genuine model of human perfection."

How did Leonardo da Vinci was able to achieve physical perfection, which preached the principles of health and how to strengthen your body?

To doctors Leonardo da Vinci treated critically and with great caution, he wrote: "Everyone strives to earn as much money to give to their doctors - destroyers of life; Aesculapius and therefore these have to be very rich. "

The greatest creator of the Renaissance asserted: every person is responsible for their health and well-being. Psychological setting, emotions are directly related to human well-being, so we must constantly strive to ensure that your nerves are not "naughty."

If you asked Leonardo da Vinci: "What is the disease? "That would have heard in response to something like this:" The disease - this internecine discord elements invaded the body. "

"And what then healing? "- Cried to you, and immediately got this explanation:" Healing - not that other, as the restoration of the harmony between the elements of the body "... Leonardo preached the principle of integrity in medicine, thought: all in the human body is interconnected and harmoniously.

In the titanium Renaissance was the slogan: "Learn to preserve your health! "And that it did not sound empty sound, and" worked "for each man, Leonardo gave the following specific and useful tips:

"In order to maintain your health and always stay in good health, keep these wise rules:

- Beware of anger and avoid bad and sad mood.

- Let your head rest and continually in a good mood.

- At night, well hidden.

- Know the measure in the exercise.

- Avoid every kind of debauchery and pay more attention to the food that you eat.

- Eat simple (vegetarian) food.

- Eat only when you want, and dining always easy.

- Keep right when you get up from the dinner table.

- Do not let your stomach hang up and head - to fall.

- Mixed their wine with water and drink a little at a time, do not do that in between meals on an empty stomach.

- Good chew food.

- Regularly empty the stomach! ".

... At the time of Leonardo da Vinci's brilliant answer to the question why a person is aging prematurely? Blame vessels atherosclerosis. Quote genius: "Death to the elderly, unless it comes from the fever caused by veins ... whose walls are thickened so badly that clogged veins, and they do not leave any passage of blood ..."

With diseases of the veins and blood vessels by Leonardo da Vinci advised fight regular exercise. In our time, scientists have confirmed what Leonardo, one of the founders of aerobics - Dr. Kenneth Cooper proved that moderate exercise great effect on the state of body and mind, to help maintain health: they strengthen the cardiovascular system of the person, improves blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, to all organs supplied the right amount of oxygen.

If you will regularly do aerobics, every day you will be miracles: the speed of reaction increases, you will become more balanced, intelligent, and hence perceptive body get stronger. Do not worry if you are long since lost form: not postponing for later, start classes today.

To feel the results of which have been mentioned above, you will need a total of six weeks. Engage recommended four times a week, each session of 20 minutes ...

Pick up for itself such exercises that you would like to perform; The main condition - the movement should be fun.

Leonardo da Vinci also focuses on training helps to maintain physical strength: that's why he easily bent horseshoes and stopped galloping horses. Training in weightlifting, a person increases the elasticity of the connective tissue of muscles and bones, and also prevents muscle atrophy and osteoporosis in the elderly.

There is another significant plus that and Leonardo, and all the "strongman" give and give lessons to develop strength: this is the most effective way to burn excess fat.

Flexibility - also one of the important factors that helps us to maintain good health.

Perform stretching exercises before and after aerobic and "power" of the complex, as well as in the morning, immediately after waking up. Stretching the muscles, you can avoid injuries in the future, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system.
